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Everything posted by superal

  1. Yes me too same same in Prasat . Problem being is that your town and mine do not have weather stations and have to rely on Buriram or Surin weather forecasts . Those towns 40 km away and as we know , the rainy weather is often localised . I have been fishing on a lake and a friend who was 50 meters away was getting soaked by heavy rain and his umbrella sucked up to the sky by a typhoon type wind . All the time I am in the sun with no rain or wind
  2. Pal looking for hotel in Pattaya . Room electric is not included and is on a seperate meter . The hotel charges 25 baht per unit . That would be a hefty bill when checking out if you are unaware of electricity charges in Thailand .
  3. When a school ( in my town ) provides motorbike sheds for their under aged , non licenced pupils motor bikes , it kinda makes you understand why there are so many fatalities on Thailand roads. Apathy , traffic laws ignored and little if any enforcement of road safety / laws .
  4. But they do . Many times I have seen motor cyclists wearing face masks and sometimes they wear a crash helmet too .
  5. So 28.53% of accidents were caused by drunk drivers , therefore 71.47% were caused by sober drivers . So are sober drivers more likely to have accidents . Thai logic applied .
  6. I have been told that a process called " Velveting " can make any cheap cut of beef into a tender succulent meat . It is a process used by many Chinese restaurants .
  7. Was there a ban on travelling in the back of a pick-up a few years ago but then rescinded . It is a way of life up here in Issan especially with the farmers and poorer folk who travel around in unroadworthy old pickups . Plus of course the under aged motor cyclists and non helmet wearers , the complete disregard and ignorance of the road user laws because as you say there is no enforcement only spot checks for tea money . Ironically I was stopped by a bib because he said my lady was not wearing a seatbelt and at the same time there were a few pickups going past , all with passengers in the back . He was not concerned . It's all about the haves & have nots and to serve the money people and keep down those without , thus low education and high annual death rate on the Thai roads . No effort to make changes to improve fatality rates . Collateral damage ?
  8. Then there is the small box to tick that states you have read and understood the " Terms & Conditions " . Talk about reading War & Peace . I have been put off signing agreements because of the Ts & Cs which could be easily used against a claim .
  9. Totally agree with your comments . In a public space the local council should be under a duty of care to the public . The stairs are there to be used and therefore should be maintained along with adequate lighting ( auto solar power lighting is all the rage now ,cheap and easy to install ) . However unsafe features can be found all over Thailand especially on pavements , cowboy electrical installations , balconies ect ect . Maintenance is not in the Thai dictionary and it seems that apathy and laziness rules here . There should be an international list of countries safety standards , status and record that may be overseen by a non- bias panel . If there was such a list I think Thailand would be low in the league . It would appear that some of the comments are from members who have truly adapted to the Thai standards and forgotten their own countries higher standards .
  10. Your extensive post mentions motorbike taxis which are used by holiday tourists and even long stayers to a large degree . 9 times out of 10 the passenger will not have a crash helmet because we are only going on a short ride to another bar as an example . Straight away the passenger is not insured and the taxi motorbike will almost certainly be uninsured for passengers . Many passengers will have had a few drinks and the insurance company will use this to avoid any pay out , under their intoxicated clause / under the influence of alcohol .
  11. Up here in Surin province the police stopped the refilling of gas bottles for a month for some unknown reason . The effect was that replacement bottled gas was difficult to find but a new bottle with gas already inside was available at 2950 baht . I watched some Thais gathering old wood to make fires for cooking .
  12. They may have motor bike insurance at best but for passengers insurance , not a chance . On two occasions I have been in a situation where I asked the taxi bike owner about passenger insurance and both times they said no , cos not needed for their taxi licence . Also in doubt would be a farang here on holiday , who had an accident whilst a motorbike taxi passenger , and tried to make a claim on their holiday insurance . 9 times out of 10 the passenger has no helmet , nor dressed to be on a motorbike . I avoid them like the plague .
  13. 1475 baht including delivery but now out of stock from Lazada . What do you expect to pay ?
  14. Yes , I did my order from PipingRock about 9 months ago using the Lazada shopping site . Took about 10 days to arrive up here in Issan .
  15. I think most of us will share Roosters frustrations with Thai drivers behavior and inconsideration to other road users , however it is all down to the government's lack of driver education plus lack of enforcement of the traffic/ driving regulations . Here in Thailand cars and motor bikes are bought with the same mentality as buying a TV . There is little if any driving tuition , along with complete disregard of the laws for road use . Many vehicles neither insured , tested or taxed and only the police road blocks will find them ( many road users dodge the blocks or pay an unofficial penalty and then carry on as before ) . Can only speak about my experience in the UK where the driving test is both a written exam and driving a car with an examiner plus a free booklet called the Highway Code . The roads are patrolled by police and the laws enforced with " driving without due care and attention to other road users " is punishable by a fine and points on your licence . Year on year Thailand has horrific road fatalities , yet the government do nothing to stop it . Apathy rules I am sorry to say .
  16. 1 hour ago, Cricky said: I agree with you and it has to be said that most of Pattaya is not wheelchair friendly . There is little if any consideration for the disabled especially with the majority of uneven pavements with big drops at both ends . They are bad enough for the normal pedestrian and not to mention crossing busier roads .
  17. Totally agree . Having more flights from provincial airports and not going through Bangkok every time , would be a blessing .
  18. So true and in my location often tractors have no lights but some have a bunch of cd discs , tied with string , on the back as a reflector . Diving at night in Thailand , especially in the rural areas , is scary . Guessing that at least 50% of vehicles have defective lights or none at all . Couple of years ago my car was having the annual government inspection and I was watching and noticed that one headlight bulb had failed but the car still passed , they said because the other headlight was OK , . You could not make it up
  19. I believe his Jewish grandfather was persecuted by the Nazi
  20. I did not see the other post , apologies . When did the other post happen please ?
  21. Gary Lineker likened the new UK immigration policy from the UK government to that of the Natzi Germans ways of the 1930's . He has been suspended from tonight's MOTD . Some politicians are saying he should be sacked ( BBCs highest paid at £1.3 million annually ) Also to stick to football commentary and flogging Walkers crisps . Do you agree with Lineker or has he got too big for his boots ? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-64922834
  22. Thanks , what a surprise . Cannot trust theses hotel agencies .
  23. Link please for the 885 baht per night . I have just been online to look at direct booking with the 2 hotels which have some promo . Hotel Alyara starts at 1650 , 1950 & 3500 baht a night . Hotel Crystal Palace stars at 2500 , 3500 & 3800 bahta night .
  24. Strange that Booking.com sent me two 5 star hotels @£23 and £25 a night , below . That price is no boom , rather a reduction . So OK , not in the middle of Pattaya but not far
  25. Pleased to hear you had good treatment on the NHS . I hope your prostate treatment goes well . My dental treatment in the UK last year ----- 1 tooth extracted for £120 on the NHS , little difference from going private . Doctors appointments , where I live in the UK , are difficult to get and normally a phone consultation and they only let the phone ring 3 times , not answer within the 3 rings , they ring off . E.G. they said the doctor would call me at 14 30 pm but no call up to 15 30 hrs . So I went to make a cuppa and the phone rang 3 times ( landline ) . I was not quick enough and had to phone again for another appointment . I guess it's pot luck on your locality . Non urgent appointments are offered up to 3 weeks away .
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