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Posts posted by alanrchase

  1. Please note: "Central Investigation Bureau commander Lt-General Pongpat Chayaphan, who has been suspended from service after being charged with several crimes, including lese majeste, a police source said late yesterday."

    Including Lese Majeste, aligning those who do not necessarily support the King against those who do. Remember, the Army traditionally supports his majesty, as has been shown in previous coups. Let's hope this clean-up or -out continues. Do you see a change? I do. Have you been worse-off under martial law? I have not. I like what's happening, including the immigration tightening, and hope it continues.

    I believe the charge of Lese Majeste is often used here as it is easier to put someone in prison for that offence than for the actual crime committed.

    Perhaps the fact that such a high Thai official being involved in such unfavorable light is an affront to the King.

    Stretching it a bit far but possible.

  2. How good would it be if all the corrupt thai's amassing huge wealth was caught stripped of all their assets and given hard labour, and the money used to help the poor.

    And the best way to help the poor would be to use the money to increase police salaries to a more liveable level so they didn't need to supplement them through corruption.

    That's a joke right ?????

    Often stated, but a false and highly unbelievable solution......Doing that would just make them lazier..... they would get a higher salary and still perpetrate the corruption practices..... If you sincerely believe what you stated , you're around to many smokers

    What is absolutely clear is that low police pay means that they need to supplement their income. Increasing their base pay is a necessary (but not sufficient) criterion for there to be change. So no, it's not a joke. The challenge is to identify and effect whatever else must change.

    With reference to your posts, I have to assume one of two circumstances.

    1 You are a policeman yourself


    2 You are surely living in a dream world.

    With the level of , or I should more correctly state complete lack of self discipline by way too many in this country, what could possible make you think that if they received more salary , that they would give up the gravy train voluntarily ?

    That is just wishful thinking , not only for the police, but for 90% of people in this country. To many examples in this country of "Me-ism". Its gotten to be a way of life over the decades and the mai pen rai attitude has done naught to even attempt correcting it.

    Dream on ....... it only sounds like a good solution.....

    What about the minimum wage increase installed by the last gov't...... did production improve any..... NO..... It accomplished vote buying for some and a great deal of lost jobs for many , with many more jobs to be lost .... But YES is sounds good to have it.

    Sorry to contradict you but pay levels in the UK for various official jobs are enhanced to try and combat corruption.

    You equate the UK with Thailand on corruption????

    There are millions of folks in Thailand making less of a salary than policeman..... do they go around in mass numbers with masks and hatchets robbing people??? Come on wake up to reality. Each and every policeman knew the responsibility of the job as well as the compensation salary before choosing to apply. They knew the salary ...... why did they want to join up.......only the most naïve would think it wasn't for the added perks provided by corruption

    Not at all. UK and USA and various other countries have learnt a bit over the years. All far from perfect. Perfection will never happen. Just observe local life here and minor corruption is a given.

  3. How good would it be if all the corrupt thai's amassing huge wealth was caught stripped of all their assets and given hard labour, and the money used to help the poor.

    And the best way to help the poor would be to use the money to increase police salaries to a more liveable level so they didn't need to supplement them through corruption.

    That's a joke right ?????

    Often stated, but a false and highly unbelievable solution......Doing that would just make them lazier..... they would get a higher salary and still perpetrate the corruption practices..... If you sincerely believe what you stated , you're around to many smokers

    What is absolutely clear is that low police pay means that they need to supplement their income. Increasing their base pay is a necessary (but not sufficient) criterion for there to be change. So no, it's not a joke. The challenge is to identify and effect whatever else must change.

    With reference to your posts, I have to assume one of two circumstances.

    1 You are a policeman yourself


    2 You are surely living in a dream world.

    With the level of , or I should more correctly state complete lack of self discipline by way too many in this country, what could possible make you think that if they received more salary , that they would give up the gravy train voluntarily ?

    That is just wishful thinking , not only for the police, but for 90% of people in this country. To many examples in this country of "Me-ism". Its gotten to be a way of life over the decades and the mai pen rai attitude has done naught to even attempt correcting it.

    Dream on ....... it only sounds like a good solution.....

    What about the minimum wage increase installed by the last gov't...... did production improve any..... NO..... It accomplished vote buying for some and a great deal of lost jobs for many , with many more jobs to be lost .... But YES is sounds good to have it.

    Sorry to contradict you but pay levels in the UK for various official jobs are enhanced to try and combat corruption.

  4. The Pm is doing some awesome job. However, I don't think he will ever get to the end of the line of millions of corrupt people in here.

    He deserves credit for trying hard - so far, he is far more effective than the last 10 administrations put together.

    Also, a convenient side effect is that by clearing out the corruptions, he's also clearing out all the political acolytes of Thaksin, who rose to the top via corruptions - so yes, removing corrupt officials serves both purposes, both of which benefit Thailand positively.

