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Posts posted by alanrchase

  1. Sorry, but you are barely coherent.

    US has taken desperate measures to protect its homeland in the wake of 911. National security is our top priority. If not kept in check, we see crap like Boko Haram, ISIS, Syria and etc. and we need to do whatever is in our power to keep that crap off US streets.

    barely - but answer me this "my man" why do you allow terrorism on a scale much larger to exist on your own doorstep?

    I'm not going to lecture you on US gun crime you know the statistics.. but you'll fight tooth and nail to keep your "amendments" even if that means you children get terrorised but other children.

    Because life is not fair and we should do whatever we can to preserve out country's safety and security. My children are not terrorized and live great lives.

    US gun crime impacts inner cities and minorities way more than it impacts me. I never lock my doors to my home and live in peace.

    Black on black gang or drug violence does not involve blowing up buses, train stations, subway stations, marathons or flying planes into buildings full of innocent women and children Yep, Islam terrorist are the most vile scourge in the planet and should be eradicated at all cost if necessary to preserve national security.

    So "black on black " does not impact you so no problem there?

    Look, you clearly have an agenda, but you try to act all coy and innocent about it in a sissy and manipulative way. Grow some cojones and say what is your mind instead of being all wussy about it.

    I can not solve any of societies problem and I have spoken out on black and black and gun violence many times on her. I was just responding to a post that is trying to insinuate we should not be worried about Islamic terrorists when guns and back on black violence are more prevalent here.

    You guys try to play games with words and ideology solely for the purpose of misdirection and trying to persuade the US and people like myself from being sick and tired of Islamic nut cases that candidly cannot integrate with a normal society, hence the need for no go zones.

    Ah, the grow some statement. No agenda whatsoever. No word games. Serious solution suggestions would be nice. Round them up and deport them? Wonderful. I can't think of a viable solution but if you can please educate me.

  2. Sorry, but you are barely coherent.

    US has taken desperate measures to protect its homeland in the wake of 911. National security is our top priority. If not kept in check, we see crap like Boko Haram, ISIS, Syria and etc. and we need to do whatever is in our power to keep that crap off US streets.

    barely - but answer me this "my man" why do you allow terrorism on a scale much larger to exist on your own doorstep?

    I'm not going to lecture you on US gun crime you know the statistics.. but you'll fight tooth and nail to keep your "amendments" even if that means you children get terrorised but other children.

    Because life is not fair and we should do whatever we can to preserve out country's safety and security. My children are not terrorized and live great lives.

    US gun crime impacts inner cities and minorities way more than it impacts me. I never lock my doors to my home and live in peace.

    Black on black gang or drug violence does not involve blowing up buses, train stations, subway stations, marathons or flying planes into buildings full of innocent women and children Yep, Islam terrorist are the most vile scourge in the planet and should be eradicated at all cost if necessary to preserve national security.

    So "black on black " does not impact you so no problem there?

  3. According to the French government there are 751 such zones inside France, more in other European nations. Mail carriers, police, firefighters do not enter.

    7x7 will be along shortly to tell you that the French Government are lying.

    He has stated numerous times on this forum, that there is no such things as no-go areas anywhere in Europe.

    Anyone who says that these no-go areas do exist are immediately branded racist Islamaphobes or other such niceties.

    Must be amazing living in his world.

    No go zones don't exist, Islam is the religion of peace . . .

    People with an ounce of sense are starting to see through this bs. All of this has been really eye opening. Fat chance of no go zones ever happening in US now. Things here will be changing soon once we get an effective President with cojones in 2016. All these nutty terrorist acts all over the world are all but assuring a change in Public sentiment.

    If my memory serves the West has been bombing the Muslim communities for the last 15 or so years. Should they up the payload on the bomber aircraft? A static to ponder. More weight of bombs were dropped by the anti Vietcong forces during that "conflict" than were dropped in WWE. Frightening.

    Sorry, but you are barely coherent.

    US has taken desperate measures to protect its homeland in the wake of 911. National security is our top priority. If not kept in check, we see crap like Boko Haram, ISIS, Syria and etc. and we need to do whatever is in our power to keep that crap off US streets.

