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Posts posted by alanrchase

  1. Looks just like a Ninja 300 to me. Look at the tail and the 3 side vents on the side fairing.


    From the vents, the black piece above the vents, the large black piece below the vents, and the angle of the tail, it is safe to assume that it is this bike.


    Accept it could be, forgot camera lenses can give the impression of a fast overtake when a wide angle shot proves different.

  2. The Muslim world is doing more than just condemning terrorism. Arab states are in the coalition fighting ISIS.

    Only problem with that, is that some of these countries sponsor terrorism themselves. Saudi Arabia is the world's largest source of funds for Salafi jihadist terrorist militant groups and others provide weapons and funding for Islamic terrorists. It is not good enough to only fight the terrorists that are not their particular corner.

    When the Saudis catch a terrorist alive he or she probably wishes they had been killed. I am sure that terrorism is financed directly by certain elements in the country. I am also sure that funds for the terrorists have also come from Western governments financing various freedom fighters to help overthrow anti western regimes. Where did IS suddenly spring up from?

  3. Did anyone notice what appeared to be another bike tear past him on the inside when he was at 160kmh. About 6 min 40 secs in.

    Looks like a red and white Ninja 300 flies past him at 4:26 while he's stuck at 162kph.

    It's more than likely that the speedo is 10% optimistic, like the 250 it replaced, so about 146kph really. After that it climbed, slowly, to the high 160's.

    I'd personally spend a little bit more and get a used Ninja 300 for about the same money.

    Can't be another 300, went past too fast for that at 160.

  4. Just a heads up. Washed bike yesterday, put some fuel in today and the well around the filler hole was full of water, drain hole obviously blocked, hopefully no water got in tank.

    Agree on tyres now. Rear wheel has spun up twice this week accelerating in 2nd.

  5. I would ask one question of the clueless Mr Jones, how many murders, bombings, rapes, death threats and no go zones does it take before you begin to suspect that your cherished 'Islamophobia' is nothing more than a rational conclusion regarding Islam based on a growing mountain of evidence.

    It's so funny to read liberals discussing what should be done when it is their political correctness, moral cowardice and obsession with their God (Multiculturalism) that is largely responsible for the mess we are in today.
    It's so funny to read liberals discussing what should be done when it is their political correctness, moral cowardice and obsession with their God (Multiculturalism) that is largely responsible for the mess we are in today.

    Corrections and additions:

    It's so funny to read liberals discussing what should be done when it is their political correctness, moral cowardice and obsession with their God Gods and Belief System (Multiculturalism - Diversity - Global Warming - Climate Change... Wealth Redistribution... Unlimited Government Benefits - Free Everything ... Innocent Immigrants - Rights of Open Migration - Open Borders.. Christianity Bad / Islam Good... Israel Bad - Palestenians Good that is largely responsible for the mess we are in today.

    Actually you just attacked my God and belief system (multiculturalism), but as being a multiculturalist I accept you as part of my system too. You can also be satirical about me, the narrow-minded can't insult us.
    You just don't get it do you Islam in its most literal forms is anathema to multiculturalism, amply demonstrated by the disappearing Christian population in Islamic states. Submit to diversity, well good luck with that one especially if you are gay or a woman who wants to work or get an education.

    Then why do I see so many Muslima women work in the streets of Thailand?
    Try reading. Islam in its most literal forms, the same women might be blown to smithereens by some of their coreligionists for selling to infidels, selling on a Sunday or having their faces visible.

  6. I know what I would do to all these would-be Islamic martyrs. Make them unacceptable in their after-life to the 70 virgins they are supposed to earn.

    Maybe make them eat bacon

    . According to Rear Admiral D.P. Mannix, who fought the Moros as a young lieutenant from 1907–1908, the Americans exploited Muslim taboos by wrapping dead Moros in pig's skin and "stuffing [their] mouth with pork", thereby deterring the Moros from continuing with their suicide attacks.

    • Like 2
  7. To me success means to be happy in your new environment.

    Thailand is beautiful, that's for sure, but as I already wrote in some other thread, I am not quite happy here, because Thailand is more for old, retired expat community, not for young expats.

    ... unless they have a brain and can work, or work out what to do with their time.

