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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 39 minutes ago, robblok said:

    True, but we seen that just increasing wages like during Yingluck her reign does not work it just drives up prices, like we seen that time. You can't just up wages without upping up productivity.  It not like its a closed economy. 

    Since you talking about productivity, you can check Thailand Labour Productivity historical data. The all time high was in 2012 at 13.38%. That was the year Yingluck increase the minimum wage to 300B and implemented in April. 


    You may may also see that productivity dropped 3.66% YOY in June this year from 5.15% previous quarter. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

    No, it might be presumptive, arrogant and diplomatic faux pax from the perspective of some of the other ASEAN Countries.

    Who are the other ASEAN countries that would not share in predominant Buddhist & culture & traditions?

    Islam-Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia


    Christian & Islam-Singapore

    For ASEAN unity Thailand should have chosen a secular ceremony or one that gives respect to all the faiths represented by ASEAN.




    Allow me respectfully to correct you on Singapore’s religious makeup. Buddhist 33% Christian 18% Islam 14% rest Sikh etc. The island state has temples, churches and masjid practically close together. Religions can live harmoniously together and respectful of each other. Ultimately up to the government to drive that message and have fair religious laws. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Ctkong said:

    As a guest of the country, you got to play by the book if you want to have less headache. Whether it is paying to the authorities, mafia or other ‘governing body’, so long as it got the process moving, that is the real solution to your problem. Live and let live.

    Someone wise once told me that the best form of humanity is when you challenge yourself to walk in the shoe of those who experience plight in an unfortunate situation. In the case of Thailand, the unfortunate plight is forced upon them by greedy power crazed military. I empathize with them. You free to choose. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, zzaa09 said:


    Seems to be a common characteristic among the fine members of this illustrious venue - attempting to substitute ideals that have nothing whatsoever to do with a way of life in Thailand.


    They become so gung-ho and falsely enthusiastic towards their made up understanding of today's affairs, yet blinded to the aspect of how historic relevance remains steadfast and connected to the present - cycling itself ever so carefully. The punditry fails to understand Thai society and it's historic matter from the very core.


    Their ever-insisting Western promotions and perspectives, as such applies to everything Thai, has little to do with anything.

    Such continuous intercultural comparatives, references, analysis, theories, and contrive pedantry fails short of being moot.


    One might consider that reasoned lucid folk would be able to functionally decipher the differences and ridiculousness of applying Western absolutes and values on things Thai [or any other non-Western entities] has little or no worth.


    From simple and long observations, the obvious connective tissues are vacant.


    Subliminal civilisation missions remain the fanciful fashion.

    Mighty empires have fallen and historic references erased. Way of life can be dramatically changed with a new order. History is only good for books. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    sentenced 11 others to jail terms from over four to over 200 years in prison on corruption charges involving 689 million baht of the institute’s fund.

    Trying to extrapolate just how many years Suthep may serve jail time in the 6.67 B police station case. Most probably nothing. Pays to be aligned with the “right” political side. 

  6. 33 minutes ago, MaksimMislavsky said:

    So, even the very relevance of Asean is questionable, according to the OP.

    While Thailand's primary concern, rather, is peace, cohesion, and stability. It had seen years of mayhem before Prayut, and who knows how long will it take before it slides back into the same sort of troubles once "democracy" prevails...

    You meant those troubles that were manufactured by the elites and the military. Leave democracy alone to sort out the troubles. Thailand don’t need a nanny especially from the military. 

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  7. When someone as incompetent as Pridiyathorn criticize Prayut for incompetency, it must be shit bad. If he really has the guts, he should reveal the truth on who was actually behind this coup and the re-write of the constitution that will allow the elites and the military to dominate the nation for a long time. What he done with the criticism is only his personal grudge against Prayut. He is still has not redeem himself.  

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