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Everything posted by superal

  1. Copied from your link , Anyone wanting to renew their Thai driving license can obtain an ‘eLearning’ theoretical training certificate through the DLT’s website, which also has a “for foreigner” option. To renew your license, bring your ‘eLearning’ certification and medical certificate to any transport office in the country. You are not required to book an appointment. Thanks for the link but I guess that the proof of the pudding is in the eating , does seem to be too good to be true but wait and see if we get any info from those who try to get a licence renewal this way
  2. Both countries are fed propaganda and that is why Putin was backed by his nation until the truth over the war was picked up on the internet . China , being a closed secretive country has limited internet access with both Google & Gmail blocked . Russia also has limited access .
  3. Most commercial vehicles in the UK use diesel which will not ignite , say from a spark , unlike petrol which will ignite easily . I am guessing that the tragic Thai minivan had petrol fuel .
  4. I will keep this short and in a nut shell I wrote to the UK immigration minister who said there was no reason to make a refusal , plus to apply again . There were many cases of UK nationals who were refused their wife's visa, I was told .
  5. My mistake , apologies and well spotted , should have said last month but in reality I have almost certainly understated the number . The link below says 2 million new cases daily and 14,700 deaths a day . https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-64167052
  6. Furthermore W.H.O. state that 83% of the Chinese population have covid , right now . 60,000 covid deaths in 1 week can increase 10 fold quickly . Never mind your terrible maths and percentages ???? . With you preaching about global currencies a couple of days ago , I will have to review your info . .
  7. Sorry , forgot to add that I was told that making an appeal was seldom successful because they do not like to discredit the original decision and better to make a new application which has a better chance to secure a visa . From what I hear it is the UK applications that are most likely to be refused when compared with other western countries .
  8. Appealed ? was it a lengthy and costly process ? Will you try again ?
  9. https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-says-covid-outbreak-easing-eve-travel-rush-2023-01-20/ 60,000 Chinese died in one week , last week with covid . The hospitals and funeral parlours are overwhelmed with the effects of covid . The opening of China to allow foreign travel is causing global concern . China , much like Russia , have state controlled media broadcasters , that relate news to the nation , telling the news as per government instruction . The W.H.O. are concerned about the ridiculous Chinese covid stats . Greedy countries are lining up to welcome the masses of Chinese tourists . It might just bite them up the backside .
  10. Could it be that they have a certain quota allowance for issuing UK visas ? What makes it so annoying is that there is no reasoning , most of the time , for negative decisions . They say " do not believe she will return to Thailand " . No justification to their statement and no appeal . To make it even more annoying is when I hear that a guy got his girlfriend ( known her 3 months ) , who worked in a bar and has zero money or collateral , a visa. I am fine with that but when showing good reasons for my lady ( in her fifties & I knew her 6 years at the time ) to return to Thailand , it was refused . Does not make sense
  11. Me too with retirement extension and UK property and my sponsoring her . Together back then for 6 years ( now 11 years ) , so the reasoning for refusal is confusing . Thank you .
  12. Please explain / develop this point that might help others and take away the mystery of visa app refusals .
  13. Please advise on reasons to return, thanks
  14. Reasons to return might be ? Interested as my lady was refused , despite having own property , large restaurant and supporting parents .
  15. IZAL toilet paper , I found the best way to use it was to rustle it in your hands to make it softer but at my granddads house he always had torn up daily mirror in the outhouse loo secured on a 6 inch nail . Colour white Y fronts were the popular male underwear that would show up inevitable skid marks . Then along came Andrex loo paper , thank god .
  16. Have read your link above which states that this is the 5th attack by these same dogs . Just as incredible was the local police chief who said that the owners must move the dogs far away from the village . So other people will have the problem ? Pit Bull dogs or mixes are not alone at attacking people . Most soi dogs can be menacing when in a pack . Even a small bite from a small dog means you should have treatment for rabies . That is not cheap . It is beyond comprehension , why Thailand does not have control on both dog ownership and stray dogs .
