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Everything posted by superal

  1. Correct , it should be $30 ( 1040 baht ) in Cambodia but recently both I an others have been hit with 1800 baht ( $51 ) at the Chong Chom border . I remember 4 or 5 years ago they would impose a surcharge if you were on a same day exit and not staying overnight , as was my case recently , as I only go for day visits .
  2. This year there have been 41,000 illegal entrants to the UK via France , in small boats . You call that competence by the French police ? Brexit was not a government action it was the result of a referendum from the British public who had enough of E.U. ruling and the massive influx of foreigners . Just to rub salt in the wounds , the interrupted vaccine to the UK by the E.U. was never used because of Macrons view that it was unsuitable . Free movement of labour from the E.U. will never happen again . It is one of the reasons that people voted for Brexit as the UK was flooded with foreigners , some of whom were not lawful abiding . Finally , what is the point of NATO membership when they cannot respond to Russian aggression which was the reason for its formation but instead the NATO countries are acting on a singular basis and the UK at the forefront of Ukraine support , having spent over £3 billion , to not only support Ukraine but stop the threat of Russian advances into Europe and at the same time the NATO members / E.U. are stabbing the UK in the back .
  3. A family could be 3 4 5 6 people ?
  4. Can I remind all that the topic is not solely about Brexit . There is animosity from the E.U. along with a bitterness because of Brexit . Remember the diversion of the A-Z covid vaccine from Belgium intended for the UK ? The " turning of a blind eye " by the French police on rubber dinghy asylum seekers leaving their shores for the UK ? Of course Brexit has had an effect on the British economy but nowhere near the problems caused by the Russia/ Ukraine war . The Irish protocol etc . There will be a new trade deal with the UK and the E.U. and with the end of the Ukraine war , there will be a return to some sort of normality . The labour shortage in the UK cannot be resolved easily by foreign labour because the rates of pay are not high enough . In fact , UK companies who have tendered for contracts and won them have only themselves to blame if sufficient labour is not available because when putting together an estimate , procurement of materials and labour are the main consideration . Sorry to digress but the UK military are heavily involved in aiding the Ukraine in defeating Russia along with other NATO countries
  5. Can you imagine if the I.O. challenged every incoming visitor for the 20k baht , what would happen ? there would no doubt be many returnees . How does it pan out for a family ? does everyone have to carry the 20k baht ? I have often arrived with next to no baht ( when flying at short notice ) but have used the airport ATM for small amounts and then later when away from the airport use the banks ATMs . At the departure airport ( normally Heathrow ) the only question they have asked is to enquire about my visa because I am on a one way flight . Then I point out that I have a 1 year visa . I have never been asked to show 20k baht . The departure airport staff have to ensure that I have compliance to enter the destination country or if I am denied because of failure to abide by their entry rules , the flight company are obliged to return me to my point of departure for free . Proof of finances should suffice in this increasing cashless world .
  6. Number 1) , what is an exit ticket ? Air Asia in Hong Kong checked his passport and were aware of the visa exempt rule in Thailand which should have allowed him entry , however they never checked that he was carrying the 20k baht . When entry was refused the I.O. had words with the Air Asia desk telling them that they must return him free of charge . My friend had also lost his follow on flight to Buriram . A/A refused to compensate for the Buriram flight . So in total new flights from H/K and on to Buriram had to be paid for , all because of an over exuberant I.O. Have to say that my friend had done the same trip many times and did not expect any problems .
  7. I have heard about the 20k rule before but not a hotel booking . Today many people do not carry too much cash and many use their bank cards instead . As I said before , my pal has good money and a top job in Hong Kong . If he was allowed , my friend could have raised the cash from an airport ATM but he was not allowed . How xxxxxxx stupid is that by the I.O.
