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Everything posted by tomazbodner

  1. Unfortunately this is what the whole World seems to be moving towards... all in the name of "national security"
  2. that we already know. 300 baht robbery to buy drugs.
  3. I would certainly recommend you KN95 instead, or if you can afford it, LG's respirator with HEPA filter. However, KN95 should be sufficient in blocking out a vast majority of smog without choking you. Some people believe KN95 is cheap version of N95 but in reality KN95 must pass all the same certifications and tests as N95 with additional requirement of proving it provides a seal on your face, which N95 is not required to do. These masks are cheap, you can buy them individually packed in 20 packs between 50 and 100 baht per pack. Surely it will be easier to breathe through one of these masks than 3 layers of masks which will do nothing to filter air, as none of them is capable of filtering out such small particles. Not recommending seller, just showing how mask looks like (this was random result of search on Lazada): https://www.lazada.co.th/products/kn95-i2422305015-s8348048266.html?
  4. The story doesn't explain how she ended up with her lower clothes removed. Did he rape her (before or after killing her) or was there someone else to do that, with him or later? This can't be all there is to the story. Something doesn't sound right here.
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