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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. There was covert messaging and an attempt at made false equivalence. Perhaps a silent endorsement but try to play it safe doing a poor delicate balancing act.
  2. Anyone defending Qanon ought to get their head checked. Isolating in your echo chamber is how Qanon conspiracies fester.
  3. Climate change was in the list. 42% said its a very big problem. Only 11% said not a problem at all. Wonder who were these 11%?
  4. Have you glean the bottom of the research paper and check the questions used for this research? The 10 issues are the categories that were provided to the participants. And you asked why there was no threat to democracy. LOL.
  5. You said that according to PEW research there are many other issues that are more pressing than threat to democracy. What about providing PEW research showing the threat to democracy is not a pressing issue compare to the list you provided. You are making assumption not backed up by real data to suit your narrative with malefide intention.
  6. You said you haven’t seen any survey on democracy under threat and I gave you one. So now you shift the goal post and make your ignorance conditional. You are wasting my time.
  7. See it now? https://www.npr.org/2022/01/03/1069764164/american-democracy-poll-jan-6
  8. Not really. Regiment used by Russia armed force. NATO called that unit brigade.
  9. You can include election integrity if the GOP win both houses and election deniers win governorship, Secretaries of State and attorney generals. US is descending into a democracy quagmire.
  10. 100% wrong with invading a sovereign countries , killing thousands of civilians, massive destruction of civilian infrastructure including hospitals and schools. Russia has invaded and annexed Chechen, Georgia and possibly Ukraine if not for the Nato strong response. What's wrong with you?
  11. A regiment is brigade size. For the regiment to just disintegrate is a shocking military set back. That will mean thousands of Russia soldiers just too frightened and refused to fight and probably deserted. Contrasting morale with the Ukraine resolved to fight and Russia force to fight. Kind of like Vietnam.
  12. Got great news for you. Rick Scott has introduced impeachment resolution last year. Yes last year and those GOP nuts like Green will continue to provide the comedy and keeping pushing weak impeachment effects. The truth at hand is that Merrick Garland is doing his work by the book; legal and lawful. Political parties don't generally launch a crusade against the nation's chief law enforcement official for NO reasons. Everytime these GOP nuts come up with allegations against Garland, they tend to be amazingly wrong but they will still continue and provide the comic relief.
  13. Did she do that for political favour and if so she ought to be impeached. Voices from the legal experts ripped her and described her action as utterly lawless.
  14. The hanging gallows may be of some use. In the words of a disgraced former President " maybe he deserved it". Self prophecy perhaps.
  15. Justice seem to working on a different gear when it comes to the former President. He is not above the law and others have been dealt with swiftly as regards to misuse of classified documents. He has gone beyond classified documents with the discovery of documents on nuclear capabilites and material on a foreign country's nuclear capabilities. He is putting the world at risk in so many ways. He should be charged but more importantly that he should never ever be the President. Another term will be very dark for USA and the world. voanews.com/a/fbi-justice-department-routinely-prosecute-misuse-of-classified-documents/6694887.html
  16. Both were unpopular choice. HRC was leading as poills indicated and according to RealClearPolitics showed a clear lead of 6 points. It was the FBI's badly time announcement of Clinton's email investigation that move the ground. FBI should follow that precedent and moved quickly to indict Trump and not bother with mid-term political consideration. Lock him up even if he is a former President for his egregious crimes to the country.
  17. Perhaps 11th Circuit Court of Appeal Chief Justice Clarence Thomas will recuse himself and re-habilitate his credibility.
  18. Ok that actually happened but really a non event. The Justice Department inspector general failed to establish that political considerations played a role in Clinesmith's action. Judge Boasberg concurred and gave the sentencing as part of his routine duties of 12 months probabtion and 400 hours communty service. LOL. You made it sound much more serious as a loyal Maga supporter does.
  19. DOJ will not indict Trump before the mid-term election for the reason that you have stated and in part is a department policy. It actually play to the Dems advantage to have Trump raving and ranting and put him in the ballot. Don't think the Dems are worried about Trump running in 2024. He is so beatable now.
  20. This is an unprecedented intervention by a judge into an ongoing federal criminal investigation like in third world politics and just like in Thailand. Show how much Trump has shredded US institutions and some still think he is the choosen one.
  21. Without Trump on his daily self gratification rant, the GOP may actually stand a chance mid-term.
  22. Just look at the treasure trove of materials that the FBI and DOJ have at their disposal. Insider informers, witnesses, perjured lawyers, surveillance tapes and finger prints. Teflon Trump will see his days in court and in jail.
  23. Even non Americans know that Trump assault the rule of law and abuse the constitution. His incendiary calls to his extremist followers have resulted in deaths. Am I ignorant or you as an American.
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