    Yes, you are right, but I didn't come to Thailand to do nothing.

    I just want to say that it's not easy for young expats to have long term circle of friends within their age bracket, since the majority of farangs here are 50+.

    You all speak about money, but to me being with friends, with like minded people, is important segment of life.

    Agree. Unfortunately money is a bit of a necessity.

    • Like 1
  8. what is success ?

    good weather, good food, good pussy ?

    enough money not to worry about the bills or even old age ?

    Watched a film on sat TV years ago just to pass time. Song started and didn't pay too mutch attention. Eventually listend to the words. Basically all a man needed in life. Choirs went "loose shoes tight pussy and a warm place to s**t"


  9. Thai women/SEA women are subjected to so much criticisms and it's either we are hoes or having brown skin is a low-class issue.We are make fun of as flat faces and even called the ugly species of the world.We can't have meat in our body bec it will be considered fat and if we are skinny...we are called surf boards...everything flat.If we can't speak English right, we are mocked for that too but when we do...we are copying or trying to speak like "farangs". It's a damn if you do, damn if you don't thing.

    The worse part of it, our fellow Asian men would compare us to a blonde bomb-shell with a nice booty and pointed nose.

    I'm Asian born w lighter skin but small nose and I have meat on.Yes I have flaws and been criticized to the point I want to get a nose surgery but I realized it's not worth-it.

    I want Thai women to have more self-respect but if following trend/fashion makes them happy and doing it for themselves then I'm for it!!

    It's already hard to be a woman,let alone to be an Asian woman.

    Try being a australian aborigine woman,not much luck there.

    Worked with a few Aussies, nice people but awful about Aborigines. I could post the term for a woman that they used but pointless.

  10. moonseeker, this is a very dangerous topic to be discussing here. Make sure you filter out the noises in the thread and take advices with deep thoughts and considerations.

    After reading your post, I suggest you not buy them a house, and do not give them a large sum of money. People without financial knowledge will not have the capability to maintain and manage large sums of money. It will be easily used up in a matter of months of years.

    With your suggested sum of 12 million. May I suggest to you the following solution.

    6 funds, available through stock brokerage purchase, not through banks. You simply mail the required documents to one of the stock brokers in Thailand, recommended are MBKET, and etc. Once your account is opened, you can move your funds into that stock account, and purchase the funds I recommend to you personally.

    TRUEIF - 6% Dividend per year TAX FREE - True internet's telecommunications grid, the income will be from renting off of towers and equipments to companies in Thailand, and these have a long 5-30 years contract. You do not need to worry about fluctuations, the revenue is fixed already for years to come.

    BTSGIF - 6.2% Dividend - Bangkok's skytrain, dividends fluctuate according to ridership. Prices are regularly increased at a faster rate than inflation.

    CPNCG - 7.4% Dividend - Central World Offices

    TLGF - 5.3% Dividend - Tesco Lotus Retail Markets, collects rent.

    MJLF - 7.7% Dividend - Major Cineplex Space Rent

    CPNRF - 6.7% Dividend - Central Department Stores Rent

    With your 12 million, put 2 million into a money market savings mutual fund. You can open a bank account with Kbank, and set up online mutual fund purchasing. k-MPLUS, it gives you 2.2% per year, anytime you decide to sell, ALL the cash is immediately available to you the next morning before 10am. This fund only goes up, never down, no fluctuations.

    Put 3 million into any insurances you deem necessary as suggested by other members here.

    Now you have 7 million left, this is the REAL SOLUTION you want.

    Put 2.5 million in BTSGIF = Receive 150,000 per year.

    Put 2.5 million in TRUEIF = Receive 150,000 per year.

    Put 1 million in TLGF = Receive 53,000 per year.

    Remaining 1 million in the CPNCG, CPNRF, MJLF = Receive 70,000 per year.

    Total dividends received per year 423,000 THB

    Dividends are usually paid 4 times a year, the money goes DIRECTLY into your bank account with no actions on our part. The bank account will receive 100,000 every 3 months. Make an atm card for this bank account, and let the mom withdraw it to use accordingly.

    Your family will be able to enjoy this money for many years to come, be it 30 years, 40 years or 50 years. They do not have to sell the stock, or to understand it. They are owners of land, space, and equipment, and will be paid rent for those items by other companies.

