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Everything posted by superal

  1. I was once flying into Logan airport Boston , with the undercarriage down when the pilot took off again and told us there was too much ice on the runway , we were diverted to the JFK New York , pretty scary
  2. One of the reasons for scrapping pre- flight tests maybe the availability of fake pcr test reports . Having said that fake vaccination certs with kosha QR codes are also being sold . So all of the paraphernalia of checking certs at airports could be a waste of time . Waiting times at Heathrow immigration , for arrivals to be cleared , can be up to 7 hours . Individual airlines may well take their own stance on this latest Boris announcement because they have to be seen taking health & safety into account for not only their passengers but their air crew who if catch the virus will be unable to work and flights would be cancelled , so not good for business . I do not fancy boarding a plane when there could well be infected passengers. Maybe airports could carry out their own rapid tests ?
  3. Yes , I agree with the buggeration of waiting around for flights and sometimes road transport is more favourable with a door to door service . I believe that there is a market for inter provincial air transport especially if using smaller turbo prop aircraft that are more economical and require shorter runways and thus open up smaller airports . Specific provincial flights need not operate every day , just maybe 2 or 3 times a week or whatever the demand suits . Providing the aircraft are piloted by qualified pilots and not some tractor driver who fancied a go .
  4. which android box do you use ? I have a h 96 pro but not sure on the internet spec if 1 gb or not
  5. Agree , I have just been reading the official statement and it does say that all approved and registered applications can enter Thailand in accordance with the approved measures . There are no additional requirements under approved measures bar 1 and that is the 2nd pcr test that will be free of charge . So where in the detail is the 10th of January shown on this official Royal Thai Embassy announcement ? Has that statement been published in the Gazette ? If someone was unaware of the pa-lava and taking the embassy statement as correct guidance , they would be still planning to travel to Thailand in mid January .
  6. I have the same problem , live TV buffers but movies OK . Also the speed check the same . Technicians at my place many times and speed test on their laptop always shows high download and upload . Not sure but someone told me if you are say watching a live footy game , there are many others streaming the same which dilutes the stream .
  7. So how do you check what your device can take, also if buying a new device e.g. a smart tv
  8. The D.O.A. , in my opinion need to review their plans . The hub of most provincial and international flights is Bangkok . I understand the logic for international flights but not for provincial . Today , planners would seek to place the hub for provincial flights somewhere more central , thus enabling shorter journeys and more economical aircraft . As it stands , many provincial flights have to fly to Bangkok and then change to the final destination . BTW I did not read any mention in the report about the Buriram airport development nor its profits or losses.
  9. What potential visitors to Thailand and indeed those already here , need to consider is that what is being taken for granted is the status of airline flights . With no doubt many flight cancellations because of the T&G postponement , the question is , will the airlines continue to their planned schedules and be prepared to fly with few if any passengers ? Potential for being "trapped in Thailand " all over again ?
  10. Its always darkest before the dawn , so ? Looking at the history of the SARS virus , cousin of the covid , it peaked in May of 2003 but burnt itself out and the WHO declared the threat over in July 2003 . The main event was in China where the virus appears to have been defeated by the summer season , below a copied extract from Wikipedia . With the hot season just around the corner there may well be light at the end of the tunnel . In what conditions does COVID-19 survive the longest? Coronaviruses die very quickly when exposed to the UV light in sunlight. Like other enveloped viruses, SARS-CoV-2 survives longest when the temperature is at room temperature or lower, and when the relative humidity is low (<50%)
  11. When are you due to fly ? follow this link and they will assist you in quick time https://asq.in.th/thailand-pass for a fee
  12. Its probably that they now realise that the tourist trade is not happening any time soon and so there is little to lose . Basically what little tourists they have now will be all that Thailand will see for this year at least . The cancellation of the Thai Pass has not gone down well , to say the least .
  13. Your reference to China . We all know that China has close connections with Thailand but hopefully Thailand will continue to decide its own covid strategy . Because China has a zero tolerance on covid outbreaks . Meaning any single covid case means a lock down for the affected area ( in the majority of its provinces ) . Even Hong Kong only allows its own nationals to visit and that comes with a 3 week self isolation in a quarantine hotel at your own expense . So in context Thailand's own covid rules are more acceptable to most (at the moment ) . If only they could understand the meaning of the word called honour .
