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Everything posted by superal

  1. Surin . Recently attended a private hospital and saw a haematologist who also took a CBC and sent the blood to Bangkok for analysis because I have been diagnosed with anemia . Colonoscopy and gastroscopy results were negative . I will see the hematologist next week for results .
  2. If the question had been , will Iran use nukes on Israel , I would say a possibility . If Israel retaliates over the recent drone invasion , Israel will annihilate Iran . The only way to react would be for Iran to nuke Israel . They are crazy enough to do it , are believed to hold an arsenal of nukes and will not care about the consequences .
  3. It was the young doctor who told me to fast . All the doctors who take care of walk in patients in my local government hospital are straight out of medical school and are expected to diagnose every malady . They must be making mistakes and they are not supervised .
  4. Hi Sheryl , your opinion on the following please . When ever I attend a Thai hospital , private or government , as soon as you walk in they want to take your blood pressure . My local hospital often involves walking from the car park ( !00 meters ) in hot weather , up a steep slope to the hospital entrance, on arrival , told by the nurse to use the automatic b/p machine which always give an elevated b/p reading . So I tell her give me 5 minutes and I will do the test again . Results are then OK . I was always led to believe that you have to sit and relax for 5 minutes to do a b/p test . But does not happen for me in Thailand .
  5. Agree . It would not be my first choice to reside as it is probably the hottest part of Thailand . Power cuts are frequent . Local population little or no education . Etc etc but I have been here for over 12 years with my lady who runs our restaurant . She takes good care of me and we have never quarrelled . Complete contrast to my UK ex of 30 odd years . If our relationship failed I would be looking to go south of Thailand or even give the Philippines a visit .
  6. I only get that problem when I use the AA app on my phone to book but not when using my computer ( as far as I can recall ) . I have used Booking.com for Thai domestic flights , straight forward and without any problems .
  7. Looks like you have a cement board ceiling/roof which are prone to cracking around the U bolts and also leaking in heavy rain . You do not tell the size of the room nor access to the outside of the roof . Reason is that your cement board could be over clad with zinc coated insulated roof panels that can be ordered to your required length . A lightweight Thai guy would take only 1 or 2 days to install . Polystyrene ceiling tiles or simply insulation tiles could be glued under the cement board for a cheap fix but without a level surface it would not look great .
  8. Air gap yes plus the double layer of Blue Scope cladding which both have the foil and insulation backing . On top of the plasterboard ceiling is another foil/insulation . So , in total 3 layers of foil/insulation . It has certainly made quite a difference. The only downside is that the restaurant has windows on both 18 meter flanks and the end flank of 9 meters and glass being a conductor of heat , does not help .
  9. My lady has an enclosed restaurant that is 9 x 18 meters . Flat roof and ceiling at about 2.8 meters average height . Outside on the roof top is cladded with Blue Scope profiled panels with foil back insulation . It did get hot in there and noisy when it rained so this year I had the roof over cladded again with the same materials that formed an air gap . Result is much cooler and quieter . The ceiling is plasterboard with foil back . We also have 2 high level air extractors , plus 2 Aircon units which make dining comfortable . However running 2 aircons can be expensive and use mostly when customers are coming . Problems are , the outside ambient temperature will get in , especially when doors are left open and the Aircon is running ( makes me angry ) . Will not be so bad in a months time when this extreme heat subsides .
  10. That's a flight I use 4 or 5 times a year . Sometimes Air Asia and sometimes Nok Air . Always booked direct with the airline . I have never thought about using an agency and having seen your statement I will not bother . However I do find the Air Asia booking site annoying when they load up all the extras up front . This is probably missed by some flyers . One Air Asia flight , Burriram to DMK , I had weighted my checked luggage at home and just under the allowance of 20 kg . At the check in it weighted 21 kg . Hit me for 400 baht over weight . There were some obese passengers on that flight who paid the same fare as me but my weight 72 kg and some of them must have been over 100 kg . No justice . Maybe airlines could set a weight allowance with a combination of luggage and personal weight . Just looked at Nok Air and the Burriram to DMK return flight later this month and if taking the early morning flights it came to 2060 baht . Carry on 7 kg , no check in luggage . Nok Air also add on the extras at the start and you have to edit . Without editing the cost was 3860 baht .
