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Posts posted by alanrchase

  1. What does fuel have to do with cng or gas? All of them run on gas.

    Who forced them to buy bigger engines?

    Can only hope AOT does not give in to this scammers.

    Do you know just how cheap cng is....its pennies compared to "gas"

    Do you know the difference, between cng, lpg and gasoline?rolleyes.gif

    My sister who lives in the US came out to visit a few years back. Got a taxi to go to my house, on the way he said he needed more gas, my sister remarked that Thais have have the same name for petrol as the US. I kept quiet while she put him right.

  2. When I was in bangkok last november, NOT ONE taxi would turn on the meter apart from the one we got at the airport and don meung airport. In the city they all wanted 500 baht to take you 2km....It's a scam nothing more and the government needs to fix it ASAP....but doubt they will!

    Never had that. From the airport I am inter province which is displayed on a card hung from the front seat. Sometimes manage to get it cheaper than the price displayed .

  3. Situations like this arise by the mis-management and cosy arrangements over the years then when it gets out of hand the authorities don't know how to handle it. if tough action needs to be taken they don't have what it takes to get on with it.

    Then the US Embassy should send someone to visit and talk to the threatening parties.

    Yeah, that'll cut it! How about napalm, drone strikes etc?

    Airport taxi's are the same in most countries. Had to go back to UK a couple of years ago without thinking about getting where I needed to go. Asked a black cab how much to go about 100 k and was quoted 17,000 baht with no meter .

  4. I should have been dead years ago if that mix kills . . . . facepalm.gif .

    You're lucky and have a rigid constitution then. A casual friend of mine died through that combination.

    He drank a lot of booze, was an alcoholic (were're talking heavy liquor first thing in the morning).
    He went on a heavy night binge. Woke up just after dawn. Took a cold shower, popped some valium to get back to sleep, never woke up again. The combination slows your heart down to the point it fails to beat.
    This happened on Koh Tao and he used to own a bar on the beach at Sairee.

    Valium does not kill and it does not slow down the heart rate - the danger of Valium is that it is highly addictive

    So you are saying that it is not dangerous...............but it is dangerous because it is highly addictive. Make your mind up, will you.
    I'll spend a few hours in a dark room trying to work that one out!!w00t.gif.
    As there was nothing else that could have killed her other than a drugs/alcohol cocktail I think that you have got your facts wrong. Prove me wrong by coming up with an alternative theory.

    What I am saying is that if a combination of alcohol and valium kills it is most likely the alcohol, not the valium. There is minimal danger of dying from valium but a remarkable danger of getting addict - which is not the subject of this thread

    Type "Valium death" into a search engine.

    have you been reading the thread and posts? Coming from vast experience the combination of the 2 IS dangerous but it is very rare to die from the combination, but it happens. And as it has been mentioned several times she was also taking antibiotics and was already ill. Sheesh this is getting tedious facepalm.gif

    Exactly. Is that not what I said?

    there were so many quotes and I am so busy that I thought you were the one suggesting 'punch valium death into a search engine' and all that jazz. My bad, again. I need to chill, oh yeah my daily valium dose is due which is no joke. If I miss that it could be a ride to hell!!

    Had a friend here a long time ago who took valium for back spasms. Bit unhappy when it was banned as over the counter. Very careful what he drank. I am totally lost on the latest young thing for a better high. Redbull and vodka was the last craze I recall. Certain posters here suggest the new norm is valium, alcohol and possibly Tramadol. They survived the combination so it is a good high. On that basis the Darwin award comes to mind
  5. I should have been dead years ago if that mix kills . . . . facepalm.gif .

    You're lucky and have a rigid constitution then. A casual friend of mine died through that combination.

    He drank a lot of booze, was an alcoholic (were're talking heavy liquor first thing in the morning).
    He went on a heavy night binge. Woke up just after dawn. Took a cold shower, popped some valium to get back to sleep, never woke up again. The combination slows your heart down to the point it fails to beat.
    This happened on Koh Tao and he used to own a bar on the beach at Sairee.

    Valium does not kill and it does not slow down the heart rate - the danger of Valium is that it is highly addictive

    So you are saying that it is not dangerous...............but it is dangerous because it is highly addictive. Make your mind up, will you.
    I'll spend a few hours in a dark room trying to work that one out!!w00t.gif.
    As there was nothing else that could have killed her other than a drugs/alcohol cocktail I think that you have got your facts wrong. Prove me wrong by coming up with an alternative theory.

