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Everything posted by mrmicbkktxl

  1. How much is a vascular screening and how accurat is it?
  2. Are you living on a different planet or are you just ignorant?There is a difference between 1st world countries and 3rd world countries!
  3. But if Trump comes back that will change
  4. You should use DHL EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL,pricey but worth every penny
  5. What a useless comment, are you just ignorant???
  6. Advertising is a good earner and needed for companies but if the advertising covers the content and there is no way to close it,then it is very annoying.I can't use my mobile anymore to read news on ASEAN now because the advertising is covering half of the screen
  7. Nothing to do with sensitivities it's about civilized language
  8. Watch your language low life creature!!!
  9. Does Savanaket still issue 1 year multi entry non O visa? What documents are required?I have the thought they won't issue 1 years visa anymore and that is worldwide.They want you to get an extension of stay at immigration and to get an extension you need to show money in a thai bank or monthly payments from oversea.If you have money in the bank or payments it is easy for them to tax it.I was gonna stop to transfer money to Thailand after December 2023 and get a 1 year visa instead of an extension.If this loophole is closed it will get difficult to avoid tax payments in Thailand.If your home country has a double taxation treaty with Thailand you will have to try to get your taxes back .Just a thought
  10. Who are UN and Selensky?Anyway don't compare apples and .... Ukraine -Russia and Israel-hamas wars are not comparable
  11. Yes,but not built by hamas,built by UNESCO,power plant also not biult by hamas.hamas use all the money they receive from EU,USA etc. to build their war machine.
  12. If you have no idea what you talking about then how about just...................... 6 days war?????Before Israel the Egypts occupied the strip.In the 6 days war Israel crushed them all,and of course Israel stayed.The winner of a war decides who stayes where.
  13. yes,and hamas refused because they don't recognise Israel's right to exist and claimed all the territory between Mediterranean and the Jordan river as rightfully Palestinian.hamas never accepted the Arab plan from 2002
  14. What a total bs!!!The arabs wanted the Israelis out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On many ocassions Israel offered them 2 state solution,but the arabs declined and attacked Israel and always got fuc.......The whole sh.. is not about the land but about the arabs need the jews wiped out
  15. Are you living on a different planet?Hamas is made up of lunatics who want to kill Jews. When Israel gave the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians, Hamas's thanked that with rocket fire. With the billions in aid money that it has now received from all over the world, Hamas did not build desalination plants to irrigate the country or electrical power plants to light it, no, it built tunnels and underground weapons factories . To do what? Right, to kill Jews. Hamas shows little consideration for its own population. It is setting up its rocket launch sites next to hospitals and kindergartens to prevent the Israelis from defending themself. Every now and then, like right now, they blow up their own hospital in order to blame the crime on the Israelis. They are currently firing their rockets at Israeli cities together with the Shiite Hezbollah militias from Lebanon and Syria. The goal? Killing Jews. The two-state solution had been offered to the Palestinians several times. They didn't it want. They want to kill all Israelis.Israel should wipe them from the planet and Lebanon too.Syria should watch very careful.Next on the list would be Qatar and Iran
  16. Well I have severe varicose veins with the hot weather here they even worse.Once in a while both legs giving me pain sometimes makes me don't want to walk.About 2 years ago I went to see a phlebologist here in Thailand and he prescribed that stuff and it was helping fast,but I'm actually to lazy to go again because it is a pain in the a.. to get an appointment with him,and in November I will fly to Europe to see a doctor again so I thought self treatment will work until then.
  17. Hi does anyone know where to buy Daflon500mg and Reparil tablets 20 mg in Chonburi area inc.Pattaya and the estimated price? Thanks
  18. I feel glad I'm a boomer and not a generation useless as...... I'm not a violent person but sometimes I think some people really need some attitude adjustment.
  19. If you start taking Finisteride forget about ejaculation,I'm taking tamsulosin since 3 years.It helps to get a good amount of sleep at night but it doesn't stop the prostate from growing,and ejaculation 90% down. 6months ago Doctor in Germany prescribed Finisteride,now ejaculation is zero not even hot air,but the prostate started shrinking.Doctor said It will help for a while but at some point in the near future I will need a surgery
  20. Hi there I'm in
  21. If a farang is doing that he gets the death penalty or blacklisted
  22. DHL Express International,from Berlin/Germany-Sriracha/Chonburi average 2 working days,but pricey,70-80Euros .We used them at least 10 times,never had a problem
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