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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. I think most Republicans in the leadership echelon know what went wrong. The dilemma for them is how to manage Trump and his fire brand far right lawmakers MAGA squad like Greene, Matt Gaetz and others hard-core pro Trump congressional faction. Kevin McCarthy seem scared of Greene and Steve Scalise as Republican whip is giving the Maga squad a wide berth. I think Republican will unlikely to be united going into 2024 which will give the Dems an advantage. The Dems bench is full of very talented potentials.
  2. Biden surprised many pundits even with so much headwinds and yet emerged in much better shape than either of his Democratic predecessors, Barrack Obama and Bill Clinton, both took a hammering at the midterm. This midterm election will be remembered more about the Republican Party not able to seize the moment for a landslide victory and the Trump's gamble that didn't pay off. Trump now has the dishonour of presiding over 2 disastrous midterm elections. He should take the cue and stay out of politics.
  3. Trump will not like this editorial from Fox. The biggest loser? Donald Trump, whose hand-picked loyalist candidates in a number of races struggled to beat vulnerable Democrats. Once again, the former president may have cost Republicans control of the senate, in a year when it was theirs to lose.
  4. McConnell was right to say that candidate quality could blow party's chances for senate control. Trump takes the full blame for the loss.
  5. DeSantis and probably Greg Abott are the rising superstars in the Republican Party after their impressive mid-term victory. The momentum is with these 2 men while Trump will become a fading dying star with most of his endorsements ending up in smoke. Those a..kisser allies and mega donors may now take a pause to evaluate their investments. The narcissism in him tell me that he will run and will be a wrecking ball scorched earth attempt that will do him and the party no good. Being convicted and behind bars will be his saving grace.
  6. Moderna and Pfizer have their up-to-date bivalent vaccines called Moderna/Spikevax and Pfizer's Comirnaty respectively which will provide better protection against newer Covid-19 variants including Omicron. Singapore MOH has approved both vaccines and made available to the population. I called up a private hospital in Bangkok to enquire of their availability and was told that they were non available at the present moment. Perhaps pending approval. Hope both new vaccines will be available soon.
  7. He will do what he want to do. Who really care. His primaries wouldn't be a cake walk and will be even more bitter than 2016 and will split the party even more.
  8. https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/06/politics/kamala-harris-midterms-closing/index.html https://www.wsj.com/articles/kamala-harris-seeks-to-rally-voters-on-abortion-as-polls-show-interest-waning-11667480402 More if you really need to know what’s she up to. Goggle is your friend. By the way, former Presidents from the Dem Party like Bill, Hillary and Obama are chipping in to support their candidates. Don’t see any former GOP presidents on the campaign trail. Perhaps it’s the obnoxious Trump’s fallout.
  9. I think you need to hold on your exhilaration as regards to absolutist freedom of speech. Wait and see what his policies as he has announced a council would be set up full of diverse voices to decide on controversial moderation decisions and permanent suspension. As regards to his business acumen, I am not sure that his subscription route to profit is sound. More than half a million users including celebrities have moved to Mastodon.
  10. Don't be sidelined by peripheral stuffs like need to fly in for an important climate change conference. The attention should be focused on the 13 days of the Glasgow conference between nearly 200 countries and signing of the Glasgow Climate Pact and the completion of the Paris Agreement's Rulebook. They are other achievements and goals that were reached that include accelerating the phase-out of coal, curtailing deforestation, speeding up the switch to EV and encouraging investments in renewables. I am sure trying to prevent a climate catastrophe by securing global net zero by mid-century and maximum of 1.5 C degrees of warming are not important to you.
  11. Many conservatives hope that the Republican Party would snap back to be a normal party of old after Trump. It didn’t happen and has become more radicalized. The Maga Republicans are displaying growing fanaticism and embracing blatant Trump’s election lies. The party is now center around nativism and white identity politics which is shared by many extremist groups. Republican Party is throughly infected with many who sympathize with the insurrection. Republican Party is not the old party but a party that is willing to support an authoritarian narcissistic law breaker who care more for himself than the rule of law, democracy and the country. Biden is right in calling voters not to vote for Maga Republican Party.
  12. Seem he has fallen deep into the world of far-right conspiracies, antisemitism and hate that could have pushed him to carry out the sinister attack. Even had thoughts that Trump may be Q. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-10-28/pelosi-attack-suspect-david-depape-shared-conspiracy-theories
  13. That was Trump favourite victimhood word. It was a House bipartisan recommendation for articles of impeachment. Trump should know as he was the subject of the impeachment.
  14. Leaders of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers were prosecuted under US18. USC 2384 - Seditious conspiracy. It’s a planned conspiracy to overthrow, put down or to destroy by force the government of the United States, or to level war against them or by force to prevent, hinder or delay the execution of any law.
  15. According to the Department of Justice, 725 people have been charged in connection with Jan 6; more than 225 have been charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers; 640 have been charged with entering or remaining in a restricted area; 275 also face charges of obstructing, impeding or influencing an official proceeding.
  16. What Bennie Thomas said was based on testimonies from Republicans witnesses. <deleted> voters can vent their frustration by voting in the next election and not by staging an insurrection. Too early to tell whether the Dem messaging is wrong. Threat to democracy resonated by more than half of registered voters.
  17. Trump will reveal his involvement when he testify under oath to the Jan 6 committee. Just appear and state the fact that he has no part in the insurrection. .
  18. Digressing much. It's ok if you have have no relevant response to my post.
  19. Blimey that's rather ignorant of you to not recognize the intention of the few thousand people summoned by Trump to seize and violently remove the government so that he can remain in power. That's how every coups succeed. Seized the government and delegitimize the legal process for usurper. He will then will have the command of all the military and law enforcement agencies.
  20. You know how ridiculous you sound. Few thousands of joint troops in an exercise was deemed provocative and firing of short range missiles that can carry nuclear explosive is dismissed and acceptable by you. You really lost the plot.
  21. They still carry conventional or nuclear explosive up to 1,000 km. So that kind of missiles are acceptable by you and non provocative.
  22. Those love letters were laughed off by Kim. Get real. You are dealing with a cold blooded dictator and not taking a tough stance will only make him bolder and reckless. https://www.voanews.com/a/east-asia-pacific_north-korea-fires-more-missiles-after-trump-receives-beautiful-letter/6173580.html
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