  14. Most of the "out of the way " courses are caddied mostly by amateur caddies who are there just to pull your trolley or find your ball , of course there are exceptions but keeping hold of a good one is not easy as many golf clubs say no to advanced caddie booking as it is done on a rotation . Unpopular caddies were jealous of the good caddies getting all the money from advanced bookings . Move down south to say Pattaya where there are some top courses and we find some professional caddies who will give you good course advice , line of your putts , speed of the green and spoken in English mostly . Some of them play golf off a decent handicap . The mature caddies are normally the most skilled and the young ones can be flirtatious and fun . For me 300 baht is the minimum caddie tip but I will double that for a top caddie .
  15. I agree about the climate effect and with the hot season approaching we could see a reduction of infections , as was the case previously in Thailand . One theory about the lightening spread of omicron globally ( its even in the Arctic ) is that the virus is airborne and even with high levels of border checks/ testing , they will not stop the virus invasion . One might say that if your going to catch covid , now is the time to get it as it is less potent than the delta but will still bolster your immunity .
  16. True and it is well documented that triple vaccinated adults are 80% less likely to catch , spread or be hospitalised by the virus . If this proposal is made official , the Thai goverment will lose credibility for reneging on its promise to honour all processed & approved T&G applications , especially when it mentioned the word HONOUR in the promised statement . I guess they will say something like " we will honour all approved T&G applications but there will be a delay . At the very least they should be offering compensation to cover all applicants lost monies . This is probably the final nail in the coffin for Thai tourism for some time to come . It is time for the world to re-open to fully vaccinated tourists or what is the point of vaccinations
  17. Self certification on covid reports is really worthless , a bit like an in house audit . The W.H.O. should be using different tactics that are more reliable and without a conflict of interest . To get a true picture of a nations covid infection rates should come by way of a non announced separitist inspection or else the info from within is worthless . Unless from a trusted western country such as the UK etc. The Asian figures are not reliable to be polite .
  18. A friend of mine was playing golf last year in Lam Chabang and fell in love with his caddy on the first time he played there . Caddy had long black hair and brown eyes and about 5 feet 5 inches tall . He went back to the course the following week to try and meet the caddy again but he could not find the caddy or remember his name
  19. Yes but 2 wrongs do not make a right . All unecessary red tape . All that is needed is status of your vaccination which will determine your requirements of entry , because easier for a fully jabbed person who only has to book a day 2 arrival test and is free to go if a negative result , proof of a pcr test prior to flying and a passenger locator form , as is the format with the UK entry system . All the uploading of various documents for Thai nationals or visa compliant ex-pats is not needed as they are known to the Thai immigration authorities already . So, vacc certs proof of pre flight pcr test results day 2 booking of pcr test locator form , all of theses to be shown at checkin in the airport , no need to upload to others where there can be delays or mistakes made . BTW all the afore mentioned documents have to be shown at checkin already as I am sure you know . Thailand has lost visitors because of the red tape and will continue to do so . We have to get used to living with the covid virus which seems to be weakening and with more new medicines coming to the task , things can and will improve
  20. I thnk the answer is probably yes but by the amount of replies suggest that there are many who do not want to reveal their alcohol intake . I had a doctor friend in the UK who could drink me under the table every night and he is still going strong , aged 65 years old . I am 74 years old and still like to indulge beyond the reccomended limits . Have had numerous medical tests and life style questionairres but still manage to avoid the ticking off of the doctors . I do stay away from the top shelf .
  21. But lets get things in perspective . Who are the people coming to Thailand right now ? Cannot be tourists or if so very few and persistent but if returning as a person with an existing visa , there should / could be a simpler system . E.G. Me returning on a re-entry visa , why should I have to go through all the rigmoraal of re- qualifying to enter Thailand when I have all of the requirements ? Covid testing understood as the exception but the re-entry visa should give some sort of excemption to the Thai Pass cert ?
  22. Me same same . All day trying to send correct file format . Finally achieved but rejected twice , saying please resend hotel booking again . Now I am panicking cos have to fly in 2 days so I went to the affiliated business name A.Q. , sent exactly the same files to them and all approved in 4 hours , I wonder why ?
  23. You seem up to speed with sandbox info so can you confirm that the Phuket sandbox 5 day stay is still on ? If so , how many pcr tests are needed in Phuket ?
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