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Everything posted by superal

  1. So what happened to the vote on the annulment of the S.S. B. up-rating Regulations ? J.C. did , as you said , make a Labour promise to level up the UK State pensions for those living abroad . No mention of paying back the years of lost money from frozen pensions . So some 7 years on , would the current Labour party , under K. Starmer , honour the J.C. pledge ? Thanks for your detailed information .
  2. Now I am not certain on this but the J.C. statement on frozen UK pensions was made from the opinion of the All party Parliamentary Group on Frozen British Pensions . The All Party Group consists of many different parties who all believe in the injustice of the frozen pensions for those Brits living abroad . I have read that the Vice chairman Sir Peter Bottmley raised the issue of frozen pensions to the COE , Jeremy Hunt November 2023 . Mr Hunt promised to look into the case and reply personally on the matter . I do not recall hearing a verdict or comment from Jeremy Hunt , do you ? I cannot understand why there has not been a reform on frozen pensions , given the wide cross parliamentary party support .
  3. Corbyn was ostracised from the labour party . Now that could be a reason for not adopting the pledge .
  4. That was a J. Corbyn statement from 2017 . Do you think they will honour that now ? They would certainly get a lot of election votes .
  5. Mass immigration does not work generally for the country but as you say the big bosses of businesses like it because new immigrants often work for less than the going rate and undermine the British workers . The migrants are happy with their wage which is much higher than their home country pays . They will send money to their relatives in their homeland , instead of it going into the UK economy . New immigrants often stay cheaply in the UK by living in grossly overcrowded accommodation . Legal immigrants who are allowed UK visas because being related to a settled immigrant , are often unemployed and claiming benefits .
  6. Digressing slightly . Yesterday the labour leader Keir Starmer said that if the labour party are elected this year , they will retain the triple lock system on the UK state pension . That is a commitment which has not been promised by Jeremy Hunt , C.O.E.
  7. Here is hoping your improvement continues . Only last night I was talking to a middle aged Brit who worked most of his life on UK building sites in his shorts only , now sunbathes in the afternoon sun here in Thailand and proud of his tan . I had to explain to him that the damaging effects of exposure to the sun do not always become apparent until later life . The skin ages because the sub layer of collagen all but disappears . I had black hair when young and a good tolerance of not getting sun burnt , unlike fair skinned / ginger haired people . However , all that sun exposure has caught up with me with skin cancer . Skin cancer is not that common in the Asian people and trying to find a skin specialist away from the big cities is not easy .
  8. I have just read your posts and I have posted the same sentiments before reading yours . The UK and most of Europe are in a right mess because of non European immigration . The biggest problem when putting forward opinions on anti immigration is the do -gooders often accuse us of being racist . Yet that is the very case with many immigrants unwilling to integrate but instead form their own communities . Inter racial violence is not uncommon and is sometimes started by immigrants who think they can do as they please , disregarding the laws . I have time for genuine asylum seekers such as most from the Ukraine but spongers and criminals , deport them .
  9. Similar immigrant crimes throughout the Western word . In the UK shop lifting ( committed by immigrants ) is got to such a high level that the police do not bother to attend the crime . Shop assistants are often abused . In the UK Midlands there are gangs of immigrants , who groom young vulnerable girls , for their illegal sexual pleasures . These criminals should be deported . Low skilled genuine asylum seekers should be unable to claim government benefits for a set period but employed to do basic local council manual work or work on farms e.g. fruit / vegetable pickers , to earn their keep , on a probationary period . Non performers / trouble makers to be deported . Free loaders go out of their way to get to the UK because its a soft touch with too many do- gooders. Why does the UK still belong to the European Court of Human Rights ( ECHR ) ? Despite Brexit the UK is still under the EC rule . Time to ignore it . Those illegals , who cross the English Channel in rubber dinghies should be taken on board UK navy boats and returned to France along with their , beyond repair , dissected dinghy . In certain UK cities there are " no go zones " that are rife in crime . Last night there was an interview on GB news with Matt Goodwin who is a professor of politics at Kent university . He condemns mass immigration because of the effects and implications that it has on a countries economy and culture . He is to chair a seminar on immigration in the near future that is open to the public by way of tickets . You can Google Matt Goodwin and watch a brief interview . He tells it as it is and no punches held back .