    And all the coups before his own dog and pony show came to what, exactly. Oh, yeah. Where they are NOW w00t.gif

    For some reason I feel the need to be a bit pedantic. It was not a coup as the Parliament had been dissolved before he took over. As has happened here for many years time will tell if it is good or bad. Thai democracy is still in its youth, I was a kid when America still had segregation. Give it time, I will probably not live to see it.

  5. 1 billion baht in cash seems rather a lot to keep in your house. If these were in 1,000 baht notes, then that's a million notes. 1 million baht in 1,000 baht notes is a 'wad' about 7cm in height. So I calculate that there was about 700 metres total height of cash. If the room height is say, 3 metres (nice house), then that still makes 233 piles of cash from floor to ceiling.

    Where did he sit to eat breakfast???

    'Simon said' you have a vivid imagination, alas maths contradict you: when your 7cm. are correct, 7cm. x 1,000 : 100/m. = 70m. = less than 70 shoeboxes will do, ask your wife whether she could stash 70 boxes with new shoes in the cupboard, yes will be the answer... And don't forget either there were also US$, and gold bars too... maybe a lot less shoeboxes, but some very heavy ones...

    Gold bars are the way to go, will not turn mouldy in the humid climate.

    • Like 1
  6. I would applaud this greatly if I did not having nagging feeling this was not about corruption as much as a political purge. Allay my fears and make some raids on similar level officers homes etc who happen to support the current power brokers. Anyone who thinks only red side has this kind of looted money lying about is naive in the extreme, or just got here.

    Is that not politics the world over? Ask Oliver North.

  7. Please note: "Central Investigation Bureau commander Lt-General Pongpat Chayaphan, who has been suspended from service after being charged with several crimes, including lese majeste, a police source said late yesterday."

    Including Lese Majeste, aligning those who do not necessarily support the King against those who do. Remember, the Army traditionally supports his majesty, as has been shown in previous coups. Let's hope this clean-up or -out continues. Do you see a change? I do. Have you been worse-off under martial law? I have not. I like what's happening, including the immigration tightening, and hope it continues.

    I believe the charge of Lese Majeste is often used here as it is easier to put someone in prison for that offence than for the actual crime committed.

  8. He has a pineapple face just like Noriega I'll bet dollars to donuts his crimes are similar
    Noriega was a good friend of the USA for many years.

    Yes, it's true: he may have been a sonofabitch, but he was OUR sonofabitch.....

    Ta. Strange old world most of the time. Noriega, Sadam good allies one day perpetrators of war crimes the next. Gen. Pinochet was a good egg at one time unless you were a local. Corruption exists wherever there is power, the West is a bit more adept at hiding it. Thai worse than the West? Possibly.

    Just poorly planned, using cash in plain sight stashed away in the home- a little less sophisticated is all. Guess they didnt hear of isle of man, tax havens, offshore....or a even a drivers/maids name....

    My bank is in the IOM, tax haven no more. Drivers/maids? The man in Dubai,

  9. He has a pineapple face just like Noriega I'll bet dollars to donuts his crimes are similar

    Noriega was a good friend of the USA for many years.

    Yes, it's true: he may have been a sonofabitch, but he was OUR sonofabitch.....

    Ta. Strange old world most of the time. Noriega, Sadam good allies one day perpetrators of war crimes the next. Gen. Pinochet was a good egg at one time unless you were a local. Corruption exists wherever there is power, the West is a bit more adept at hiding it. Thai worse than the West? Possibly.

    • Like 1
  10. I don't think it would have been the Chompoo's choice, after all, her mum was with her at the time. The only reason she's in the home is because her mum is poor and getting the best education she can for her daughter, this doesn't mean she's available for adoption for Buddha's sake. I don't think any home or adoption agency would allow a child to go with the fat bint Kardashian mainly because of her unstable and violent husband Kanye "fishsticks" West.

    "Fat bint" captured the lady perfectly.

  11. Another "Tragic Accident" ? yeah right, dont tell me, suspected suicide, this is getting beyond a joke. How many more bodies will pile up before something is "actually done" !

    How many is that know in the last few months?

    Seriously, the amount of "accidents / unsolved deaths" are mounting here.

    At least they are not calling his death suicide .,,,,,, YET

    The old favourates are the best, keep them coming.

  12. It would appear that the majority of TV posts are embroiled in the effect with little concern for the cause. A young man has died under suspicious and as yet unreported circumstances and that should be cause for the British Embassy to investigate through the Thai authorities and clarify. Why has there been a potential news blackout on this.Where did it happen and how did it happen are significantly more serious than pontificating on travel insurance. Are we all getting conditioned into accepting that life is cheap and irrelevant in this country ?

    To answer briefly, yes.

    I had a friend drop dead in my loungeroom while I was away and the landlady rang me to tell me the news and when I told her that I don't think I could get back there all she was worried about was could she keep the 3000 baht deposit that I left with her.[/quote

    Sorry to quote the whole post but as reported so far there are no suspicious circumstances.

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