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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. Achievements: the economy is in the tank and unlikely to improve, Dear Leader has been the subject of repeated global ridicule, the tourism industry has collapsed and the education system is both a: censored, and b: centred around a list of 12 core rules, many of which are vaguely fascist. The military budget of course is up and the education budget is down. Civil discourse is prohibited on a wide range of crucial-to-Thailand's-future subjects. And any election is continually pushed back.

    I'm pleased we did not end up in a civil war but despite the ramblings of some in these forums, the those now in power played a large part in engineering a drift towards civil war to provide an excuse for the coup.

    I'm also pleased that those who continually blocked payments to rice farmers to force a crisis found way to quickly unblock those funds when the nasty elected "populist" government was removed.

    You forgot to mention one achievement, my dear sniggy

    Having succeeded in mobilising the most TBF posters to write lies, half-truths and insinuations as result of being on the right tract.

    The Education budget is up from 430 to 463 billion if I remember correctly, The MoD budget from 171 to 177 billion I think. Civil discourse on a wide range of subjects crucial for Thailands progress is channeled and actively encouraged via the reform committees. The global ridicule seems in the mind of the poster only.

    BTW the Yingluck government after having stated in mid-2013 to have the financing for the RPPS secured suddenly found it didn't have the money and as Ms. Yingluck dissolved the House, the caretaker government couldn't just suddenly borrow 130 billion Baht either.

    Of the many reform committees do you know which one is investigating the corruption, political meddling and incompetence of the bloated military establishment,one of Thailand's most crushing problems? It would be remarkable if there was not a committee devoted to reforming this corrupt body.

    But the truth is of course there is no such committee and reform of the military is not even on the agenda.Indeed I don't believe it has even been mentioned.

    The Nation finally found its voice and fortitude and agree with you. Today's article.

    "That's possibly why my gut tells me that the next "permanent" constitution will be anything but permanent, as there is almost zero civilian control and the NCPO-sponsored reform process does not include changes in the military.

    Also, these ever-changing charters are making the citizens less attached to the supposed "highest law", especially since most Thais are a little more than spectators when it comes to drafting the next charter".

  2. The introduction of the 30 baht scheme in 2001 was a much needed scheme to introduce health sufferage for the poor. I well remember what health services were like prior to this date. People were literally dying or getting into huge debt in order to (n many cases) stay alive.

    It was a mess at first, one of the main reasons being that doctors and medical staff opposed it, fearing they would loose out on the enormous profits they were making on medical care as it stood. Once it was up and running, properly funded it was an enormous boon to the poor people of this Country, like it or not many remember and thank Thaksin for implementing it.

    Yes, they thanked him because, due to his public relations machinations, many of these poor people were misled into believing he was actually paying for their medical care out of his own pocket.

    You mean like the PM new year present to the people by reducing petrol price and expect people to believe him? Tell me which government PR machinery don't do that.

  3. I guess the government believes the Thai people are that stupid to believe this bunch of crap that they are telling them.

    They believed Thaksin.. so this will work too.

    Difference is that when Thaksin spoke craps, attacks from all fronts. With this Govenment, no attacks allowed and all must be happy.

    No difference based on what our mango chap said. This or previous government thinking Thai people stupid.

    Anyway, this 'gift' is just a coincidence, oil somewhat cheaper currently. Not sure how long that will last though and this government is still trying to 'broaden' the taxpayers base and government tax income in order to financing economy stimulating project (and pay of some debt left by previous government(s) less able to do proper accounting).

    Rubi, trivial difference. Stupid Thais can kick out the previous government. Not now.

    Anyway that's not topic related. Oil will stay low for some time with Saudi not cutting production and shale oil continue to upset the supply and demand equation. I understand that they is a oversupply of 1m barrels each day. Today China and Japan machinery orders reported down and will be factored into the demand. The government will have to do more to stimulate the domestic economy and will likely to also leave a debt for the next government; most exiting governments don't leave surplus.

  4. Yes, get them out.... It's how The Red Shirts took complete control of Issan.. all headmen were paid one million bahts every year by Mr T. These guys have been robbing their villages for years.. Many of them are the illegal moneylenders also.. The Junta should look into the wealth of village headmen..

    This bill amendment for election and 60 years retirement age was started by TRT and later pushed by PT. That's seem contrary to what you implied. I remembered that the Kamnans and village heads gathered and protested against the then governments.

  5. They just don't have any evidence against her just accusations of mismangement which is not a crime.

    The policy was well intended but badly administered and not really any different to the handouts from the military now. Isaan villagers know this and take the armies money now but will vote for who they want when next given the chance.

    Other than free health care political power is Thaksins biggest gift to the poor farmers and now all sides have to pay them smile.png

    In this case it was the mismanagement which is the crime... blink.png

    Just wondering if that is equivalent to the constitutional court declaring the Feb election null and void just because of a few thugs at the election booth or the EC refusing to hold election.

