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Everything posted by Wuvu2

  1. Does anyone have an update on the 5-year renewal process at Pattaya DLT?
  2. I think I'd always rather be liquid if the economy goes sour than tied up in Thai real estate as an investment. If there's a property one wants to control for the foreseeable future that's a different motive. It doesn't make sense to me to buy, for other the equation might be different.
  3. A week ago I asked a question about growth technique in some of the weed I was buying and got gently reminded by the admin to stay on topic - good weed at a good price. This morning I woke up to a dozen recent posts that would be more at home in the Tiny Dick Swinging Forum πŸ™„
  4. Thailand has unexpectedly strong tenant rights laws, especially after living in the same unit for so long. A lot of owners don't know that it is almost impossible to evict a rent-paying tenant unless there's an egregious issue. Any effort to restrict your access to the unit or utilities is a separate criminal offense. A consultation with a Thai real estate attorney is only a couple of thousand baht. Living in conflict with the owner would suck, but it sounds like it is your decision, not his.
  5. Have you ever flown while fully baked? Well, I certainly wouldn't recommend flying half-baked πŸ™„ For long flights, ganja cookies are a must. I took about 40mg of cookies right after check-in at Swampy for a flight to SF. I slept warm and fuzzy most of the way to Incheon. The plane change was annoying, but I took another 40mg about an hour before boarding, and 25mg more about 5 hours into a 12-hour leg. I watched less than one movie on my tablet. I landed in SF feeling well rested after the best sleep in a while, but it was 11:00 pm there so it was dawn before I could fall asleep. With an eye mask, earplugs, and a few ganja cookies it was pretty easy to ignore all the annoying people on the plane. Not sure I'd have been the right guy to open the emergency exit but i certainly could have stumbled out on my own 😊
  6. From the moment Biden got elected it was obvious the next republican candidate would be from the MAGAverse. Top priority from day one should have been the identification of a next-generation centrist democrat who had some chance of re-uniting the country. That should have been the DNC's job to make it happen. I'm old and don't have children, so I'm going to stop worrying about politics and just hope the Social Security checks keep coming 😊
  7. I think there's an enormous international opportunity for the big guys like CP who will pressure the government into some formal regulations that open the door to safe mega-investments. I think there will be some regulation of the storefront and street vendors as well, but I don't think they're going to be able to put much of a damper on recreational weed smoking. I think we're going in circles agreeing with each other πŸ™„
  8. Sure it does. It's a clown show with weapons of mass destruction. I'm not even upset at the Maga people that voted for him, I'm mad at the Democrats who bubble the election cycle and couldn't put forth a candidate more of the country could support. A lot of folks who voted for Harris had to pinch their nose to do it. Those folks voted against Trump - not for a candidate they admired. As I said, I looked at the number of paragraphs in the OP's post and didn't even get far enough to know it was a political rant. The vote is cast, and worrying about it from here isn't going to change things. Winter is coming Jon Snow πŸ™
  9. I was ten days walk into the backcountry of Nepal in the 80's staying at a guest house with a drunk obnoxious German. We all left our boots by the wood stove to dry overnight and guess who's boots had disappeared by morning? Either the dude on the beach was an <deleted>, or the crime was committed by someone who usually does their shoe shopping outside the temple doors. No news here...lets move along.
  10. There have been two years for the supply pipeline to develop legally. All my suppliers work by LINE, and I've bought less than 5 grams at stores since legalization. If weed were re-criminalized it would be the biggest pre-established black market pipeline of any product I can think of in history. When alcohol prohibition came to pass in the USA, it meant shutting down a relatively small number of huge producers. Thai police don't have the resources to shut down Thai weed production now. Prohibition would be an unenforceable nightmare and a cash drain on the legal system. I fully expect that instead it will be taxed and turned into a revenue stream. The toothpaste ain't going back into the tube 😁
  11. Come now, THIS storm is "Unprecedented" πŸ€ͺ
  12. Did anyone get past the second or third sentence? Gotta be pretty narcissistic to think anyone's going to read a 2,000-word rant on social media!
  13. Not with heavily taxed and regulated products. Black market weed in California is 1/4 the price of store-bought weed which is subject to massive regulation and tax. I do agree that a glut of unregulated producers and oversupply is what's driving the price down.
  14. The cake is only half-baked. Some regulations are needed for the industry to mature. The biggest players are still on the sideline waiting for the long-term regulatory issues to be settled. Eventually, 7-11 will be the go-to place for processed packaged weed and all the little guys will be out-priced and out-regulated. We're in the days-between. Just enjoy it πŸ˜‰
  15. Seems to hit the news once or twice per season but I'm sure the vast majority of beach-bonking goes unnoticed. It's been going on for thousands of years and we all got away with it until social media came along πŸ˜‰
  16. I couldn't agree more. I've paid rent for the last 14 years and left my cash invested in the S&P. The S&P is up over 450% and my cash has tripled even after paying rent. Thai real estate values have gone sideways at best. The Thai real estate market is bizarre. Sales data is not public info so there's no way to estimate comparable values, and most farangs must pay all-cash which makes little sense to me. I've been very happy with my decision to rent.
  17. To our expert growers - what grow technique makes these super tight shapeless bud formations? Is it from a mechanized trim job or part of the live growing environment and technique? Thanks in advance πŸ˜‰
  18. Why take his backpack with him? Little need for luggage in the afterlife 😷
  19. Times have changed. Seems like we now need dedicated forums for our homophobic and racist rants πŸ˜‚
  20. 555 congratulations for the most inane post of the year - to date You must have missed the political soapbox forum added this year πŸ™„ https://aseannow.com/forum/456-political-soapbox/
  21. Getting darn close to the "pay me to smoke it" weed πŸ™„
  22. No, the USA is more than half full too. Looks like 50.2 % to be exact πŸ˜‰
  23. A fella on the forum once said the same about sheep. Pass, and Pa-a-a-a-ss πŸ™„
  24. Well sure, that's what most guys say when the plumbing malfunctions πŸ™„
  25. Why do all the guys whinging about being impotent start their posts with tall tales of their sexual exploits?
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