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Posts posted by alanrchase

  1. moonseeker, this is a very dangerous topic to be discussing here. Make sure you filter out the noises in the thread and take advices with deep thoughts and considerations.

    After reading your post, I suggest you not buy them a house, and do not give them a large sum of money. People without financial knowledge will not have the capability to maintain and manage large sums of money. It will be easily used up in a matter of months of years.

    With your suggested sum of 12 million. May I suggest to you the following solution.

    6 funds, available through stock brokerage purchase, not through banks. You simply mail the required documents to one of the stock brokers in Thailand, recommended are MBKET, and etc. Once your account is opened, you can move your funds into that stock account, and purchase the funds I recommend to you personally.

    TRUEIF - 6% Dividend per year TAX FREE - True internet's telecommunications grid, the income will be from renting off of towers and equipments to companies in Thailand, and these have a long 5-30 years contract. You do not need to worry about fluctuations, the revenue is fixed already for years to come.

    BTSGIF - 6.2% Dividend - Bangkok's skytrain, dividends fluctuate according to ridership. Prices are regularly increased at a faster rate than inflation.

    CPNCG - 7.4% Dividend - Central World Offices

    TLGF - 5.3% Dividend - Tesco Lotus Retail Markets, collects rent.

    MJLF - 7.7% Dividend - Major Cineplex Space Rent

    CPNRF - 6.7% Dividend - Central Department Stores Rent

    With your 12 million, put 2 million into a money market savings mutual fund. You can open a bank account with Kbank, and set up online mutual fund purchasing. k-MPLUS, it gives you 2.2% per year, anytime you decide to sell, ALL the cash is immediately available to you the next morning before 10am. This fund only goes up, never down, no fluctuations.

    Put 3 million into any insurances you deem necessary as suggested by other members here.

    Now you have 7 million left, this is the REAL SOLUTION you want.

    Put 2.5 million in BTSGIF = Receive 150,000 per year.

    Put 2.5 million in TRUEIF = Receive 150,000 per year.

    Put 1 million in TLGF = Receive 53,000 per year.

    Remaining 1 million in the CPNCG, CPNRF, MJLF = Receive 70,000 per year.

    Total dividends received per year 423,000 THB

    Dividends are usually paid 4 times a year, the money goes DIRECTLY into your bank account with no actions on our part. The bank account will receive 100,000 every 3 months. Make an atm card for this bank account, and let the mom withdraw it to use accordingly.

    Your family will be able to enjoy this money for many years to come, be it 30 years, 40 years or 50 years. They do not have to sell the stock, or to understand it. They are owners of land, space, and equipment, and will be paid rent for those items by other companies.

    I hope my personal advice will be of help to you and your situation of distress.

    Do not trust bankers, and do not get financial advice of any "professional". They are out there to earn your money or to receive commissions if they succeed in selling your product. I have been there and done that, and own those things I have recommended to you, and I do not care if there are others out there who would like to say otherwise. The stock funds recommended to you have also been strategically suited for you to reduce the risk, with BTSGIF and TRUEIF being the most rock solid, having the most proportion.

    -Retired investor

    There are a number of problems with this approach.

    1. Several of the property funds you mention are based on long term rental, not ownership. In other words, the OPs family is not the owner of anything as you suggest. They are simply renting and subletting.

    2. Property funds and REITs go up and down just like all other shares, although they are usually less volatile. Yet some of the funds you mention have gone up and down at least 20% over the last 2 years or so.

    3. Even with property funds things change over time. They are dependent on someone renting what they have to offer, so competing cinemas, shopping malls, hotels etc. might steal the tenants over time, reducing the income and thereby value of the property fund. While some property funds on the SET are doing great, others are not, and noone can predict what the status is in 10 or 20 years.

    4. Property funds and REITs can be purchased both through brokers and banks. In either case alot of paperwork is needed to set it up, and as it involves information regarding the account owners knowledge regarding stocks, risk acceptance and economy, I doubt it can be inherited without doing it all over again.

