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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. The only former president to be criminally indicted ought to be the worst president.
  2. Pre-ordered. Not sold till the customers received their shoes probably in July. Will be left to be seen whether they will get the shoes delivered.
  3. If Comer and Jordan knew all along that their key source was fabricating the false accusation, they should be investigated by the House Ethics Committee for use of their position for personal gain and misuse of Congressional resources. Will patiently wait for the discovery during the trial.
  4. Fox was fined $787 million for election lies. Truth can't be on that lying side. Right?
  5. Hillary actually won the popular vote by nearly 2.9 million which meant that a majority agreed with her calling out the deplorables. You shouldn't be offended if you not one of them.
  6. The Poll of presidential scholars reassess the impact of the modern presidency from administrative and cultural standpoints. You may like to know that surveys were also done in 2015 and 2018 and the results have been consistent with this recent released poll that Trump is the worst.
  7. Yes it's legally defined similar to legally defined sexual predator and the worst ranked President in recent poll.
  8. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/01/donald-trump-tax-returns-cheating-audit-irs-fraud-losses/
  9. Lame defence when even his Joint Chief Gen Milley had to take precautionary action and instructed his team not to take any instruction as regards to the nuclear weapons from Trump unless he was involved. It’s that kind of level of idiocy that frightened his Joint Chief.
  10. Sure is scary when this idiot doesn’t really understand what is a nuclear football. President Donald Trump boasted that he has a bigger and more powerful “nuclear button” than North Korea — but he doesn’t actually have a physical button.
  11. The ruling is unfair. Trump should be in jailed as he guilty of financial fraud and perjury like Bernie Madoff.
  12. With that ruling, we can now officially called Trump a fraudster and a con artist.
  13. The guy is a patriot and rather face danger than stay away.
  14. Mass shooting can be reduced. Just vote Dems into Congress and the White House. As Biden said after the Uvakde mass shotting "Why do we keep letting this happen. It's time to turn this pain into action".
  15. Mass shooting can be reduced. Just vote Dems into Congress and the White House. As Biden said after the Uvakde mass shotting "Why do we keep letting this happen. It's time to turn this pain into action".
  16. Who you referring as they ? It was a bipartisan bill negotiated and agreed upon by both sides
  17. Quite the contrary judging the Maga lost in NY special election. Thanks Trump. Too much losing.
  18. Nonsence. They are not allowed to close the border and restore immigration policy by order of their Dear Leader. Isn't that clear and plain to see for the regular people.
  19. So Putin mocked Tucker and Trump in last few days. Maga tears.
  20. Putin had praised Trump numerous times before. I think he is starting to recognize that Trump is in a rapid cognitive decline and speaking out how he feel about Trump now. Obviously the signs of Trump’s cognitive decline can be seen by him inability to remember names and inability to express coherently.
  21. All the kissing-up to Putin and he delivered a blunt reality who he prefer as President. Replied without hesistation that he preferred Biden for his experience, predictability and being a politicianof the old school. Ouch. Waiting for the petulant toddler to respond. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/putin-says-he-prefers-more-predictable-biden-over-trump-4124611
  22. You conveniently avoid the big picture. Immigration, inflation, Israel and abortion were the election issues and were hammered hard by Pilip and the REpublicans against Suozzi and it fell flat and didn't wash with the voters. It's a bellweather of what may happen in November. Voters are getting better informed and those lies and misrepresentation of facts of these issues by Maga are facing tough scrutiny and starting to burnout.
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