  10. Mass immigration , both legal and illegal throughout Europe has caused many problems for countries economies , housing , health care and education etc . 1.2 million legal and 50,000 illegal immigrants arrived in the UK in 2023 . Legals are often approved because of family connections and student claims . Most bring , at best , a low skill level . The UK lost over 500,000 emigrant citizens to other countries who mostly use a points system to qualify for legal immigration . This equates as a UK brain drain . Now I hear that the UK is to allow foreign dentists to come to the UK without having to take UK dentistry exams . The mass immigration does not work and most Europeans that I talk to all agree that their countries living standards have the same problems as the UK and have reached an all time low , along with their loss of culture and an increased crime rate because of mass immigration .
  11. Every day there are 45000 flights in the USA , including international & domestic flights . So quite a few air marshals if your 1% is correct . USA has 3000 air marshals
  12. Showed me holstered gun inside his jacket and high on his chest . Also he was in regular contact with the flight crew .
  13. Many people do have alcohol before a flight because it calms their nerves . Hence the many bars at airports . But I have never seen any incidents where fighting has occurred . Any passenger who appears to be the worse for drink should be deemed to be unfit to fly .
  14. As well as many American airlines have Air Marshals
  15. Not sure because they dress in civilian clothes . However I did sit next to an air marshal on an Egypt flight . He made several walks around the aircraft . We had a conversation and he then explained why he was on the move a lot . Big guy and armed .
  16. I always thought that airlines employed armed onboard air marshals to deal with such disturbances
  17. I am going against the grain because I fly Thai Air from Bangkok - Heathrow quite often and I have no complaints . Also their flight from Heathrow to Bangkok gives the choice of arriving early morning at 06 00 am which gives me time for other flight connections from Don Mueang . Thai Air food and drinks are generally good . The disembarking at Suvarnabhumi is not too far to walk to the immigration as opposed to other airlines where the walk is often 10 - 15 minutes . BTW , I only fly economy . More often than not the Thai Air flights are mostly full of passengers , so they cannot be that bad . Also cheaper than Eva who I use to use and IMO are also a decent airline . I avoid the luggage carousels because I travel light and can be out of the Suvarnibhumi in 30 minutes after landing ( over 70 immigration booth )
  18. So you disagree with the link I attached earlier ? The fossil discovery in Myanmar clearly proves that the ancestors of monkeys, apes and humans , evolved first in Asia before moving on to Africa where the evolution continued .
  19. "Out of Africa " was the accepted theory of the human evolution . However there are differing views held that state the march lands of Myanmar were the home of a monkey type creature that was the ancestor to anthropoids . There is no reason why Africa should be the only place for the human race to evolve . Historic finds of human ancestry were once solely linked to Africa but the Asian fossil find and theory theory cannot be ignored . Further more the article states that not only did evolution begin in Asia but it then moved on to Africa . Link below to read . https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna47681134
  20. Dedicate the new runway / terminal to the Chinese and Russians ? That would be popular
  21. Moronic jokes and laughing emojis are disgraceful when there has been a fatality . I wish the moderators would censor .
  22. Nah , Thailand's version of Laurel & Hardy ?
  23. Fascinating subject . However the theory that all humans evolved from Africa is doubtful . Indeed it appears that the majority of the European colonisation , came out of Asia as did possibly, the Aboriginal race , according to a study by the " Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA ". However for the Aborigines to find their way to the new land of Australia in primitive boats is not easy to conceive . Why should it be that Africa and Asia were the only two continents where humans evolved ?
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