    My point is, investing directly in any stock, even property funds and REITs require some understanding of the stock market and the business you invest in.

    As the OPs family likely has no knowledge in this field whatsoever, I suggested in a post above to simply buy mutual funds or similar directly from any local bank.

    The advantages are:

    1. Professionals from the bank will invest the OPs money on his behalf and maintain the investment as the years go by. The OP and his family therefore does not need to know anything about the individual stocks.

    Sure, the bank can make bad decisions, but odds are they will do better than the OPs family.

    2. Buying funds at the bank (or a broker), makes it alot easier to spread risk. As an example the OP can buy into funds that cover the whole world, or any part of it, not just Thailand. Or buy into a sector (banking, telecoms, infrastructure etc.) Instead of just 1 company.

    3. Buying mutual funds require alot less paperwork than opening a trading account. And buying or selling funds can easily be done at the bank.

    The downside is that the bank charges a fee for taking care of the funds. I think it is usually around 1-2% a year.

    Don't get me wrong, I prefer using a trading account myself, but if I knew nothing about the stock market, I would let a bank or broker do it for me.

    I am generally in fixed interest. Been good over the last few years. Do I cover inflation? Only just. Could I gamble, Yes. Do I need to? No. Financial people have vested interstate.

  2. moonseeker, this is a very dangerous topic to be discussing here. Make sure you filter out the noises in the thread and take advices with deep thoughts and considerations.

    After reading your post, I suggest you not buy them a house, and do not give them a large sum of money. People without financial knowledge will not have the capability to maintain and manage large sums of money. It will be easily used up in a matter of months of years.

    With your suggested sum of 12 million. May I suggest to you the following solution.

    6 funds, available through stock brokerage purchase, not through banks. You simply mail the required documents to one of the stock brokers in Thailand, recommended are MBKET, and etc. Once your account is opened, you can move your funds into that stock account, and purchase the funds I recommend to you personally.

    TRUEIF - 6% Dividend per year TAX FREE - True internet's telecommunications grid, the income will be from renting off of towers and equipments to companies in Thailand, and these have a long 5-30 years contract. You do not need to worry about fluctuations, the revenue is fixed already for years to come.

    BTSGIF - 6.2% Dividend - Bangkok's skytrain, dividends fluctuate according to ridership. Prices are regularly increased at a faster rate than inflation.

    CPNCG - 7.4% Dividend - Central World Offices

    TLGF - 5.3% Dividend - Tesco Lotus Retail Markets, collects rent.

    MJLF - 7.7% Dividend - Major Cineplex Space Rent

    CPNRF - 6.7% Dividend - Central Department Stores Rent

    With your 12 million, put 2 million into a money market savings mutual fund. You can open a bank account with Kbank, and set up online mutual fund purchasing. k-MPLUS, it gives you 2.2% per year, anytime you decide to sell, ALL the cash is immediately available to you the next morning before 10am. This fund only goes up, never down, no fluctuations.

    Put 3 million into any insurances you deem necessary as suggested by other members here.

    Now you have 7 million left, this is the REAL SOLUTION you want.

    Put 2.5 million in BTSGIF = Receive 150,000 per year.

    Put 2.5 million in TRUEIF = Receive 150,000 per year.

    Put 1 million in TLGF = Receive 53,000 per year.

    Remaining 1 million in the CPNCG, CPNRF, MJLF = Receive 70,000 per year.

    Total dividends received per year 423,000 THB

    Dividends are usually paid 4 times a year, the money goes DIRECTLY into your bank account with no actions on our part. The bank account will receive 100,000 every 3 months. Make an atm card for this bank account, and let the mom withdraw it to use accordingly.

    Your family will be able to enjoy this money for many years to come, be it 30 years, 40 years or 50 years. They do not have to sell the stock, or to understand it. They are owners of land, space, and equipment, and will be paid rent for those items by other companies.

    I hope my personal advice will be of help to you and your situation of distress.