    Barely coherent? Boko Haram? Point was you can bomb the cr*p out of a country and basically achieve nothing.

  4. 2010 in the US there were 39,518 deaths caused by self harm.. deport the selfs!
    This thread maybe not the best place for stupid jokes.

    so you now feel the need to shutup any satire on this sacred of all sacred threads

    well played - you just joined the ranks of those you despise.

    You really are an idiot. Your post wasn't satire. Far from it. You're not humorous in the slightest. Just another sad little Islamist stinking up this thread.
    Except C E's jokes weren't stupid. Dangerous maybe...
    Actually I did understand them, once they were translated. Care to tell me what was stupid about them?

    Except C E's jokes weren't stupid. Dangerous maybe...

    wait, you are the same bellend that posted a link to BONNI INTALL's hate site and you say my comments are stupid.. clap2.gif

    Hats off to you - well played that man!

    Glad you enjoyed the link.

    And there's a reason there're so many anti-Islam hate sites. Can you guess?

    No need to guess. Are they helpful or a place to vent? TV has people with some strange views compared to me. Great, that is what it is about.

  5. They are French.

    Born in Paris

    What do you mean they are French? These idiots live in No-Go zones governed by Sharia law.

    They are French solely for purposes of living off French government, but they effectively set up their own little countries inside France that refuses to recognize French laws and where non-Muslims may not be permitted to go. Mind boggling.

    According to the French government there are 751 such zones inside France, more in other European nations. Mail carriers, police, firefighters do not enter.

    7x7 will be along shortly to tell you that the French Government are lying.

    He has stated numerous times on this forum, that there is no such things as no-go areas anywhere in Europe.

    Anyone who says that these no-go areas do exist are immediately branded racist Islamaphobes or other such niceties.

    Must be amazing living in his world.

    No go zones don't exist, Islam is the religion of peace . . .

    People with an ounce of sense are starting to see through this bs. All of this has been really eye opening. Fat chance of no go zones ever happening in US now. Things here will be changing soon once we get an effective President with cojones in 2016. All these nutty terrorist acts all over the world are all but assuring a change in Public sentiment.

    If my memory serves the West has been bombing the Muslim communities for the last 15 or so years. Should they up the payload on the bomber aircraft? A static to ponder. More weight of bombs were dropped by the anti Vietcong forces during that "conflict" than were dropped in WWE. Frightening.

  6. Its time to stop this blight of evil idiots. Given their absolute disregard for all life, where innocent people are hostages and their deaths are a statement of support for their god, its time to eradicate them like a cancer.

    The basic tenant of tolerant western culture is live and let life.

    If anything disagrees with this its got to be removed.

    Kill these terrorists like a cancer.

    Abdul Hamza just received life imprisonment in Colorado supermax prison, what a waste of a good bullet.

    For the life in me I cannot understand all the bs about how we should not water board these animals, torture one hundred Islamist radicals save one life , job well done.

    Nobody will ever change my mind on that score.


  7. All it is, is an opinion, not backed by anything, but your own beliefs and that is what I pointed out.

    555 yes ok if you say so rolleyes.gif You may hold onto that

    That they the thousand of collateral damages cited by many reputable agencies

    are dead (fact/opinion?) & their families might hold a grudge (I did say might...so ok maybe my opinion/guess)

    Would be drifting OT to list the stats for you but Google is your friend if you care.

    If people are going to associate with terrorists, live with them, marry and have children with them, it's fairly obvious that they're going to end up as drone bait one day. You make your choices.

    Some nam na!

    Drone bait. That may catch on. Possibly trend on Twitter.

    • Like 1
  8. Abdul Hamza just received life imprisonment in Colorado supermax prison, what a waste of a good bullet.

    Yes, Abu Hamza. The man the UK gave refuge to, allowed to preach his crap at Finsbury Park mosque, lived in a 220,000 pound house, gave over 2.75 million pounds to as welfare payments and spent over 1 million pounds trying to deport.

    Unbelievable!!! I fear for the UK.

