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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. What happened in China was that the country stood up against the expansionist member of the Axis unprovoked invasion of a sovereign country. It is about defending your country with pride and not allowed an imperalistic country to dictate their will on China even it meant deaths and destruction. Like what happening in Ukraine and that's a sane and patriotic stance.
  2. Always ready for a China slant even if it's not plausible. The more educated guess is that it has to do with Putin's planned attendance at the APEC summit next month.
  3. Hillary appearing for the Benghazi Hearings for 11 hours grilling should be an inspiration for Trump to appear to prove who wears the pants.
  4. A civilain goverment would have voted quite differently from current military government. Walk of shame for the current government.
  5. Has any recent President ever solved the migrant issues? The situation is dire and exploiting the migrants for political leverage worsened the crisis. It will take sustained political will among stakeholders and lawmakers to develop, implement, fund and enforce sound policies. This will never happen in this toxic partisan political polarization which has also grown worse in last 6 years.
  6. Perhaps the Republicans should think about working with the federal administration for the benefit of the country to resolve the migrant issues rather than selfishly exploiting the issues for their own political ambitions. They should not follow blindly to leverage the migrant issue that was Trump's policy centerpiece. Wear the big boy pants and not suck up to Trump's exploitative self serving policy.
  7. Good link. As suspect, everything alleged without real evidence just like your post. Next. Extract from the link below. We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement,” the letter reads. But, it continues, “there are a number of factors that make us suspicious of Russian involvement.”
  8. He is not looking for a peace plan with Putin. The door for negotiation is still open with Russia but will not be conducted with Putin as its President.
  9. Your knowledge of the history relating to Ukraine and Nato is sheer ignorance. Relations between Ukraine and NATO started in 1992. Ukraine applied to intergrate with NATO in 2008. Zelensky became President in April 2019. Putin was President since 2012. How is the blame falls on Zelensky for Putin's lifelong ambition to annex Ukraine. You are a Putin's apologist and a poor one.
  10. These are the wars in Europe in the 21st Century. Just how many involved Russia and how many involved Nato. Facts don't lie and your opinion is just inaccurate. 2001 Georgia, Kodori crisis 2001 Insurgency in the Republic of Macedonia 2004-2013 Unrest in Kosovo 2004 Georgia, Adjara crisis 2004 Georgia, South Ossetia clashes 2006 Georgia, Kodori crisis 2007-2015 Insurgency in North Caucasus 2014-presentRusso-Ukraine war 2014 Annexation of Crimea 2022-present Russia invasion of Ukraine. Are you just naive or you just a Putin's apologist.
  11. Cannabis was under the Categories of Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Category V till 2020 when they were decriminalized. Together with hemp, they no longer in Cat V.
  12. Ukraine will have 2 Advance Surface-to-air Missile Systems - IRIS and NASAMS. They will stand up well against Russia aggressive missile attacks. With the success on the ground, Russia facing humilating military setbacks.
  13. I thought one of the core principles of GOP conservatism is Human Dignity honouring marriage and family as the primary institutions of healthy society. Herschel Walker sure doesn't fit that mould. Rick Scott is placing Trumpism ahead of conservative values. Walk of shame for both.
  14. Abbott's Operation Lone Star has not slowed down surging number of migrants. He has built wall, arrested migrants, spend million busing migrants to other cities and intensified the inspection of commercial trucks causing economic gridlock. His policies has not worked. Title 42 and Trump's Remain in Mexico program are not working. Abbott has been confrontational, obstructive in his actions and will not coordinate with federal and states on his policies. He has exploited the migrant issue for his own political gains. It's easy to cite numbers and put blame but the facts remained that migration is rising due to economics, natural disasters etc and are out of the President's control. A cohesive plan between state and federal government is needed but under this kind of hostile atmosphere created by Abbott, it's unlikely anything can be achieved.
  15. Interesting analogy. Just how did Nato prod Russia to invade a sovereign country. Not even Russia can explain why they invaded Ukraine. Putin's justification in the beginning was that modern, western-leaning Ukraine was a constant threat and Russia could not feel safe, develop and exist. Then on invasion day on 24 Feb, the goal was change to to "demilitarise and de-Nazify Ukraine". Subsequently the goal was changed to "protect people subjected to what Putin called eight years of bullying and genocide by the Ukraine government to ensure Ukraine's neutral status. Even Putin can't explain But low and behold you can. LOL.
  16. As a measure of its devastation, low yield tectical nuclear bombs are many times more powerful than the Hiroshima or Nagasaki atomic bombs.
  17. Putin will not give up but will his disregard and disrespect for the fundamentals of international law on the sanctity of international borders may rebound on him and cause a Russia Federation to collapse. Failing to achieve success over Ukraine and the increasingly damaging international sanctions have caused the federal states to seize the time and pressed for greater autonomy and some may even veered towards sovereignity. There are already disquiet and economic grievaces among the federal states. Russia can collapse like the collapse of the Soviet Union. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/russia-may-not-survive-putins-disastrous-decision-to-invade-ukraine/
  18. Good lord, this loud mouth just can’t help incriminating himself. Lawyer’s nightmare client. Lock him up.
  19. Campaign pledge make and fulfilled contrasting with pledge that Mexico will pay for the wall (unfinished) and never happened. Will boost some Dems in the mid-term who have been rising the issue of marijuana legalization central to their campaign.
  20. According to an analysis of 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) data by the New American Economy, immigrants (14 percent of the U.S. population) wield $1.3 trillion in spending power. That generate lots of sales tax revenues contribution.
  21. Agree to a point. This should not be done as a political stunt and creat a humanitarian crisis. It should be a consultative effort. Unfortunately Abbot and Desantis are simply exploiting the helpless immigrants to score political points. That’s disgusting.
  22. He also the leader of the free world. That’s a serious accolade. Don’t you think so? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/biden-leads-free-world-against-putin-trump-equivocates-n1290603
  23. His decision making and achievements match up well with most regarded Presidents of the past. Enjoy and be educated from this clipping. https://chicago.suntimes.com/2022/8/28/23325019/president-joe-biden-franklin-roosevelt-lyndon-johnson-ronald-reagan
  24. Apparently you avoid reading about Jeremy Bertino who is the top lieutenant for the Proud Boys has pleaded guilt for Jan 6 seditious conspiracy and unlawful possession of firearm.
  25. That's the outcome of a pathological liar with a compulsive or habitual tendency to lie; no one believe him to be telling the truth. Gaffes are easily forgotten. No big deal.
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