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Everything posted by superal

  1. A reply to another member . Please read the complete content then you may understand .
  2. No not on here on the BBC about 4 days ago I think . The mind does boggle when you consider the state of the seas which were not that rough or cold and another quote I read was from a Thai sailor who said he could float in that sea for 3 days . Plenty of time to leave the vessel so I am thinking was it the passengers that drowned ? It is all a very sad mystery . Will an inquest be biased towards the captains position ?
  3. If you cannot stand the heat , get out of the kitchen
  4. Indeed , that has always been a problem with smuggled illegal entrants . I have watched TV documentaries where the UK immigration enter a commercial work place and challenge workers for their work visa and passports which some do not have and they are taken to a police station , questioned and released under caution to report weekly but they just vanish to another town . It is really a farce . Maybe under the new Braverman laws they can be given a free flight to Rwanda ?
  5. Beyond your comprehension ? I suggest you go to another topic
  6. It is in answer to you and your cronies who have been harping on about Brexit non stop , as the case of the topic which in itself is a misdemeanour because it is an exaggeration . The severance of foreign labour is supposed to be one of the reasons for the decline in the UK economy . Do you get that or do you want to carry on being pedantic ?
  7. Correct and that was under the E.U. laws concerning entry into the UK . Now since Brexit that law has been quashed . Criminals will not be granted visas into the UK who have served more than 1 year in prison . Please read my previous link and try to keep up .
  8. Just done a quick search on Thai Air , Bangkok to Heathrow and on the 1st Feb 2023 a single fare in economy was 15275 baht or £375 approx . A return on the (out Feb 21 ) 21 March was 36305 baht or £867 . A single one way from the UK to BK on 21 March was £489 or 20500 baht . It use to be more expensive flying from BK to the UK on a single but now is the other way round it seems . Eva on same return was more expensive at 46120 baht or £1,120 , same return date as above
  9. yes because known criminals who have been convicted of crimes and served a penal sentence are likely to have a visa refused in most civilised countries
  10. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/home-office-announces-tougher-criminality-rules-for-eu-citizens
  11. Apologies , as I thought I pasted both links but please read attached link that should appease . https://www.gov.uk/government/news/home-office-announces-tougher-criminality-rules-for-eu-citizens
  12. Confirmed government or ONS facts have credence and not journalistic conjecture from your favourite biased rag . Next thing will you be saying is the earth is flat or there is a bus on the moon ???? .
  13. Under the E.U rules the UK had to abide in allowing criminals into the country . New laws have succeeded in deporting at least 1700 criminals from the UK . This was only possible because of Brexit and being free from the crazy E.U. laws . Many more criminals are being searched for . https://www.gov.uk/government/news/more-foreign-criminals-and-illegal-migrants-removed This alone is one example of why Brexit was a good move unless you are a supporter of foreign criminals .
  14. and where is your link to prove your statement and I do not want to see a journalistic link
  15. Do any of the 7 fly outside of Asia ? certainly not to the UK . Also not forgetting that B.A. and Scoot Air have stopped flying the direct service from the UK to Thailand and EVA Air is now flying at a reduced service . In general all flight companies have raised their prices , especially nearer to the departure date , in a similar fashion to that of a cartel .
  16. This is incredible but I have just read that some of the sailors could not swim .
  17. You speak about the UK inflation well how about this , the E.U. inflation is 11.1 % and the UK is 10.7% . Also strikes within the public sector are not confined to the UK , they are across Europe , link below https://www.euronews.com/2022/12/16/workers-strike-across-europe-calling-for-higher-wages-amid-rising-inflation Let us not forget among the main reasons the British public voted for Brexit . They were to rid the UK of masses of foreigners who were able to access the UK under the E.U ruling of free movement of workers , which resulted in unqualified cheap labour that undercut local Brits wages and putting them out of work with some losing their houses . Only parties to benefit were the business owners and construction companies made up from foreign labour . For the UK to be able to self rule and ditch the Brussels bureaucracy . I would still vote for Brexit today . The UK will reform to growth in the near future without the constraints of the dreaded non-elected Brussels crowd . Great to be free from the United States of Europe and the ambitions of Macron .
  18. I also speak fluent Thai but the trouble is the Thai people do not understand me ????
  19. Well , like him or hate him , Trump is still a popular republican . Now whether it is him as the next POTUS or Desantis is another matter but Trump will be part of the republican government .
  20. Does anyone know if the search for survivals found any sailors alive with their life jackets being worn that saved their lives ? Indeed the mind boggles as to question if there was a practised emergency drill for abandoning ship . Can only speak of the UK navy who are professional sailors who will be well inducted on emergency situations but I would think that most of the western world navies will be the same with an ample supply of life jackets and rafts etc . Abandoning ship drills are the fundamental basic procedures to cover all weather conditions . The loss of life on this scale to a countries professional navy is not acceptable and the tragedy needs to be investigated by an independent , unbiased panel . will that happen ?
  21. Well the Ukraine folk are very much aligned with the Russian race . It has not taken long for them to become westernised . Also to apply for E.U. membership . When the dust settles the Russian folk will be able to understand the free world of the Ukraine people many of whom they are related to .
  22. Your last paragraph could happen but the first paragraph , the Russian tale has many chapters to come and once the Russian people know the truth about recent events , including sanctions that will effect them , they may oppose their government and seek a change in the way their country is run and review the ways of communism which is isolating their country .
  23. By the time Ukraine has finished with Russia there will be little to fear from Russia and in any case any war with Russia would be based on ballistic missiles launched from nuclear submarines . The UK withdrawal from NATO should have happened at the same time as Brexit .
  24. Not a rant , it is in response to the previous post . I think you are out of your depth .
  25. US $ were never mentioned by them but I did and they said only 1800 Thai baht
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