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Everything posted by northsouthdevide

  1. Yes, thats what i did too, but i have to admit i havent fully got the hang of it yet.
  2. Totally agree. Rightfully so, the jews have had a lot of sympathy for the way they were treated by the nazzi's, I just hope that just as we have forgiven modern germany for the atrocities carried out by its forefathers, one day we can do the same with the people on both sides of this conflict. It was possible in the former ugoslavia, and to a degree in Northern Ireland, so why not in the middle east? The proxi backers on both sides would have to stand down first, so i dont see it happening any time soon. Im sure that theres a lot of ordinery people on both sides that want peace, but unfortunately, the people making the decisions arent listening to them.
  3. https://aseannow.com/ The best i can come up with is open this link, then click on the menu top right and add to home screen. Ive looked on the alternatives that i have for google play, and only aptoid has it but its no longer valid.
  4. Though im very happy with my yamaha earox, One negative is that the suspension is useless on rough roads. Not planning on replacing it just yet, but i may try and upgrade the suspension, front and back.
  5. Nearly every other pickup truck in this country seems to have had its computer remapped. As a frequent motorbike rider, im sick of being behind these things on the road. All i can do is reduce my speed in order to get out of the black cloud. The government could start by failing these trucks at the anual test.
  6. If theres such a thing as credit limit envy, i think i might have it 😁
  7. Im suprised you didnt get in with 1 remaining land border bounce still left in 12 months. I dont think it matters which country you enter from. Whatever the reason for your rejection will be in the system now. You better aquire a fresh visa from a thai embassy in Vietnam, or Cambodia /Loas, then you can re enter with peace of mind.
  8. Looks like a good deal. I may get one for my solar cctv camera when my true 1 year expires. There is 1 or more apps available, where you pin your location on a map and it tells you which network has the widest and fastest coverage. It may be called opensignal. Im not 100% sure on the name. Maybe there will be other members who know of such a app?
  9. And with regards to the hotel, just be ready to name one that youve chosen (intend) to walk into on arrival. As long as youve got funds for your stay you wont get turned away.
  10. I thought there was no declaration card on arrival any more, or is that not applicable to travelers from the US? Also, my friend traveled to samui in December and trained and fought for a mui tai gym without any need for a visa or any other immigration related paperwork. I would be surprised if they made it hard for tourists to participate, seeing as they are always banging on about promoting it to the world.
  11. I dont see any link
  12. Youre going around in circles GG 😉
  13. My friend gives his skinny brother inlaw a hundred baht to climb in and clean it with a hose and a brush once a year.
  14. Ive never felt so sorry for thai taxi drivers before, but you just got me for a moment, thinking of those poor guys in the future 😊
  15. Alternatively you can download thaivisa connect apk from aptoid app
  16. Better to be early than late.
  17. Youre right about that, and there is some substance in it from thai`s side of things, but the biggest reason for thais decline was that while the rest of the airline industry was introducing smaller less fuel guzzling aircraft, the exects at thai done a big deal for giant cumbersome aircraft that put them under extreem preasure to break even with high running costs, let alone compete with thier rivals.
  18. The web or email adress doesnt tally up with any domains listed in the international directory. Thats unless i missed it while doing a quick search. Probably one of those domains that you can buy on the internet. Well done to the OP for not falling prey to these scammers.
  19. Do you have a large family? When i was planning my new home a few years ago, i was discussing it with my wife. The kids have grown up and started thier own lifes journey. When we were discussing the size and amount of bedrooms She said to me, " small birds dont build large nests."
  20. Do you smoke in bed? The reason i ask is for most of the journey you would be asleep. Why not just wear a nocotine patch and get some shut eye?
  21. Sorry to the OP, but the words Line and security arent often heard in the same sentance. You should treat the app as a bit of fun that you can socialise on, and never treat it as a secure app. Once many years ago, my wife recieved a Line call from her cousin who lives in a local village, but on answering the call it turned out to be the jilted ex of another one of her Line contacts trying to gleen info from her. If a jilted lover can manipulate the app in this manner, imagine what scammers can do? The best thing you can do is uninstall the app, change your number and reinstall it, and using the app settings to allow only visibility to your contacts.
  22. I suppose women could say the same about fat men.
  23. Try updating youtube on the playstore. If that works then do the same with netflix. If theres no updates available, note your login details then uninstall the apps and reinstall them again.
  24. Ive come to hua hin on holiday, and thought i would find English brand tea bags easily here... That was my homar simpson duh! Moment when i realised i cant anymore. Will just have to wait until im home to order from Lazada. Until then 🫖☕cheers 😊
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