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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. It's wrong when you disregard cultural etiquette in country not your own. Victim may have brought this on himself with his western behavior.
  2. You are not wrong but certain places like parks and restricted areas drinking are disallowed. But the important point is that you are in a foreign country and you need to respect the norms and culture of that respective country and in this case Thailand. Let me qoute you an extract from "Drinking culture in Thailand - Do & Don't. most Thai people do frown on them and have Thai words for these type of people – bird <deleted> farang (farang ki nok), which is more about a disrespect for others, themselves, and culture rather than having no money and wearing flip-flops.
  3. If you are jabbed and boosted, do all the things you desire mate but don't patronized knowingly club that broke the law and endangered yourself surrounded by intoxicated people who are not following covid rules. Really a small and smart sacrifice to make. I am jabbed waiting for booster end month and there have been no change in my day's routine. I end my day with a drink at home. Sure not pounding sand as you hyperbole.
  4. Bewildering as to why folks risked legal jeopardy and personal harm just to get a drink. Can't they hold on their urge to more appropriate time.
  5. You can buy 100% of a condo and foreigners can take loan with conditions. Done both.
  6. Not disputing that some will find pork irresistible. However I do think the aggregate demand will decline due to the high price. Some anecdotal examples from news sources like the ready-to-eat food seller Oy saying that she replaced pork with chicken and fish on her menu or a restaurant using chicken for her red curry with pumpkin instead of pork or butcher Niew saying her business suffering as many regulars moved away from porl and buying chicken because it was cheaper.
  7. Allow the market to make the adjustment. Importing pork from major producing countries like Australia or USA will not reduce the price. Pork is not an essential item and consumers will find alternatives. Demand and supply will find the equilibrium eventually.
  8. I don't feel entitled living as a guest here for 15 years. Perhaps that is what you (not YOIU) meant. This country has given me lots of joy which compensate for the disdain of the system here. I feel not shouldering the rigmarole of lesser matters like immigration make my days happier.
  9. Agree with you that both are important and your examples are valid. However I think BOT has failed to explain whether inflation is transitory or permanent. It's a delicate monetary decision to rise interest rate to combat inflation when the economy is still very weak and will affect the currency volatility; a bane for economic stability.
  10. Just wondering just how many of those who post disdain opinion are still in Thailand enjoying their retirement. If you still here, quess you have to make some adjustment to accomodate the inconveniences. Just can't wake up every day feeling victimazed.
  11. Perhaps the difference in selective shutdowns comes down to traceability and uninhibited conduct of intoxicated person.
  12. Export ban in placed and for 3 months till April. In normal times, Thailand produced 19 million pigs and consumed 18 miilion per year. Current only 13 million produced. Pure supply and demand reason. https://thethaiger.com/news/bangkok/thailand-to-impose-three-month-ban-on-live-pig-exports-in-order-to-boost-domestic-supplies
  13. You only one with the most logical reasons behind the price increase. Lots of supply disruptions for the reasons that you posted while demand remain same forcing price upwards. Feed prices have gone through the roof due to current shipping chaos and will remain for the short term. I think should get back to some normalcy after the frantic year end and Chinese New Year passed.
  14. World is reeling from the Omicron onslaught. All the past hard work to tame the pandemic will have to be repeated. Vaccine inequality worldwide will need the assistance of rich nations. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/world-passes-300-million-covid-19-cases-omicron-breaks-records-2422106
  15. Malaysia is bracing for Omicron infection to reach 30,000 by March and Singapore been forewarned of 'few times' more than 3,000 cases in October. We have to be vigilant, get vaccinated and follow science. Keep safe folks.
  16. I believed that the October 2021 surging infection started from super spreader pubs in Thonglor. You should also add prisons, nursing homes as places with high infections together with factories (not too sure about hospitals). These places are better organized to handle outbreaks. They have records of their employees and thus better system to manage an outbreak. Customers walk in and out of pubs making idenfication and movement control impossible once they leave the premise. I agree it is tough for socialising and for business but necessary to mitigate infection from an uncontrollabled sources like pubs and clubs.
  17. Sorry can’t be a clickbait with such mundane headline and it’s not just a news story but science based fact. Alcohol is not only blamed but singled out as the cause of intoxicated people losing their inhibition, mingle, losing social distancing discipline, converse more than normal and loudly spraying covid virus in an enclosed area and become a super spreader. Reason enough for most countries to close pubs as one of their strategy to stop infection. Not understanding the reasons and gravity of closing pubs as an important measure to prevent infection is rather naive but you chose your life and I wish you well.
  18. Alcohol consumption and pubs are closely intertwined and perfect places to break rules on social distancing. Scientifically proven. https://www.voanews.com/a/covid-19-pandemic_closing-bars-stop-coronavirus-spread-backed-science/6192115.html
  19. Seriously you don't think China or Russia already have similar type stealth aircraft. Check out China J-31 and Russia Sukhoi Su-57.
  20. The yellow shirts are a fading lot. Middle and upper class of elites and attachment to the previous monarch will not have the same reasons to turn out on the streets in numbers. Most have been affected by the economic downturn and their leaders are advance in age and some are criminally indicted. The southern folks that form the bulk of the demonstrators on the past are disillusioned with the political situation and fallen out with their affiliation to the Democratic Party.I don’t see any new yellow shirts leaders nor expect mass outpouring of yellow shirts like in the past. Similarly I think the red shirts have also lost their bearings and have fractured to be an insignificant group.
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