  11. Also seat belts hardy reach around my waist and I am not fat , 70 kg . Catering for the smaller Asian maybe ?
  12. It always seems to rain nearby but seldom in Prasat Surin . Another TMD forecast shows that May 6th the temperature falls to 34-36c so another 2 or 3 weeks to endure . I am going to have a heavy electric bill this month with having the aircon on most of the day and night .
  13. How strange . You are right as I just had another look on this link https://tmd-dev.azurewebsites.net/en/weather/province/surin . That link is where I copied my chart from 3 hours ago but now it says 40c for Sunday . Wonder if they made a typo before ?
  14. If its a Thai government hospital , good luck with an 8 am appointment . I had the same last week . Was given an appointment at 8 am for a CBC . No food for 12 hours . My last meal was at 5 pm the previous day . Hospital waiting room was packed . I finally saw the doctor at 11 am . With him less than 1 minute and he gave me a paper request to take to the blood test room . Got home at mid-day . In all 19 hours without food . Hematology room was empty and I was tested within 2 minutes . Government hospital systems need updating . So waited 3 hours in an unhealthy waiting room . I asked the Thai nurses why I had to wait and they said , when your ticket number is called you can see the doctor . Told them have an appointment for a blood test but they did not give a xxxx. Pure water has always been OK before any blood test . As Sheryl said , some blood tests do allow food to be eaten but alcohol is best avoided .
  15. TMD has forecast 44 c for this coming Sunday . Recent 40 c was bad enough but 44 c in the shade . The temperature out of the shade must be 50 c . Most of us have air conditioned rooms but many local Thai , up here in Isaan , have at best a fan . That heat will result in casualties , I am sure . For me it is Aircon at 10 00 am throughout the day . Maybe leaving Thailand for a couple of months is the answer ?
  16. What a sad experience . Heartless , xxxhole bank manager .
  17. So true . Yesterday after leaving a hospital I had to wait 5 minutes to cross a busy road . All clear when I started to walk but then 2 motor bike came from nowhere at speed and passed me on both sides of me whilst I am on the crossing . This is an almost unlawful country . I have yet to see a decent pavement with unbroken slabs , steep access or wheelchair friendly . Op has my full sympathy .
  18. I sympathise with you . Constipation is joked about by some but it is indeed a nasty event when you are unable to pass a stool . Had it a few times . Can be caused by your diet or some medications . If you can introduce fresh fruits such as water melon , mango or papaya . Eat salads with extra virgin olive oil or even drink 2 tablespoons of evoo . Also a drink of milk of magnesia will clear you out . Do you suffer from indigestion ?
  19. Because he never mentioned it but I can ask him the question next Sunday when I will see him again and I will let you know .
  20. To you and Mike , don't shoot the messenger . Just saying what I was told and I hope that Mike is correct .
  21. I was told the following today by a European guy whose wife is a Thai accountant . Foreigners will be asked for their proof of income for long stays in Thailand when applying for their yearly visa . Along with their tax return . No conformity could mean visa refusal . This lady accountant is now helping many farangs with their tax liabilities and in some cases has reduced their tax burden by over 50% . This is not a promotion for her business as she is now very busy already . I would assume that tax returns submitted by a Thai accountant would carry credence ?
  22. So Thailand relents and will allow gambling for some . No doubt the elite Thais will be admitted but the guy in the street , no chance . It will be interesting to see the extent of gambling games allowed . E.G. will the casinos facilitate gambling on horse racing and sport games such as football ? Is this the first foot in the door ? The Thai authorities will be well aware of the huge profits made by the betting industries . Walk in betting shops on every UK high street as well as online . Maybe conjecture but it could go the same way as prostitution , evident to all but denied by the authorities because good brown envelopes .
  23. Please explain how to detect fake bank notes .
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