  8. Yes indeed , batten down the hatches , is the norm in rough weather . I have worked on British navy frigates and destroyers and every compartment has a heavy watertight door for a reason and that is to maintain buoyancy and not sink . Basic navy procedures that were not followed in this tragic event
  9. Friend of mine got refused entry on the 30 day visa exempt and was sent back to Hong Kong , from Don Muang , within 3 hours . Reason for refusal was too many entries on visa exempt . When questioned by the I.O. who asked where are you going , he told them the address of his girl friend and that he would be fishing and golfing in the given district . He was asked to show 20k baht but only had 10k plus some H/K dollars plus bank cards ( BTW he is a wealthy guy ) .That is not the scene for a tourist visa , he was told and had to get a proper retirement visa . However on return to Hong Kong ( Air Asia flight was free as they brought him here ) he was told that the Thai I.O. was wrong so he booked another flight and voa and had no problem this time at the same airport . He had the 20k on him this time but was not challenged . He has since got a retirement visa . So when you say " nothing to be afraid of " , as long as you are a tourist and show sufficient funds , there should not be a problem . Question definition , what is a tourist ? is it a person who wants to visit certain places of interest or/and a person who will stay in one area in a hotel , or maybe a person who will visit and stay with friends and family? Then the 20k baht rule . How ridiculous , this needs to be dropped or highlighted as a firm requirement for entry to Thailand and not used as a secret weapon by some xxxxxxx I.O. who is not interested in your proof of finances via a bank card
  10. I have had 2 AZ , 1 pfizer booster and have caught covid twice , both same as common cold but also with tickly throat and cough . Some 6 months or more since last jab and the protection must be low from previous jabs . Have to see whats on offer at my local gov hospital , as long as its not the Chinese vaccine . Thanks all for your replies .
  11. Life after Brexit , European trading and alliances offer up something of a conundrum . Why ? It is a fact that the UK is second only to the U.S.A. in the aid to Ukraine . A country far from the UK shores but much closer to E.U. countries . It is a fact that NATO includes all of the E.U. countries . NATO was formed to defend against Russian aggression , post 2nd world war . Yet the E.U countries are happy to let the U.S.A. and the U.K. to spearhead the aid for Ukraine . The E.U. is almost NATO , yet appears to try and ostracise the UK when it comes to trading . There are those who ask what is the purpose of NATO and even the G7 as they are merely a front and meaningless assemblies . Maybe time to follow Brexit with scrapping membership of NATO and the G7 for what they are worth and back away from Ukraine . Let the E.U. defend themselves against Russian advances . Even a suggestion of this would make E.U. countries want to form closer relationships with the giving UK . Indeed , I would be happy if the UK stood alone and fend for itself because the country has the talent and acumen to succeed without the encumbrances of the E.U.
  12. All that data is history . There are none so blind as those who will not see . As a parallel , successful managers turn things around with new approaches and ideas . Because of Brexit there will be new opportunities with new found freedom away from the bureaucracy of the E.U. . There will be no return to the E.U. by the UK and even the Labour party agree with that . Indeed the Tories will win the next election . It appears that the remainers have no ambition or vision but are content to be swallowed up by the European government . The Russian / Ukraine war will continue to have an effect on both European and global economies for the foreseeable future . So with reference to the topic heading , the UK has not and will not struggle to any greater degree , than other countries , using a mean average .
  13. The economic and GDP problems are , as we all know , not unique to the UK , they are a global problem which cannot be denied . Labour shortages are often caused by low pay which is evident by the amount of pay claims and strikes . When the UK was a E.U. member , low pay was welcomed by UK employers who took advantage of the free movement of foreign labour that were used to much lower pay than that within the UK . So the cheap labour has vanished and employers will have to get used to it . However the NHS nurses have a valid claim IMO . The following is conjecture but this winter could have a profound effect on German production output if their gas reserves have high domestic needs , resulting in factory closures. The UK trade dilution with the E.U. , caused by Brexit , will be recovered under new agreements but there will not be a return to free labour movement . So the UK has pressed the re-set button and now the UK is work in progress . Recovery to growth may take time but the plan will be more straight forward as an independent nation as opposed to being under the governance of a staid , multi national club .
  14. Does anyone know the up to date latest vaccine for covid 19 . I seem to remember that a new vaccine to tackle the new strain of covid , had been brought out by Moderna . However a friend recons the new vaccine is Pfizer . Google search did not give the answer .
  15. Just for your limited knowledge , a simple search , link below , should suffice . https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-government-to-set-its-own-laws-for-its-own-people-as-brexit-freedoms-bill-introduced Your view is , as an analogy , people who are stuck in a loveless marriage that is a convenient arrangement but with no future . Remainers have no vision or aspirations . You should try to reverse your negative thinking and broaden your outlook on life . I accept that there are problems within the UK but they will be addressed and dealt with by an unfettered UK government free from the E.U. shackles . Unless you have something positive or constructive to say , I suggest you leave it there .
