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Everything posted by tomazbodner

  1. The shooter... Nattapol (surname withheld), formerly known as Dick (surname withheld)... Just kidding.
  2. Having dated a real nurse in the past, I can say that there's no way OP's story is real. Hospitals operate every day, around the clock. There's no weekdays nurses only, they work in different shifts, all days of the week. They can have a day or 2 off between switches of day and night shifts, but if they needed more money, they could fill in for someone else to get far more than working at a bar. So her story is most likely made up. Probably the only truthful part is that she's working at a bar in Pattaya.
  3. If this ETA would be same as e-visas, where creating a profile and logging into the system is required, you can more or less forget any elderly foreigners coming for tourism purpose from the "visa-free" countries, as they'd get lost in that page and give up, and switch to Malaysia or Philippines or... many other destinations that actually want them. This visa-free thingy was basically a con. First you tell some countries they no longer need visas, then you tell everyone that the need one. Just called differently. I wonder how long, after arrival numbers tank, this will all become a "misunderstanding". And don't get me wrong - I think ability to check people before they come is a good thing - but this isn't the right way of doing it. Especially troubling visitors to do it every time they travel.
  4. 10 Seems to work well in North Korea, doesn't it... 20 Sarcasm OFF
  5. Well it works for others. Without ESTA you can't check into a plane when your ticket is to US. What would stop Thai government from sharing this information system with airlines with flights to Thailand?
  6. Surely a better PR approach from the side of SQ. Otherwise Qatar has a major objection to A350 fleet to the point they turned to Boeing's new 777 generation in protest, and that is possibly far more serious concern over the materials that are chipping... A350 is made of composites, and they've discovered degradation during repainting. Airbus states that's a cosmetic issue, Qatar disagrees. I wonder why we don't hear of this from B787, I would have thought they'd both be using same composites?
  7. And that coincided with 2.5m high tide
  8. You're right. I have read the official announcement, not linked article and that one didn't mention that it would be required for every entry. This article clarifies that. Thank you.
  9. That's someone else's title, I never wrote this. I am referring to Por Ngor Dor 91 form, which has these in it:
  10. Did I say anywhere that you can?
  11. It's planned to be like ESTA for US - online form to fill out, like a visa form, upload documents, pay fee online. Within usually minutes (we'll see about that) you'd get an email with a travel authorisation, which you print out or have on you just in case. You proceed to check-in counter of flight to Thailand, and they'll check your passport against the list - and if you have it, you're allowed to board, if not, you could probably do it right there and a short moment later continue checkin. In Thailand it's a check just like a visa, whether your passport has been authorized and you're allowed to enter. ESTA is valid for 2 years, some others are valid 1-2 years. Basically that gives government a chance to check the background of visitors before they arrive. And collect some revenue from the visitors, like 500 baht...
  12. Seems I'm staying in that other 20% of Bangkok... And happy to!
  13. Donating to an organization works - you can deduct 1x the amount that you donated. You need to get a letter from them confirming that donations. However if you donate to organization that directly supports education, then you can deduct 2x the amount you have donated. Example: In first case, let's say you have 30% tax rate and you've donated 50k baht, you can put that 50k on the form and with the deduction get a 15k refund. In second case, you donated 50k for education, you would put 50k into another field, and it will give deduction of 100k, thus you'd receive a refund of 30k. It would be best to check with someone else which organizations allow such double deduction. I've done donation to schools before but it was beginning of the year and by the time it came to submitting paperwork for taxes I've already lost all the documents, so I never submitted it. But I guess that would do. What you're suggesting above would definitely not fly, though.
  14. https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-avoided-the-military-draft-which-was-common-at-the-time-vietnam-war-2018-12
  15. Found the photo of it...
  16. DentSociety at Marche Thonglor has this Philips Zoom machine that has quite good results, but I didn't try it myself. It's a very new clinic so everything is new and clean, and it's a bit cheaper than some other larger clinics around it. Dentist is nice, very detailed, but as said, I didn't do whitening there. You can add them by Line and talk to their admin. That's how I scheduled all appointments (and told them I'll be late as I was stuck in traffic):
  17. December 2049 - NACC still waiting...
  18. To be honest, he had a rather hot teacher...
  19. @Yellowtail I've got something to put in that empty shells!
  20. Can we write petition to allow attachments in this section? It's the section most worth reading here!
  21. You should expect a call from Bangkok Airways' and Thai Airways' lawyers very soon.
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