    I hope my personal advice will be of help to you and your situation of distress.

    Do not trust bankers, and do not get financial advice of any "professional". They are out there to earn your money or to receive commissions if they succeed in selling your product. I have been there and done that, and own those things I have recommended to you, and I do not care if there are others out there who would like to say otherwise. The stock funds recommended to you have also been strategically suited for you to reduce the risk, with BTSGIF and TRUEIF being the most rock solid, having the most proportion.

    -Retired investor

    There are a number of problems with this approach.

    1. Several of the property funds you mention are based on long term rental, not ownership. In other words, the OPs family is not the owner of anything as you suggest. They are simply renting and subletting.

    2. Property funds and REITs go up and down just like all other shares, although they are usually less volatile. Yet some of the funds you mention have gone up and down at least 20% over the last 2 years or so.

    3. Even with property funds things change over time. They are dependent on someone renting what they have to offer, so competing cinemas, shopping malls, hotels etc. might steal the tenants over time, reducing the income and thereby value of the property fund. While some property funds on the SET are doing great, others are not, and noone can predict what the status is in 10 or 20 years.

    4. Property funds and REITs can be purchased both through brokers and banks. In either case alot of paperwork is needed to set it up, and as it involves information regarding the account owners knowledge regarding stocks, risk acceptance and economy, I doubt it can be inherited without doing it all over again.

    My point is, investing directly in any stock, even property funds and REITs require some understanding of the stock market and the business you invest in.

    As the OPs family likely has no knowledge in this field whatsoever, I suggested in a post above to simply buy mutual funds or similar directly from any local bank.

    The advantages are:

    1. Professionals from the bank will invest the OPs money on his behalf and maintain the investment as the years go by. The OP and his family therefore does not need to know anything about the individual stocks.

    Sure, the bank can make bad decisions, but odds are they will do better than the OPs family.

    2. Buying funds at the bank (or a broker), makes it alot easier to spread risk. As an example the OP can buy into funds that cover the whole world, or any part of it, not just Thailand. Or buy into a sector (banking, telecoms, infrastructure etc.) Instead of just 1 company.

    3. Buying mutual funds require alot less paperwork than opening a trading account. And buying or selling funds can easily be done at the bank.

    The downside is that the bank charges a fee for taking care of the funds. I think it is usually around 1-2% a year.

    Don't get me wrong, I prefer using a trading account myself, but if I knew nothing about the stock market, I would let a bank or broker do it for me.

    I am generally in fixed interest. Been good over the last few years. Do I cover inflation? Only just. Could I gamble, Yes. Do I need to? No. Financial people have vested interstate.
    Awful phone. Changes what I type. Just read my post, interstate! Interest.

    I understood what you meant :-)

    Fixes interest is fine, and more or less risk free, but as you said yourself, it only covers inflation, so you are basically just storing your money, not making any. As I understand, the OP is looking to invest, in order to make money for the family, which obviously carries risk.


    Get the point. Would you advise another person on financial matters? Unfortunately may end in tears. Win lose best done by yourself without laying blame on third party. Happy New Year.

    • Like 2
  11. moonseeker, this is a very dangerous topic to be discussing here. Make sure you filter out the noises in the thread and take advices with deep thoughts and considerations.

    After reading your post, I suggest you not buy them a house, and do not give them a large sum of money. People without financial knowledge will not have the capability to maintain and manage large sums of money. It will be easily used up in a matter of months of years.

    With your suggested sum of 12 million. May I suggest to you the following solution.

    6 funds, available through stock brokerage purchase, not through banks. You simply mail the required documents to one of the stock brokers in Thailand, recommended are MBKET, and etc. Once your account is opened, you can move your funds into that stock account, and purchase the funds I recommend to you personally.

    TRUEIF - 6% Dividend per year TAX FREE - True internet's telecommunications grid, the income will be from renting off of towers and equipments to companies in Thailand, and these have a long 5-30 years contract. You do not need to worry about fluctuations, the revenue is fixed already for years to come.

    BTSGIF - 6.2% Dividend - Bangkok's skytrain, dividends fluctuate according to ridership. Prices are regularly increased at a faster rate than inflation.