    He was one of the most obnoxious persons you could imagine. Unfortunately free speech allowed him to get away with his rantings and human rights delayed his deportation. In the west we applaud the right for free speech and human rights. Unfortunately the west's ideals can bite them in the ass.
    • Like 1
  9. This is political theatre not to be taken seriously. A real journalist or a more talented interviewer would have picked Choudary apart. Hannity is a blunt, unsubtle instrument in the manufactured culture wars, pretty much confined to the US context. This is meant to drive ratings and income for the corporation behind this media outlet.

    Rushdie started to talk about this on Bill Maher's Real Time the other day. I listen to Salman Rushdie. He has been engaged deeply on these issues for a long time.

    Choudary is difficult to listen to but basically a provocateur. The trick is to not be provoked. If you believe in free speech, then you have to let him speak. People like this have little moderation. If you have well crafted laws and strong institutions, generally you can give them enough rope to hang themselves. If they stray into hate speech or actual incitement of actions to aid and support terrorist activities then you can get them. Just like Abu Hamza.

    Could a non-Muslim carry on like Choudary and get away with it in the UK?

    Is there an equivalent non-Muslim minority figure going on in the same style and getting away with it?

    How would either of the above fare in any Muslim country if trying something of the sort?

    It would not be allowed. But isn't that the great thing about Western democracies? Free speech.

    • Like 1
  10. Of course. Certain posters keep trying to claim that small numbers of Muslims condemning these terrorists attacks represent the majority, but I just don't buy that. In fact, I wonder how many of them do it only for political reasons and don't even mean it - although, some do, of course.

    I would compare them to many posters on Thai Visa who constantly make excuses and rationalizations for the acts of Islamic terrorist groups, but are careful to always throw in a disclaimer about how they do not support terrorism. Frankly, after reading their posts every day, I am very suspicious about their sincerity.

    Yes, you do have many posts, your view is the same in them all. The above quote is the one I was referring to. Apologies for any confusion.
    I'm not really sure what your complaint is. You said that I want everyone to agree with my views and - on certain subjects - you are correct. I think that the post that you were addressing illustrates this pretty well.

    I think that a lot of Muslims are not honest about supporting radical Islam and make claim that they don't for political reasons that they don't really mean. I also feel that a lot of posters on TV are dishonest about radical Islam and a lot more don't know much about it, but act like they do. To me, not challenging these people's sincerity is a big mistake.


  11. What I do wonder about is how much public support among Muslim communities and nations do these statements represent? Westerners are quite at home denying that their leader's statements conform to their own views (this can be evident in about any semi-political topic on TVF). Would it not be the same for Muslims?

    When people feel strongly about issues, there is often a public display of their discontent - be it demonstrations, marches, strikes and what not (limiting the reference to relatively non-violent means of expression), or nowadays, social media campaigns. There is relatively less public outrage expressed by Muslims over Islam-related terrorist attacks than one could have expected, going by some of the claims repeatedly raised. If these statements indeed represent a majority, then this majority either feels less than directly involved or threatened, is either passive or restricted in its reactions.

    Of course. Certain posters keep trying to claim that small numbers of Muslims condemning these terrorists attacks represent the majority, but I just don't buy that. In fact, I wonder how many of them do it only for political reasons and don't even mean it - although, some do, of course.

    I would compare them to many posters on Thai Visa who constantly make excuses and rationalizations for the acts of Islamic terrorist groups, but are careful to always throw in a disclaimer about how they do not support terrorism. Frankly, after reading their posts every day, I am very suspicious about their sincerity.

    Yes, you do have many posts, your view is the same in them all. The above quote is the one I was referring to. Apologies for any confusion.

  12. It took 17 Arabs to make the "free" world scared of it's own shadow.

    You are referring to 9/11
    We are not Americans
    We are not going to negotiate our citizen rights in the name of fear and accept a patriot act like you did


    I'm not a Yank. I'm English,

    Good ...
    so you should know in Europe we refuse to be governed by fear, because fearing people are weak and accept anything

    Governed by incompetent fools more like.

    So tell me who you would like to govern you.
  13. I'm not denying these morons use Islam as an excuse.