    Do not trust bankers, and do not get financial advice of any "professional". They are out there to earn your money or to receive commissions if they succeed in selling your product. I have been there and done that, and own those things I have recommended to you, and I do not care if there are others out there who would like to say otherwise. The stock funds recommended to you have also been strategically suited for you to reduce the risk, with BTSGIF and TRUEIF being the most rock solid, having the most proportion.

    -Retired investor

    Wow! Thank you very much. Exactly the help I have been hoping for! This is a very detailed and interesting write-up. Thank you so much. Absolutely, heavy filters needed :-) Fully understood. But...If I buy all this in my name/account. ATM cards expire. How will they get renewed. Etc. Etc. This girl is by now educated enough to understand the seriousness of the situation, she has run several of my businesses (me directing and troubleshooting from background) and many, many Mio have gone though her hands. She never asked for a dime all these years and is not money-hungry at all. Still a simple girl. Also very well-known and successful. Fully trusted, never anything amiss or wrong. So just maybe, I could actually set up that entire proposal of yours in her name....If she screws up, she knows of the consequences.

    Sorry, I have never invested in Thailand and am totally ignorant, but I am an active investor abroad. I understand correct? I open a brokerage account, which is held and managed by that firm, Dividends paid in a KK-account.

    Option 2, I consider, but this means for her more work (without my support as til now!), buying her a bunch of studios, she is in the business and very good at renting, all established businesses and she could easily make double the money, BUT would be stuck in her location and job, which is really too much for her. Or she will end up with some bloody C like myself down the road. 30 yrs. of stress have done this to me...555...

    I can easily add a bit to the initial sum and my first thought, still digesting, it might be better getting a bit less income, but long-term, safe, than starting a new venture and new stress. She could move back up country to her mother, they have a nice home etc. etc. GREAT HELP and food to think in the PET today.

    I really like your proposal and will discuss with her asap. These brokerage firms, do they have offices? In Pattaya by chance? Or all online? Would you have a couple of reliable names by any chance. What kind of insurance you mention above? Do you know about tax consequences in such a case? Sorry, my head is not 100% these days. Wow, you got me thinking now. Already written to them for proposal along your lines. I can easily do 10 Mio and still leave them some in mutual fund as you mention. Hope I got enough time to get this going. Sounds much better than anything I have been looking at so far and she makes almost as much with possibility of a job that pleases her and is a bit more easy. Thank you so very much. May I bother you some more, after digesting this.....Please.... Off to more scans.... MS>

    Moonseeker, I presume there will be a huge difference in heritance and a Trust. A Trust cannot be touched and follows some rules, whilst a legacy is more or less up the heirs about how being used – however you can make some clauses in a will; but will they be respected...?

    I don’t think any idea about something – accounts and ATM - in your name will work, as that will be frozen immediately and until the estate has been sorted out.

    How to invest your funds seems secondary, if not the fundamental arrangements – Trust or inheritance – have been cleared. However, investing in Thailand may well be as good as anywhere else; and on top have the benefit that the currency is the same as the dividend/outcome is going to be used in, without any change and deviation against foreign currency.

    If I were in your situation, I would seek professional advice from a Thai lawyer about a Will, and what can be lawfully be respected in a Thai Will – or if a Trust can be set-up. Normally the advice is, that you make 2 Wills, one for the assets in Thailand, following Thai Law and rules, and another for assets in the homeland, following that set of rules. To my understanding, it may in case of all assets being invested in Thailand – or a Thai Trust – be advisable to transfer the funds to Thailand in advance, and then that part is dealt with in one Will only; if not sorted out in advance as a Trust. Furthermore you may have to look into tax, what will the taxation be in your home country compared to Thailand (no inheritance tax at the moment, and when the proposed comes that will be for over 50 million). If you have any heirs or relatives that may be in position to claim anything in your home country, make sure to sort that out also – a Will may be the instrument – as any legal claims can delay a process for years.

    Can I hire you as my financial advisor?

    • Like 1
  3. ^^^^^ To alanrchase,

    if it pleases you to know. for 2014, I've only bought 2 new stocks, SAMART and MINT.