  17. Agree but if there is a local enquiry would the outcome be devoid of corruption ? Latest report tells of 8 dead and 1 missing . Family misery and loss of income is immense . The mind boggles when thinking that , did the company carrying out the work have specific insurance for working on the tanker ? I can only comment on UK safety procedures where this type of work would carry strict procedures that include method statements , working permits which are a legal document , approved experienced workers who have to complete a detailed daily risk assessment that would be signed off by the owners site agent . No deviations from the method statement allowed , penalty being cessation of work and possible dismissal of the contractor . I remember that when working for Exon , an Exon employee would be watching / observing permit compliance . Can Mr Meeseeks detail what working in Asia , safety wise , happens ? I am guessing not a lot unless the contractor is from the U.S.A. or Europe .
  18. I have a similar working background to you , both on storage tank repairs in refineries and live processing petrol/chem plants . As you will know , getting hot-work permits in such situations follows an exhaustive amount of safety tests , regular gas checks when work is in progress with a trained safety/fireman in attendance . That is my experience in the western world . But here in Thailand safety does not seem to be considered and the 2nd video shows only 1 man with any sort of PPE , the others in tee shirts . There would be manslaughter charges brought in the UK
  19. Just opened up the forum on an older topic . Then in the right hand margin I noticed there were many active posts from a newsletter of Thursday 05/01/2023 . It is now Saturday 07/01/2023 and I have not received Thursdays post and therefore well behind the latest news . Is the mailing of the forum not made as a one time info shot ? Interested to hear from the support desk as to how many are mailed per day etc .
  20. 2 hours ago, DaLa said: I wonder if the vote had been to remain this topic would have seen 100 pages of defeatist bitterness from the leavers. Always found people that accept change to be more stoic and come through as winners in the end. No pain no gain. Try looking up DEMOCRACY
  21. and the E.U. at 17.5% food inflation https://www.statista.com/statistics/1286407/eu-food-inflation-rate/ plus there are also strikes within the E.U. www.euronews.com/travel/2022/12/23/train-strikes-these-are-the-countries-that-pay-train-drivers-the-most-and-the-least-in-eur ( copy & paste ) If you care to read the articles above they will explain that most countries within the E.U. are also suffering from inflation and strikes that have been caused by the Ukraine war and of course not Brexit . Common knowledge really .
  22. An Irish Unification is on the cards and will solve the protocol problem to the satisfaction of all parties .
  23. Actually your graph shows a peak in house building in the years 2018 -2019 under BJ . Then of course there was a decline because of the pandemic . Under BJ , planning laws were modified and compacted in order to speed up , simplify and hopefully make the planning laws easier to deal with . I do not think it was successful because as follows . The accent was put on the local councils for their approval of any needed local housing for both town & country . Town developments were more straight forward but rural , grass root developments are not so easy because of 1/ is the proposed land green belt ? 2/ Is it a sustainable construction 3/ Will the development be in keeping with the local setting ? 4/ The local council ( often a parish council , made up of long term village residents of self importance akin to Dads Army folk ) may have an inconsiderate opinion or even a conflict of interest on the reasoning of , is there a local housing need ? 5/ NIMYISM = not in my back yard . Thus rural building to any reasonable scale is not easy with appeals and judicial reviews etc . Indeed my own experience was when I offered up 4 acres of land , to build low cost starter homes , at below market land costs but it was refused because the local residents wanted to retain their view and also it would not be in keeping with local settings . So in summary it is much easier to build a block of flats than to build individual homes , under current planning laws .
  24. You mean a sigh button for the depressed <deleted> whom , it would seem , like to condemn the new found freedom , won from Brexit vote . Gone are the masses of foreign workers / benefit claimers , enabling the true Brit to be employed once more . The UK can retain its identity and culture , unlike many E.U. countries that live with a diluted traditional way of life . Of course Brexit has had an impact on the UK economy which was expected by realists but there will be an improvement . Xenophobia or racism may have effected the Brexit vote but for the majority of voters it was all about having back the control of our country and having consideration for UK indigenous workers to be employed at the UK market rates as opposed to cheap , undercutting and sometimes unqualified foreign labour that were often a sub-contractor company made up of 100% of a certain foreign country labour . How the Brit <deleted> on this topic continue to criticise , condemn and show disloyalty to their country is to say the least disappointing . So I say again the UK is not suffering more than other countries . The downturn has come from the covid pandemic , the Ukraine war and Brexit . All of them are solvable .
  25. Maybe the UK net migration figures of 500,000 , this year , has something to do with the housing shortage as local councils are obliged to house these immigrants
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