    What I am saying is that if a combination of alcohol and valium kills it is most likely the alcohol, not the valium. There is minimal danger of dying from valium but a remarkable danger of getting addict - which is not the subject of this thread

    Type "Valium death" into a search engine.

    have you been reading the thread and posts? Coming from vast experience the combination of the 2 IS dangerous but it is very rare to die from the combination, but it happens. And as it has been mentioned several times she was also taking antibiotics and was already ill. Sheesh this is getting tedious facepalm.gif

    Exactly. Is that not what I said?
  6. I should have been dead years ago if that mix kills . . . . facepalm.gif .

    You're lucky and have a rigid constitution then. A casual friend of mine died through that combination.

    He drank a lot of booze, was an alcoholic (were're talking heavy liquor first thing in the morning).

    He went on a heavy night binge. Woke up just after dawn. Took a cold shower, popped some valium to get back to sleep, never woke up again. The combination slows your heart down to the point it fails to beat.

    This happened on Koh Tao and he used to own a bar on the beach at Sairee.

    Valium does not kill and it does not slow down the heart rate - the danger of Valium is that it is highly addictive

    So you are saying that it is not dangerous...............but it is dangerous because it is highly addictive. Make your mind up, will you.

    I'll spend a few hours in a dark room trying to work that one out!!w00t.gif.

    As there was nothing else that could have killed her other than a drugs/alcohol cocktail I think that you have got your facts wrong. Prove me wrong by coming up with an alternative theory.

    What I am saying is that if a combination of alcohol and valium kills it is most likely the alcohol, not the valium. There is minimal danger of dying from valium but a remarkable danger of getting addict - which is not the subject of this thread

    Type "Valium death" into a search engine.

  7. is there someone preying on young western girls at that resort?

    It sure looks like it. A cold blooded serial killer is a better description.

    Now was that necessary - may I call you ignorant?

    Two Western people were killed by Myanmar illegals and you say that there is a serial killer on the loose!!!

    You really believe they were murdered by those Burmese boys?

    Sure the Burmese were found guilty but ... did they really do it???

    I've believed all along that they are guilty (one of the few with their heads screwed on) and not taken in by their pathetic angelic faces looking up and pleading for someone to save their skin - as far as I'm concerned they are baby-faced assassins.
    They haven't been found guilty (YET) by the way as the trial doesn't start until July 8th.

    In respect of a serial killer being loose on the island and a possibility of linking this unfortunate woman's death to other than medication there is another strand that is as follows:

    When the trial starts the defence will be able to contest the prosecution's claim that the Burmese 2 killed David Miller. It is exculpatory evidence that the hoe used on Hannah doesn't have DM's DNA on it, therefore the B2 didn't kill DM with it. Without a murder weapon, there is no evidence connection to DM, and therefore no case to answer.

    However which way you look at it, the judge cannot convict the B2 of DM's murder because they happened to be in the vicinity of the crime scene. Of course, the defence have to contest the charge of killing Hannah, and that would mean contesting the veracity of the DNA evidence submitted by the prosecution. Possible contamination owing to the unscientific initial collection of DNA from Hannah's body is another example of exculpatory evidence that favours the defence.

    The seeds against of 'proving beyond reasonable doubt' would have been sown, and if the trial is indeed fair, the defence just could stand a chance of getting the B2 a not-guilty verdict of the charges of murder.

    Think you may be on the wrong thread.
  8. is there someone preying on young western girls at that resort?

    It sure looks like it. A cold blooded serial killer is a better description.

    Now was that necessary - may I call you ignorant?

    Two Western people were killed by Myanmar illegals and you say that there is a serial killer on the loose!!!

    You really believe they were murdered by those Burmese boys?

    Sure the Burmese were found guilty but ... did they really do it???

    Trial hasn't taken place yet. No facts required when posting here though.

    • Like 1
  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Having no idea what medicines were in the room and not having done an autopsy, we can say for certain that it was not murder.

    Do they literally beat the imagination out of people in Thai schools, or do they wait til police academy to do that?

    The quote from the policeman in the OP says they do not know the cause of death. The certain it is not murder part is from the author of the OP.

    From the very first line of the OP-SURAT THANI — A senior police officer has insisted that the 23-year-old British tourist who died on the southern island of Koh Tao this week was not murdered.

    The first line is the authors interpretation, the statement in quotation marks from the policeman says they do not know the cause of death.

  10. Having no idea what medicines were in the room and not having done an autopsy, we can say for certain that it was not murder.

    Do they literally beat the imagination out of people in Thai schools, or do they wait til police academy to do that?

    The quote from the policeman in the OP says they do not know the cause of death. The certain it is not murder part is from the author of the OP.

    • Like 2
  11. Has the price gone up ?

    i saw early on in the thread, a price of 126,000 B mentioned.

    Went into my local dealers today and they wanted 139,000 B.

    Said that i thought they were 126,000 - only to be told "price go up"...