    I'm denying they are a majority

    It took 17 Arabs to make the "free" world scared of it's own shadow.

    You are referring to 9/11

    We are not Americans

    We are not going to negotiate our citizen rights in the name of fear and accept a patriot act like you did


    I'm not a Yank. I'm English,

    So you are English and scared?

  14. We're agreeing with the exception of the time frames. From 06:37 in the clip (where the CB300F pulls even indicating that the other bike is below its speed) to 06:40 (where the other bike is pulling ahead again) is roughly 1/2 the time that the Ninja needs to accelerate to such a rate.

    Perhaps it is the cam angle distorting the visual acceleration, as Alan is saying.

    For me, I think this post is evident enough for me anyway. Will leave it there. :)

    Give benefit of doubt to you. Kawasaki are nice bikes, no dealers where I live and too pricey for me. Had a GPZ 900 years ago, fantastic bike.

  15. Who exactly is sat in their house or going about their daily routine and scared of a radical Muslim attack. Have they seriously achieved anything?

    17 innocent people going about their daily routine are now dead in the morgue!!

    Yes "they" are creating fear and uncertainty.

    Do not know where you are sat at the moment but are you scared? This has been going on for several years now. During that time I and many other people have traveled around. Cautious? maybe, scared? no. Why be scared?

  16. Mo, I was talking about later on in the clip. At 6:26 you can see the bike in question applying its brakes.

    attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-01-10 at 20.40.01.png

    11 seconds later the CB300F pulls even.

    attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-01-10 at 20.44.56.png

    4 seconds after that the second bike has accelerated from less than 160 km/h to enough to catch up with the CB300F. You can see its headlight entering the frame here.

    attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-01-10 at 20.47.48.png

    Obviously a Ninja 300 can not accelerate that hard. I am not commenting on the earlier instance of the apparent Ninja 300, because others have pointed out that the perspective can be skewed.

    Weren't they pointing out that the apparent speed/acceleration can be skewed? ie, other vehicles can appear to be going much faster than they are. I thought that is what Alan was talking about.

    Just looking at a

    and it accelerates from 162kph-180kph in about 10 seconds. (0:53-1:02 in the linked video)

    The CB300 is kind of stuck around 165kph during the undertaking that you're on about. 162-180kph in about 10 seconds looks about right, to the untrained eye.

    Yes. Onboard MotoGP cams are great but if you see same action wide angle it is not as fast. Onboard meters ahead, wide angle not so far. Overtaking speeds similar.

  17. It looks to be going pretty fast the way it shoots off into the distance and is gone in a few seconds, while the CB300 is climbing from 162 to 165 (indicated)

    Haven't watched MotoGP in a while but onboard cams always gave the impression of faster moves than wide angle. Kawasaki 300 still impressive.

  18. France is well and truly into the second stage of Jihad now, as are Thailand, and the Philippines. UK & probably Germany are in transition to the second stage

    Interesting but hidden is the fact that these videos and blogs are run by fundamentalists and whack-jobs of different religions/polltics/lifestyles...no less dangerous in my view than those they seek to criticise and warn us of.
    Indeed David Wood has a long history of slaughtering people in delis and machine gunning the staff of satirical magazines. You can always rely on silly equivalence arguments when facts assail you.
    He is just the hand that stirs the pot.
    As were the staff of Charlie Hedbo, perhaps we should all stop stirring and accept dhimmi status, except for those already on the death list for various forms of original sin.

    Sorry to disagree, they were not stiring the pot as such, everyone and everything was open to them.
  19. France is well and truly into the second stage of Jihad now, as are Thailand, and the Philippines. UK & probably Germany are in transition to the second stage

    Interesting but hidden is the fact that these videos and blogs are run by fundamentalists and whack-jobs of different religions/polltics/lifestyles...no less dangerous in my view than those they seek to criticise and warn us of.

    Indeed David Wood has a long history of slaughtering people in delis and machine gunning the staff of satirical magazines. You can always rely on silly equivalence arguments when facts assail you.

    He is just the hand that stirs the pot.

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