    My gains for SAMART without including the dividends already received is 165.66%. My purchased price is 14.64, current price at this time is 39. I purchased it this year around march or april.

    But does it matter? Am I excited? No. Reason? I am not a gambler. It does not please me, the capital gains I have received. What pleases me is, all the stocks I own are my greatest assets that produce income for me. What I hold, are winners, companies who continue to profit from the economy, continuous expansion, etc. As long as those holds true, I only expand my assets, not like you have said, buy and sell. That is gambling for traders. I am not interested and do not support. Traders often claim victory, claim loss, cry, spread words of fear and failure. Investors start with 100,000, end up with 1 million, then 10 million, then 100 million. We are not here to buy and sell. We are here to accumulate. But through accumulation, we get more good companies, and ditch bad companies. It is in our mission, to own 100% of the world's economy if possible. How nice, to be owner of all the restaurants in this world, all the hotels, all the transportation, all the companies. That my friend, is the goal, not buy and sell. Those who buy and sell, continue to be gamblers, continue to disrupt the true meaning of investors, tarnish the image, provoke fear amongst all. At the end of the day, ask yourself, these people are "still poor". Who are the rich? Yes, those with stocks. Do they buy and sell all day? No. They own assets and will prevent anyone from stealing it from them. Just because my stock has gone up 200% doesn't mean I'll let it be easy for someone to take it off my hand.

    Make your choice today. Live in fear and continue your life. Or join the rich. A simple 50,000 starts the journey for you to build your castle on. laugh.png

    Great. Wish you well. My only point is it is a bit of a gamble. Get it right big return. I bought shares in a life insurance company at the beginning of this year, UK budget nocked them down 20%. Sold at a profit last month and got a 6% dividend. Just bought some oil shares, good move?

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Very interesting selection of stocks, but this is hopelessly overoptimistic:

    Your family will be able to enjoy this money for many years to come, be it 30 years, 40 years or 50 years.

    Companies just don't stay around for that long. The average lifespan of an S&P 500 company is around 25 years. (I don't have equivalent figures for the Thai market.)

    Look at the FT30 index. How many of the original constituents are still around? Associated Portland Cement, Bolsover Colliery, Callenders Cables & Construction, Fine Spinners and Doublers, Guest Keen & Nettlefolds and plenty of others. All fine businesses in their day, but where are they now?

    Indeed, with the rise of asset stripping private equity, average company lifespan is only likely to get shorter.

    If you really read my post, you wouldn't be saying that.

    These are not simply stocks, they are more considered real estate funds. Investors pool their money together and managed by a certain bank with a specific investment policy. For BTSGIF, the funds is used to buy the rights to ticket revenues and so on at certain stations. BTS basically has to rent from the investors by giving the revenue from sales of tickets. Same with other funds I have suggested.

    You are right, companies don't stay forever, but most corporations and groups do, they just change interest in companies.

    However, I fail to realize how your post has ANY relevance to my specific post. Or it's just one of those to take down other people's suggestions on stocks. "Oh it's scary, stay away." I've heard enough, it's the same people who never invest in anything. Like I've stated in my post on the last section, been there done that, I yawn everytime someone is a cynic to the ideas.

    So to rephrase, these funds will stay for a very long time, regardless if the company changes. I've had a few minor hotel funds which are similar to these, where the hotel has a problem paying the "rent", in the end, the management company sues the hotel for unpaid rent and court authorizes 7%+ interest rate on undue payment. After this, the property simply kicks out the old hotel business, and allows a new hotel to operate there.

    So back to the OP, the funds suggested to you, is specific for your goals. I humbly believe it will be what you need. But it's your choice, you can believe the naysayers too, in 20 years BTS will disappear, we will be riding horses and eating grass. Central world will cease to exist, we will only have talad nads.

    All investments are a bit of a gamble. Fixed term deposits possibly safer but low returns. How far are you prepared to go on a bit of a gamble? Bought a stock a month ago and it fell out of the FTSE 100. Dried my tears and will wait.

