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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. North Korea will not stop to provoke South Korea. The previous South Korea President Moon who scaled back joint military exercises and public display of military strength to reduce tension have not worked. The current President Yoon is a conservative and will match North Korea tit-for-tat. The way to handle peace in the peninsula is through strength and certainly not by love letters.
  2. NK was firing misslles even before the joint military exercise. Just who is the provocateur.
  3. You are not wrong when you said left and right have committed political violence. However left wing terror have decreased dramtically in the 1980s while the frequency and lethality of the right-wing, separatists and anti abortion terror increased, a trend that has continue. Threats of political violence mostly by the right-wingers have increased tenfold in the last 5 years since Trump's election with 9,625 incidents documented in 2020. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2022/10/29/23428956/political-attacks-increasing-far-right-congress-pelosi
  4. Uncouth and undignified behavior and cringey to think he was a former President of a highly developed country.
  5. Maybe the perception is derieved from the fact that David DePape was a Maga conspiracy nut and you have been hyper active in deflecting for him and tacitly backed his conspiracy theories.
  6. Anyone can read a report and offer their own spin and at best it only offer circumstantial interpretation that may or may not be admissible. Yes, it doesnt matter who open the door. Direct evidence supports the assertion directly. So what are the direct evidence in this case. Read the charges.
  7. I bet my bottom dollar that you will have somethng to spin even after the actual CCTV, bodycam and the audio 911 call are released. Anyone disagree?
  8. I will give you credit for providing a reason albeit ambiquous agenda for supporting your party unlike a more direct reason that Democrats never got over the Civil War.
  9. Now that’s rich coming from you to cite procedural justice. You had much indignation of the due process resulting in the legal search of Marlago.
  10. Well at least he is attending demonstrating US commitment to the region unlike the previous POTUS who didn't attend the last meeting in PNG and was not missed.
  11. Motivation for criminal acts from his twisted desire for political revenge. Motive established.
  12. Paul Rand's whataboutism is simply childish. He is trying to equate a dispute with his neighbour with an assination attempt of the House speaker and third in line for Presidency. Get a life Rand.
  13. Remote parts of the world are not contributing to greenhouse gas. They barely can afford transportation. Poor attempt at denialism and diversion.
  14. Not too sure of his direction but choosing a centrist running mate may provide some clue. Perhaps he won on that conciliatory platform.
  15. Does the truth matters to you? That’s a Fox spin and you just regurgitating Fox trash.
  16. The man has been very busy posting on Truth Social. Brag about his endorsements, upcoming hate speech rallies and playing his victimhood card on the Mar-la-go search, Brazil’s election and even have time for the death of Jerry Lee Lewis. Nothing mentioned on attack of Paul Pelosi. Disappointing behavior of someone who was the former President.
  17. Lost count of his legal problems but this must be his most worrisome as it exposes his real worth and most likely will be an embarrassment. He can’t stand being seen as poorer than most of his supporters thought. Will need Justice Clarence Thomas to step up and give him protection.
  18. Surely this kind of election threats can't be happening in USA, shining beacon of democracy. ???? As the Progressive International Movement state that "we cannot repy on the US to champion democracy around the world". Demoracy has been sliding since Trump infamous walk down the escalator. Assault on election, voting rights and the judiciary, spread of misinformation will contribute to stark partisan divide that will only worsened in years to come. That genie will not be put back into the bottle even after Trump has long passed. The radical right has evolved under Trump.
  19. The right call by Chonburi FC to terminate the contract. Their manager resigned as he was linked with in the drinking session with the players. The club is popular with the people of Chonburi especially with the young and need to send a resounding message on discipline.
  20. I tell you why it still make me chuckle. Defund the police movement came about amid national outrage over the police killing of George Floyd and the outcry was for police reform. Contrasting with the snowflake reaction of the Maga folks to abolish the FBI because dear leader resort was searched. LOL.
  21. You Maga folks just make me laugh. 2 years ago, the same folks accused the left of trying to defund and abolish police altogether. Now the same Maga folks are calling for the abolition of the FBI. You got to get off this loony train.
  22. Maintaining political stability, free election and peaceful transfer of power are IMO the biggest hindrance to the economic woes facing Thailand. Just not too long ago, Thailand was touted as the 5th Asian Tigers after Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea. Thailand has tremendous potential but has continously on a self destruction path. Vietnam and Indonesia (post Suharto) have able to maintain political stability and are seen as good investments locations. Empowering the voters will enhance voters participation that can progress and result in electing credible and honest government. Indonesia is a good example of that process. Thailand need step-up with structural reforms especially in education and robotics. These are long term apolitical reforms that require political stability, peaceful transfer of power and visonary leadership. Thailand has wasted 2 decades of growth due to political interference. The country can't survive with more of the same.
  23. Where to start. SB is a threat to society, democracy, dangerous political operative and guilty of contempt of Congress. Reason he was allowed bail was that the judge was a Trump appointee. He should be treated like every ordinary citizen and go straight to jail.
  24. There sufficient signs that Trump has NCP disorder and his lawyers can use bipolar disorder to influence judgement. However to get him to admit that he has NCP will be hard for him to swallow. https://www.drugs.com/cg/narcissistic-personality-disorder.html
  25. Travesty of justice by allowing Bannon to sleep at home awaiting appeal rather than straight to jail. He will be free as a bird for the expected long duration of the appeal process. Justice not served for an evil man.
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