    CPNCG - 7.4% Dividend - Central World Offices

    TLGF - 5.3% Dividend - Tesco Lotus Retail Markets, collects rent.

    MJLF - 7.7% Dividend - Major Cineplex Space Rent

    CPNRF - 6.7% Dividend - Central Department Stores Rent

    With your 12 million, put 2 million into a money market savings mutual fund. You can open a bank account with Kbank, and set up online mutual fund purchasing. k-MPLUS, it gives you 2.2% per year, anytime you decide to sell, ALL the cash is immediately available to you the next morning before 10am. This fund only goes up, never down, no fluctuations.

    Put 3 million into any insurances you deem necessary as suggested by other members here.

    Now you have 7 million left, this is the REAL SOLUTION you want.

    Put 2.5 million in BTSGIF = Receive 150,000 per year.

    Put 2.5 million in TRUEIF = Receive 150,000 per year.

    Put 1 million in TLGF = Receive 53,000 per year.

    Remaining 1 million in the CPNCG, CPNRF, MJLF = Receive 70,000 per year.

    Total dividends received per year 423,000 THB

    Dividends are usually paid 4 times a year, the money goes DIRECTLY into your bank account with no actions on our part. The bank account will receive 100,000 every 3 months. Make an atm card for this bank account, and let the mom withdraw it to use accordingly.

    Your family will be able to enjoy this money for many years to come, be it 30 years, 40 years or 50 years. They do not have to sell the stock, or to understand it. They are owners of land, space, and equipment, and will be paid rent for those items by other companies.

    I hope my personal advice will be of help to you and your situation of distress.

    Do not trust bankers, and do not get financial advice of any "professional". They are out there to earn your money or to receive commissions if they succeed in selling your product. I have been there and done that, and own those things I have recommended to you, and I do not care if there are others out there who would like to say otherwise. The stock funds recommended to you have also been strategically suited for you to reduce the risk, with BTSGIF and TRUEIF being the most rock solid, having the most proportion.

    -Retired investor

    There are a number of problems with this approach.

    1. Several of the property funds you mention are based on long term rental, not ownership. In other words, the OPs family is not the owner of anything as you suggest. They are simply renting and subletting.

    2. Property funds and REITs go up and down just like all other shares, although they are usually less volatile. Yet some of the funds you mention have gone up and down at least 20% over the last 2 years or so.

    3. Even with property funds things change over time. They are dependent on someone renting what they have to offer, so competing cinemas, shopping malls, hotels etc. might steal the tenants over time, reducing the income and thereby value of the property fund. While some property funds on the SET are doing great, others are not, and noone can predict what the status is in 10 or 20 years.

    4. Property funds and REITs can be purchased both through brokers and banks. In either case alot of paperwork is needed to set it up, and as it involves information regarding the account owners knowledge regarding stocks, risk acceptance and economy, I doubt it can be inherited without doing it all over again.

    My point is, investing directly in any stock, even property funds and REITs require some understanding of the stock market and the business you invest in.

    As the OPs family likely has no knowledge in this field whatsoever, I suggested in a post above to simply buy mutual funds or similar directly from any local bank.

    The advantages are:

    1. Professionals from the bank will invest the OPs money on his behalf and maintain the investment as the years go by. The OP and his family therefore does not need to know anything about the individual stocks.

    Sure, the bank can make bad decisions, but odds are they will do better than the OPs family.

    2. Buying funds at the bank (or a broker), makes it alot easier to spread risk. As an example the OP can buy into funds that cover the whole world, or any part of it, not just Thailand. Or buy into a sector (banking, telecoms, infrastructure etc.) Instead of just 1 company.

    3. Buying mutual funds require alot less paperwork than opening a trading account. And buying or selling funds can easily be done at the bank.

    The downside is that the bank charges a fee for taking care of the funds. I think it is usually around 1-2% a year.

    Don't get me wrong, I prefer using a trading account myself, but if I knew nothing about the stock market, I would let a bank or broker do it for me.

    I am generally in fixed interest. Been good over the last few years. Do I cover inflation? Only just. Could I gamble, Yes. Do I need to? No. Financial people have vested interstate.
    Awful phone. Changes what I type. Just read my post, interstate! Interest.
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