    Haha, that my friend is gamble. There is a very clear line between who the gamblers are and who the investors are in this game. Any one who blindly goes out there and buys stock without any extensive research is a gambler. Us? We analyze each stock in and out, read all the financial statements, the technical charts, number by number, ratio by ratio. Take 1,000 companies, and only filter out maximum 20 that is capable of buying. Others we never buy, they are just disgusting trash. But hey? People are still buying those trash, but? We don't.

    Yes, fixed deposits is the safest, but how safe? You do realize every term deposit you put in, you are roughly losing 0-1% per year? Inflation. It cushions inflation to the best of it's ability, but is unable to defeat it. If they could defeat it, governments would not issue bonds, it is a losing business. This I will not explain in detail here, but give you a rough idea. The government borrows money from you at this specific time with an interest rate to give you. But prints out money over the 20 years, and returns you with inflated money, that allows you to actually buy less in 20 years time. They win. Fixed deposits are only good for 1-5 years duration. Let's say you want to buy a car in 2 years, you put that in fixed deposit, because that is the best return in that given time compared to other investments. Your kids need to go to university in 4 years, same thing, fixed deposit. But if you are one of those who are........ put 3 years, matured, put another 3 years, matured, put another 3 years. I am sorry, that is very poor management. That 9 years, could easily be suited with 5-6% returns/year.

    Which stock did you buy btw? I can give it a look for you. And let you know if you should hold or sell. Generally if the earnings revenue is still going positive in terms of growth, you can hold it even when the stock prices drop, like you have mentioned. However, if the revenues change per year is actually like -30%, and the stock price drop 10%, you must get OUT asap. Because you have loss 10% but it's better than 30% which will come in the future. See how we don't wait for future prices? We can evaluate the prices and see how stocks should go, if it should go up, but it isn't, we buy more. If the stock should go down, but it's going up? We sell.

    I will take the bait. Buy sell buy sell? This year the "clever" people could have made about 50% if they got everything right without the "market" moving. How much do you wish to gamble?

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Very interesting selection of stocks, but this is hopelessly overoptimistic:

    Your family will be able to enjoy this money for many years to come, be it 30 years, 40 years or 50 years.

    Companies just don't stay around for that long. The average lifespan of an S&P 500 company is around 25 years. (I don't have equivalent figures for the Thai market.)

    Look at the FT30 index. How many of the original constituents are still around? Associated Portland Cement, Bolsover Colliery, Callenders Cables & Construction, Fine Spinners and Doublers, Guest Keen & Nettlefolds and plenty of others. All fine businesses in their day, but where are they now?

    Indeed, with the rise of asset stripping private equity, average company lifespan is only likely to get shorter.

    If you really read my post, you wouldn't be saying that.

    These are not simply stocks, they are more considered real estate funds. Investors pool their money together and managed by a certain bank with a specific investment policy. For BTSGIF, the funds is used to buy the rights to ticket revenues and so on at certain stations. BTS basically has to rent from the investors by giving the revenue from sales of tickets. Same with other funds I have suggested.

    You are right, companies don't stay forever, but most corporations and groups do, they just change interest in companies.

    However, I fail to realize how your post has ANY relevance to my specific post. Or it's just one of those to take down other people's suggestions on stocks. "Oh it's scary, stay away." I've heard enough, it's the same people who never invest in anything. Like I've stated in my post on the last section, been there done that, I yawn everytime someone is a cynic to the ideas.

    So to rephrase, these funds will stay for a very long time, regardless if the company changes. I've had a few minor hotel funds which are similar to these, where the hotel has a problem paying the "rent", in the end, the management company sues the hotel for unpaid rent and court authorizes 7%+ interest rate on undue payment. After this, the property simply kicks out the old hotel business, and allows a new hotel to operate there.

