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Everything posted by tomazbodner

  1. That's such a great statement. If it's not implemented in September, it will be implemented after September...
  2. DDPai Z50, expensive a bit but overall excellent. Back camera takes some work to install so it was bought from a shop in Bangkok that offered installation as well. Came handy to record a white Mazda 2 rear-ending the car while its driver as playing with the phone...
  3. Should have turned off any cameras, remove any witnesses and leave him there...
  4. This is a great idea. So all these massive cruise ships can bring them water and take away the trash!
  5. I do. In far more detail. Will give LJS a shot again. The menu on the top looks way better than when I was last there.
  6. And look how that ended!
  7. About time for Michelin star to be revoked. But that's probably the only reason people go there...
  8. Shocking! I tell ya, shocking!
  9. Certainly not most people, it's 86% lean and 14% fat only...
  10. Sue the old woman for defamation and demand a billion baht in compensation.
  11. You mean bloke sitting on aircon compressor?
  12. Amazing how quickly someone can fully recover from life threatening illness after being pardoned...
  13. If you do nothing to improve your immigration status, you cannot complain about anything they throw at you. And if you want to stay non-immigrant (basically long term tourist), then stop complaining about it if they tighten the rules further. It's not about what government does. It's about your decisions.
  14. Just tried paragliding in my room with fan on... the moment parachute opened, I hit the ceiling...
  15. Given I went through ceremony to learn what a money making machine temples are, she actually needs that. However if guy was relatively popular, she would get that back from donations of people who come for funeral. I've loaned people money with absolutely no expectation of ever getting it back. And in most cases that expectation came through... So I'd rather say it that way - if you can afford to give 50k without any expectation to get it back, then do. If you can't afford to lose that, then don't. Or offer part of it, as you're probably not the only one being asked to help.
  16. And in all these 4 decades you couldn't be bothered to get immigrant status? A Permanent Residency or Citizenship?
  17. Nothing, nothing, Let the jokes begin!
  18. Now Will, be good and let dementia patients tell all their jokes for the first time
  19. 4000 baht is less than hour hand on his borrowed watch...
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