  16. There is a conflict of interests from businesses and union heads both of whom would benefit from the free movement of labour . Businesses from cheap labour and unions from union membership fees . There will be no going back on Brexit and no copying the Swiss arrangements . Extract below from UK government spokesman , Asked if Brexit had damaged UK trade, Home Office Minister Robert Jenrick told the BBC it was hard to separate the disruption caused by leaving the EU, the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine. "There will be challenges and disruption as a result of fundamentally altering our relationship with the EU," he said but added that it was too soon to say whether or not that is going to be to the UK's long-term economic disadvantage. He said the government was determined to take advantage of the opportunities provided by Brexit, pointing to plans for the regulatory regime of the financial services, life sciences and the green economy. He also insisted the government did not want to make any fundamental changes to the UK's relationship with the EU, arguing that the country had settled on the right approach. The message was reiterated by No 10 who said Mr Sunak was "categorical" the deal would not be fundamentally changed. Specifically the Downing Street spokesperson said there would be no reintroduction of freedom of movement, no "unnecessary" payments to the EU and "nothing that limits the UK's freedom to do trade deals".
  17. Control of borders whilst a E.U. member ? almost impossible with free movement of labour . Xenophobia ? In the context of taking care of your own nationals first and being resentful of foreigners who were raping the UK benefit system , greedy employers who were happy to employ foreign labour at much reduced rates and taking the UK working mans livelihood , that is not xenophobia or racism . It is about retaining your occupation in order to survive , put food on the table and pay the mortgage . The UK has many dodgy asylum seekers who bypassed other European countries to get to the UK in order for an easy life living off social benefits . No intentions to integrate but stick together living their own customs . The UK has too many do gooders who need to wake up and smell the coffee . Regarding the abandonment of the E.U. laws , please read the link below https://www.gov.uk/government/news/the-retained-eu-law-revocation-and-reform-bill-2022#:~:text=The time is now right,and replace retained EU Law.
  18. Tourists will not be aware that untreated sewage is being pumped out inshore which will carry some deadly toxins . The local authorities will be aware of the dangers but are not concerned . Tourists should be warned by their respective governments of the dangers of swimming in the Thai seas . Beaches used for popular swimming should have their waters tested regularly and the results clearly posted .
  19. There is growing popularity in Northern Ireland to unify with the Republic of Ireland . Indeed N. Ireland voted to remain in the E.U. N. Ireland integration with the republic and become an independent country and a member of the E.U. would solve the Irish protocol to everyone's satisfaction .
  20. There is no doubt that the UK trade with the E.U has been reduced by Brexit . However much of the loss of trade comes from low profit trading that became nonviable because of the red tape and delays introduced by French customs that made perishable goods , to be exported from the UK , a high risk venture and thus the cessation of a large percentage of this business . Also do not forget to factor in the UK contribution of £17 billion , net £12.6 billion to the E.U. ( year 2020) which has now ceased . UK trade to the E.U does continue despite Brexit albeit in a tedious fashion . The UK were the third highest contributor to the E.U. funding and the loss of this revenue has been covered by Germany , Holland and France after some squabbling . The E.U. budget is expected to triple by 2027 which is a concern for the main contributors . As I mentioned in an earlier post , the UK divorce from the E.U. has overtones of " A woman scorned "
  21. What I wanted to know was , when the 6 months is up and the visa expires can another metv visa be applied for to follow on ?
  22. All 3 are tied to the European University Institute . Not exactly rocket science to understand their bias
  23. For a start the UK will no longer be flooded with foreigners , many of whom were criminals and claiming benefits for their families who were not even in the UK but in their homelands e.g. Poland . A new law announced yesterday states that any illegal entry into that UK without a visa will result in the person being returned to their home land or sent to processing centres away from the UK . Sorry to say but remainers appear to be brainwashed by the E.C. laws and have no vision of life outside of the E.C. which will improve in time .
  24. This topic has become a Brexit debate and I think it has run its course . In my opinion the topic heading is inaccurate and misleading because the UK is not suffering alone or any more than E.C. countries and others are in the same boat . These are early days in this global recession and higher bank interest rates . Next year we will get a better picture after the effects of winter weather on energy demands and interest rates etc .
  25. The link you provided is biased , is composed by a German , a Finn and finally Simon Hix who is an associate of the European University Institute that have close links with the E.C. What else would you expect other than support for the E.C. For all of its faults ( every country will have some ) the UK will recover once its re-birth and return to its own laws are complete . Times are tough and will be for a few more years but the UK will grow economically as it breathes the fresh air away from the E.C. and free from their restraints . The E.C. is not without problems and next year will also be tough . It sure is missing the £10 billion UK annual payments .
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