    So back to the OP, the funds suggested to you, is specific for your goals. I humbly believe it will be what you need. But it's your choice, you can believe the naysayers too, in 20 years BTS will disappear, we will be riding horses and eating grass. Central world will cease to exist, we will only have talad nads.

    All investments are a bit of a gamble. Fixed term deposits possibly safer but low returns. How far are you prepared to go on a bit of a gamble? Bought a stock a month ago and it fell out of the FTSE 100. Dried my tears and will wait.

  6. Dear all:

    I need urgent advise from some of the smart people on this forum. Never thought it would come to this, as i am highly critical of Thaines and all money related matters here.

    However, tragic personal circumstances changed my mind in respect to a family i have learned to respect over the years and i need technical advise how to provide for a Thai family with a secure, very long-term quarterly "pension".

    It has become very difficult setting up accounts / portfolios / foundations etc. in Europe, also I am looking into this.


    ???? Ca. 90K. Baht every quarter, to mother (30) and if something happens to her, to her then grown 2 kids. For this case I have have about 12 Mio budgeted, a couple of Mio to buy a house to live rent-free and some extra cash planned. Possibly factor in an inflation factor...? I am a bit lost at the moment with the world collapsing on me and I appreciate very much any guidance, even just getting me on the right path. Thank you all & Happy New Year. MS>

    Love the term "Thainess".

  7. Actually the space in which they stick out isn't more than a few millimeters. Hardly anything. The biggest difference was when they took out the bar stabilizers. The bike really felt like a big bike at that point but it lasted only a little while as I got used to it every quickly.


  8. One and only purpose? Fine by me, why argue? Remember a grid in Moto GP, rider clipped bike next to him, ass over tit at high speed.

    As I said before folks can add what ever they like to their bikes...

    But racing MotoGP & street riding are very different scenarios

    In racing the two objects are traveling same speed same direction in extremely close quarters

    There are time they literally are leaning on each other mid turn

    But on the street? I think folks are confused

    First off your bar ends are usually further out than your lever

    Secondly if you clip something moving in the same direction as you & it actually depressed your brake lever

    you already have far more serious problems than a brake being applied as your bars are likely already shunted

    left or right

    Clipping something coming at you? Worse but same result if it is pressing your brake

    you were already on your way to meeting Mr asphalt anyway wink.png

    But again if a street bike & folks like the "look" of it go for it

    If folks do track days for sure something to have

    Agreed. Bog standard is my ride. Warranty runs out do what you want.

  9. Wonder why you put a lever protector on the clutch side?

    And if you would have hit the dog your hands would be messed up!

    Assume the clutch lever is as prone to damage as the brake lever? If you are going to protect one may as well do both. Would look a bit strange with it on one side only.
    The one and only purpose of these protectors are that the lever wont get pulled accidentally while riding. So it does make sense for the brake lever but not for the clutch. In a crash these tiny rods will bend and the lever will be <deleted> anyway. But maybe its just senseless pimping....

    One and only purpose? Fine by me, why argue? Remember a grid in Moto GP, rider clipped bike next to him, ass over tit at high speed.

  10. Wonder why you put a lever protector on the clutch side?

    And if you would have hit the dog your hands would be messed up!

    Assume the clutch lever is as prone to damage as the brake lever? If you are going to protect one may as well do both. Would look a bit strange with it on one side only.

  11. What?

    Man, you do not know how to negotiate a crossroad, I pray you do not get behind the wheel of a car.

    Mr RustBucket, we are talking about the Thai highway code here, not the UK one, or South Africa, Australia or Japan.

    In Thailand, you give way to the left. Those who don't know that are a danger to all and probably shouldn't have a license.


    Solid white line across the road where the pickup stopped, indicating he must stop and give way to traffic from both left and right directions on the main road.

    How does that change who's to blame? Same same :)

    Bike rider had right of way. Pickup should not have crossed if he could not have cleared the crossing without causing traffic with the right of way to avoid him. That said the bike rider seemed to be paying little attention to what was going on around him.

  12. What?

    Man, you do not know how to negotiate a crossroad, I pray you do not get behind the wheel of a car.

