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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Arizona is a red state and the incumbent previous governor was a Republican. Should be a cakewalk by Republican. Lake aka Trump f…. It up.
  2. Biden endorsed very few Democrat candidate to avoid being tied to the President's low approval rating. It work like a charm.
  3. Calm down. No one say that immgration is not a problem. Saying immgration was an invasion to scare the voters didn't work for Lake. Following up with her intention of sending the National Guard troops and who knows what else down to the border just demonstrated how clueless she was.
  4. Not much of evidence but just interpretation of certain events. Any direct evidence.
  5. Little evidence to prove that. There was no higher-than-usual turnout in the Aug.2 Republican primary. If you have evidence, please provide.
  6. You see evidence of the left intend to replace current capitalist systems with communism in America? If you do, please share.
  7. What has longer voting count has to do with election fraud. Election deniers will always find a reason for conspiracies even though it has been debunked as rare.
  8. Still singing from the old song sheet. Lots of bravado from the right after the Marlago search that there will be big blowback in the midterm election. Surely by now you should contemplate not to use that dross again.
  9. I am holding my breathe on whether Republicans will have the fortitude to abandon the 3 times loser Trump. I remember those cowards who blame Trump for the attacked on the Capitol and then subsequently folded into the embrace of Trump. Cowards like Kevin McCarthy, Lindsey Graham and few others who condemned harshly and later say that the attack were legitimate political discourse. So far, the push back by Republicans have been luke warm and DeSantis has not even rebut directly to Trump's ugly accusation on him. They are still scared of Trump and his fanatical base. Will have to see how the GOP will ostracize Trump in involving in the party politics. Tough but only sensible pathway if they have any hope for 2024.
  10. Correspondingly the Baht appreciate expecting a return to positive current account.
  11. IMHO youth portion of the electorate turned up with concerns for climate change and abortion rights. Millennium was concerned with guns control issues and political integrity while the older voters concerns were for the depolarization of society and the erosion of democracy. I am simply proud of American voters who understand the importance of this midterm election and prevented the county falling into an abyss.
  12. Can’t get the business finished promptly due to the fact that election in US is decentralized and each states has their own election law.
  13. There are election laws in every states that have to be followed and that process delayed the results. Never mind, you will never understand and casting convenient blame is easier. https://www.npr.org/2022/11/08/1134235552/midterm-election-results-pre-canvassing-ballot-processing https://www.npr.org/2022/11/11/1136085626/arizona-counting-ballots-vote-tallying-maricopa-county
  14. AZ Secretary of State election Mark Finchem project to lose. Another extreme far right election denier bite the dust.
  15. Latest. CNN projected winner for AZ senate race will be Kelly. Should be done and dusted. Another Trump endorsed candidate hit the dust by a wide margin.
  16. You are in the 2nd stage of grief - anger. Lashing out aimlessly and can't think rationally. You will get over it. Trump has been dumped even by his own party.
  17. What a lowlife. Melania not spared in his blame all but not himself tirade. https://www.salon.com/2022/11/09/wounded-is-furious-and-blaming-melania-for-his-decision-to-endorse-oz-report_partner/
  18. He believe that climate change is man made. That will not sit well with the maga base.
  19. Unfortunately this ain't politics as usual. Trump will never see himself as useless in his egostistical fantasy. He will go scorched earth on the GOP and it doesn;t matter to him that he is giving the advantage to the Democrats. The GOP better prayed that jail time for Trump will come sooner.
  20. Trump not a happy camper infuriated with the results and blaming everyone except himself. Even Sean Hannity was not spared in his blame game. Looks like he is sticking around for the duration and dashing GOP chances in 2024. Maybe Trump is Dem’s Trojan horse.
  21. Exactly. If the RP cant unite their base, Republican voters may be disillusioned and not turn up for the 2024 election giving the advantage to the DP.
  22. Will Trump’s loyal base love him or blame him for the preventing his comeback. After all the bile spewed by Trump at DeSantis, the well has been poisoned and may be difficult for Desantis to inherit Trump’s base unless Trump concede and call for his base to switch support for DeSantis. Am I dreaming? Looking forward to a bitter and ugly primary.
  23. Trump has whipped his supporters into a cult and will be difficult for them to move away as long as he is still breathing. Not wishing for his demise but that's the reality. The Congressional Maga faction will have to take the cue from these cult supporters and will unlikely to change to typical conservative Republicans. Trump has created a monster that has tens of millions of followers who worship his greed, criminalty and cruelty. It will be hard to dismantle such a fanatical group. It's a Republican Party dilemma that will take a long time to morph back to the party of Reagan.
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