    Believe they were on a special introductory price for a while. Mine was 129,000 at the end of last July and seem to remember them saying offer finished in September.

  12. Is this a turning point? In last 20 or so years the world has witnessed numerous terrorist attacks by these groups mostly against innocent unarmed civilians. Is it not time for free people and their governments to eradicate this disease. You're either with us or against us, take your choice, live peacefully or die, take NO prisoners. These people of radical Islam are like rabid dogs, once the disease is in their brains there is only one option, death!

    Indeed, twenty innocent people murdered in France, like it or not this is far more newsworthy than the 5000 murdered by Islamic extremists worldwide last November. I think you may be right though, less than a month ago we had three so called lone wolf attacks in France, which we were told were unrelated, due to mentally ill individuals and nothing to do with Islam. Well the recent atrocities have buried that lie, hopefully once and for all. The west is fighting an ideological war with an alien hostile ideology, the murderers were doing no more than enforcing their own laws as they see them. Everyone who believes in Sharia law taking precedence over national laws is complicit in this, the numbers are huge, over 65% of Muslims polled in five continental European Countries. This can't end well, but I think it has now begun, we are at war.

    Now Brunei has declared sharia law and banned celebrating Christmas, it's time to vote with you feet and STOP BUYING SHELL products !

    Great idea, but why stop there? Shouldn't we avoid all petroleum related products by companies operating in the Persian Gulf? Or would that be too inconvenient?

    Have you any idea where your petrol originates?

  13. People like the self styled "internationally recognised expert on terrorism" who said on Fox News that non Muslims never go into Birmingham!

    He did say that and he did apologize, but he has nothing to do with Fox News other than appearing as a guest. Like it or not, he IS an expert on terrorism according to the New York Times and many other publications as well as Richard Clarke, former head of counter-terrorism for the United States National Security Council.

    I like Fox News. Better than most comedy on satellite.

  14. How can you disprove Islam's promises Mr. Educator? It's practically impossible...as impossible as disproving karma...'God' etc. We need totalitarian style measures. ..and new governments to implemen them. This or eventual demographic submersion and dhimmihood. Everything else is liberal wishful thinking.


    We need totalitarian style measures.

    Are you freaking serious?

    I'm afraid he is, Heijo.

    Not only him, but post after post on this Forum and everywhere, suggesting that the best way to address fundamentalist intolerance and violence is ... to stop tolerating these people and simply kill them. Massively.

    It illustrates the level of 'intelligence' which now prevails among the so-called 'educated' part of the world, and shows where we're headed.

    I have stated repeatedly "I just don't know what the solution is." However, you clearly indicate one solution is very wrong (it may be, I don't know). So, please... give us something. What is a solution short of the madness solution above that you object to?

    Have to agree. Sounds wishy washy to have no solution, unfortunately no one seems to have any viable reply. Difficult problem. Personally do not live in fear.

    • Like 1
  15. Look, you clearly have an agenda, but you try to act all coy and innocent about it in a sissy and manipulative way. Grow some cojones and say what is your mind instead of being all wussy about it.

    I can not solve any of societies problem and I have spoken out on black and black and gun violence many times on her. I was just responding to a post that is trying to insinuate we should not be worried about Islamic terrorists when guns and back on black violence are more prevalent here.

    You guys try to play games with words and ideology solely for the purpose of misdirection and trying to persuade the US and people like myself from being sick and tired of Islamic nut cases that candidly cannot integrate with a normal society, hence the need for no go zones.

    Ah, the grow some statement. No agenda whatsoever. No word games. Serious solution suggestions would be nice. Round them up and deport them? Wonderful. I can't think of a viable solution but if you can please educate me.

    Lol, be helpful if you learned how to use quotes.

    Not up to me to solve the world's problems. No matter what we do, certain races/cultures will never integrate into our society. No go zones, are you fricken kidding me! There is no solution. We are flexible, but Muslims are not and frankly . . . there is a ibg trust issue now that people have to put on the table and acknowledge rather than being all PC about it. Seriously, even these so called peaceful Muslims living under the so called religion of peace, Islam, still find it necessary to be divisive and create their own little countries inside their host countries.

    Please educate me how these nutters benefit the US, the UK, France or any European country. Economically, they are drain. Socially, they cause disruption. Politically, they create divisiveness. Culturally, they create fear and unwarranted guilt. Moreover, how much money does it costs our governments to try and keep tabs on these folks to try and stop terrorist acts. Its time to cut our loses, tighten visa requirements and put our foots down. This PC stuff is nothing but a losing proposition going forward and I think we are starting to realize this.

    Sorry for messing up with a quote earlier, thanks for pointing it out.

    Never mentioned no go zones. Keep up the good work.

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