    Mr RustBucket, we are talking about the Thai highway code here, not the UK one, or South Africa, Australia or Japan.

    In Thailand, you give way to the left. Those who don't know that are a danger to all and probably shouldn't have a license.


    Solid white line across the road where the pickup stopped, indicating he must stop and give way to traffic from both left and right directions on the main road.

  13. You cannot add pages to a British Passport. However, some stick in visas they sometimes can easily be peeled off and then you have room. Happened to me when I went to Phnom Penh Cambodia for a meeting with Hun Sen. Cambodian Immigration officers peeled off used visa stickers for myself and an Indian Doctor who was travelling with our group.

    Tampering with your passport is rather bad advice. If noticed you could find yourself in deep do - do.

  14. I was in Farang Legion, 2nd Pussytroop Regiment...

    My work introduced me to military people. Military people tend to have a fair bit of slack time during the day and they congregate in a crew room. Working life for me was enhanced by some of the ridiculous tales they came out with. Some of the older boys had ridiculous story's that were actually true.

  15. The chief of police buy the positions. The more money, the better the area. 3 million baht for Phuket I was told at one time. So everybody knows what's going on, I did wonder who they were paying? It can only be upwards of the food chain...

    3 million baht?? No my friend it is much more expensive!!

    A couple of years back the policechief in Hua Hin bought his position for 40 million baht. Money he according to a normally wellinformed source borrowed from the local temple. (!!!)

    And it makes sense, because according to BP today one of the accused in this case (not the OP guy) admitted to recieving 2-3 million baht each month in bribemoney, and his "network" recieved 12-15 million baht each month!!

    When you see and hear those numbers, it makes it easier to understand the police "incompetence" on Koh Tao. The top guys couldn't care less about the reputation of the RTP or Thailand, it is all about protecting the cashflow. Which ironically puts the headman and his family in danger, because they know too much!!

    Sure all Thaivisa posters would be griefstrucken, if something should happen to this lovely family!!

    I will view the whole thing with an open mind. Corruption seems to be the norm here one way or another. Your figures seem excessive without proof but nothing supprises me here. Went to a government officials party a few years back, never seen so many M16 and AK47 in one location.

  16. Strike one!!! Only 999.999 to go.

    Oh, come on. This is much much more than "strike one" and you know it. You just can't admit it.

    I'll admit that I'm surprised ... delightfully so. And, yes, there's much more to be done. But this major bust of upper echelon police officials is a very good move that well demonstrates the new governments words are actually being followed my real action.

    Right now I'm sure there are a lot of corrupt cops, politicians, government officials, etc., etc. quaking in their boots and dreading the knock on the door. 555 I love it!

    The day Prayuth orders an investigation into the unusual wealth of the guy behind this crackdown, Pol Gen Somyot Pumpanmuang, that is the day I believe change is actually taking place!!

    Will ofcourse never happen since Khun Somyot was handpicked by Prayuth.

    What we are seeing, is just a change of guards!!coffee1.gif

    Point is what? A previous man in charge managed to declare his assets near zero. The US questioned it but all was well.

  17. Thank you General. OK, all you assorted Doubting Thomas's, PTP/UDDsupporters & Yingluck enamored individuals . You (and we) know who you are!! Would Thailand have got this under Yingluck????? Really????? Thailand feels a happier safer place already. Unless you happen to be a bent copper. Quite a few nights sleep will be ruined tonight for some individuals, I imagine. Hurriedly digging the vegetable patch, packing suitcases, driving frantically into the forest or heading for the Cambodian and Myanmar border, among other activities. The next few days will be interesting.

    My naive friend, do you really think, it is good vs bad??

    The truth is, that a gang of corrupt red cops are being replaced with a gang of just as corrupt yellow cops!!

    People like you, believing in this cleanup story, are one of the reasons, that Thailand will remain stagnant for ever!!

    Good vs bad. My backside!! They are all equally rotten!!coffee1.gif

    When will the country get away from the colour of your shirt?

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