    Only on Wednesdays and when it doesn't rain.

    Now back to the NACC having collected enough information to let the NLA decide on impeachment on grounds of 'negligence' (aka the 700--/++ billion Baht subsidy as some have it).

    Guess it is different folk different stroke, confirming what we always know. Don't you read that the NACC stated that they have enough information and will not bow to OAG request for more.

  6. They just don't have any evidence against her just accusations of mismangement which is not a crime.

    The policy was well intended but badly administered and not really any different to the handouts from the military now. Isaan villagers know this and take the armies money now but will vote for who they want when next given the chance.

    Other than free health care political power is Thaksins biggest gift to the poor farmers and now all sides have to pay them smile.png

    In this case it was the mismanagement which is the crime... blink.png

    Just wondering if that is equivalent to the constitutional court declaring the Feb election null and void just because of a few thugs at the election booth or the EC refusing to hold election.

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  7. So, are we saying here that the coup hasn't changed anything?

    Really coups; twice in fact with laws re-written and campaigns in the north to persuade a swing away from the Shins. So 2 coups with the full cooperation of the courts and independent agencies and a Shin still leads in the popular vote. Not encouraging outcome for the pro establishment elites. Ahbisit got to work harder or take leave.

  8. Over 30 days ago the NACC threatened to prosecute the case itself if it couldn't resolve its differences with the OAG within a 30-day period. That time is up. NACC needs to either go on its own to prosecute the case or move on to its next case. The NACC has indicated that if it prosecutes the case it will have to bring in attonerys to represent it in court - NACC has no standing before the court to try a case itself! And I've not seen any reference as to whether its has ever gone directly to court for one of its cases.

    it would seemmore efficient from a judicial perspective that the NACC be organized UNDER the OAG rather than as a parallel judiciary organization. And in fact there has been discussion in the NRC to remove NACC's as an Independenct Organization. NACC's handling of the Yingluck case provides reformers with cause to consider such a reform.

    OAG is the legal counsel and adviser for the government and acts on their behalf before the courts. They have stated insufficient evidences. What chance does the NACC have in court when the government legal agency have made such profound statement. Even the TDRI have distance themself from the NACC. Not wise for the NACC to act on their own.

  9. Not only PT is saying that the constitutional court played key roles in Thai politics and is still the primary tool for Bangkok traditional elite establishment's control of Thailand. Even the former CC Presient Wasan had admitted political interference in Samak disqualification. Human Right Watch has spoken about court abuse of power. The Truth Commission said that the CC should be especially careful in their use of power. Many influential newspaper like Thai Rath wrote about the CC creating a new institution of their own to govern Thailand. The court even corrupt their power in economic affairs like stopping the infrastructure projects like the HIgh Speed Train saying it was against sufficiency ecooic theory. Of course, it is clear now that they are wrong as the current regime continue with the projects. PT has a point.

    You just put some things together to suggest without feeling a need to be precise.

    BTW the CC ruled on the legallity of the 2.2 trillion Baht infrastructure Bill only.

    "The court ruled that the the infrastructure law breached the constitution in its content and in the way it was drafted, Chaovana Traimas, secretary general of Constitutional Court, told reporters today in Bangkok."


    Rubi, let's not get into trivialities. Point is that many including the former President have spokened on the Court playing politics and contributed to the political instability and needed to be reformed. If you don't agree, please state your points and dance around the fringes.

  10. Not only PT is saying that the constitutional court played key roles in Thai politics and is still the primary tool for Bangkok traditional elite establishment's control of Thailand. Even the former CC Presient Wasan had admitted political interference in Samak disqualification. Human Right Watch has spoken about court abuse of power. The Truth Commission said that the CC should be especially careful in their use of power. Many influential newspaper like Thai Rath wrote about the CC creating a new institution of their own to govern Thailand. The court even corrupt their power in economic affairs like stopping the infrastructure projects like the HIgh Speed Train saying it was against sufficiency ecooic theory. Of course, it is clear now that they are wrong as the current regime continue with the projects. PT has a point.

  11. What about probing the unnatural assets of the generals. Nah, not a chance. Not in their self serving agenda.

    Here is a thought for you to ponder.

    How about staying on topic and if you really want a thread about your thoughts of the generals unnatural assets, why not open that thread yourself.

    If you are not the moderator, please shut your trap. You don't dictate what I write.

    Who knows somebody may even read it.

    Until then could you please try to stay on topic.

  12. What about probing the unnatural assets of the generals. Nah, not a chance. Not in their self serving agenda.

    Here is a thought for you to ponder.

    How about staying on topic and if you really want a thread about your thoughts of the generals unnatural assets, why not open that thread yourself.

    If you are not the moderator, please shut your trap. You don't dictate what I write.

    Who knows somebody may even read it.

    Until then could you please try to stay on topic.

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