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Everything posted by mrmicbkktxl

  1. I agree to a minumum, not all foreigner from western countries in Thailand are like that.I don't think majority of western foreigner come to Thailand because of woman,in these times they probably here to find an affordable life where the pension lasts until end of the month,.Locals don't travel 10000 miles because they don't get a visa and I assume western woman are not really interested in 165cm Somchai without money.
  2. This guy seems to be mental and the other guy in Phuket is also a bit out of oder,but it's scary what they doing with them.If a Thai guy did the same thing nobody would be interested and with 1000bt and a wai life goes on.
  3. You go to the website of Spanish Embassy in Thailand,I guess you need an appointment for Schengen visa
  4. Oh man,what is wrong with you?1000 Thai guys hit,burn,torture their girls on daily basis.They pay 500bt or nothing happens.Only because he is a farang he needs to feel the full arm of of the laws? Ridiculous
  5. DHL EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL,is pricey but works well.Documents to Berlin,Germany took 2 working days,to San Francisco,USA 1,5 working days.You also can insure it........
  6. Does Hilton also has a bbq buffett,some people maybe not into seafood?
  7. How to get rid of to much protein in the kidneys?
  8. Yeah,I noticed that they sell global and chinese versions I guess I have only global devices
  9. yeah,I have Sndway pm25 detector already.I have a few Xiaomi devices(phone,watch,scale) already and they work ok
  10. If I set my aircon to dry it will stop after the huminidy is gone.I read somewhere those purifiers need to run 24/7
  11. I would like to buy an air purifier but have no idea which one to buy.At lazada the most sold brand is XPX,but it is very cheap makes me wonder if it really helping. Also saw Xiaomi and Electrolux.Does anyone has experience with purifiers?What is the difference between a 20k and 700thb purifier?
  12. Isn't the dress to short(Australia) for a formal visit?
  13. You are registred in X and your son in Y,means you don't take care him.(thinking of immigration) If you are not married with the mother of the kid you actually need a document from a thai family court (recognition of paternity),on top you need another document from the amper you living at.(birth certificate not enough),in m y case they wanted also a document from school.,this was a while ago but I don't think things changed for the good.I don't believe you ever got an extension without those documents.
  14. I think it is not about Trump is great it's about how bad Biden and the democrats are
  15. Are you for real?Nothing to do with boomer or not boomer,more about common sense.It's 2024 not to difficult to find information if I want to travel to a foreign country.There are many websites what are waring about this and that.
  16. I'm doing extensions in Sriracha since 2012,and every year they added another annoyment,my wife has to take 2-3 times half day off daily salary 3500thb,our house 33 km from Sriracha immigration,not fun.until 2022 embassy letter was enough,now they also asking for bank account slips to see if at least 40.000thb are coming in every month,on top of that I have to bother my thai neighbors(working people)to be at home when the immigration comes to check my address,those officers complain why I stay far and they need to spend a lot of gasoline.I very hate the time of extending my stay.I'm over 23 years in Thailand and things changed to the bad.I would fly anywhere to get a 1 year visa if I don't have to deal with immigration in Thailand anymore. 2006 and 2007 I got 1 Year visa in Kuala Lumpur,the embassy staff asked me why I don't extend at immigration in Thailand,I replied"immigration sucks"she smiled and answered"I know'
  17. I'm doing it every year alone for 1900thb at immigratin Sriracha,really a pain in the a...M y thai wife is actually a very nice calm person but even she is loosing it with them......................
  18. I agree,but since I read somewhere it is possible I thought I give it a try and ask here,if not here then where to ask.I'm actually on extension of stay but tired with the immigration bullsh.. every year.I don't want to put 400.000 on any thai bank and since they started that tax sh.. .....So I guess I have to continue with the immigration bullsh.. A few years ago I tried to extend with an agent I got the extension I wanted but didn't get my passport back for 6 weeks,made me feel very uncomfortable,on top using an agent is not really a bargain.Even you have all documents they still charge 10000thb up
  19. But it talks only about 400.000thb in a thaibank not about in a foreign bank or monthly pension payments
  20. Hi I read somewhere 400.000thb can also be in a foreign account,how is that working what exactly they want to see? Another question how about monthly pension payments(40.000thb) into a Thai bank,with Embassy letter,is that ok too?
  21. What kind of proof of the equivalent from home bank?
  22. I was thinking wtf is he doing it looks like a banded krait
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