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Posts posted by Piichai

  1. 1 day of talks..and he expected to have a resolution?

    After the second meeting, I suspect Prayuth expected to have some compromises from those who attended.

    Thaksin forbidding PTP & UDD to compromise sealed the negotiations' fate.

    Reminds me of 2019. Abhisit and UDD had reached a tentative deal wjen Thaksin ordered UDD to back-track, which resulted in the crackdown.

    Thought it sounded a little familiar myself...

  2. If you can't see this, then I'm sorry...this is why I say:

    A man tries to climb a mountain, but finds himself going in a circles, returning to the start point. He can not get to the top. He continues, for 100 years to go down the same path, and continues to return to the same starting point.

    It seems what you can't see is that reforms is an effort to find a new way up the mountain.

  3. Lets all be real. The PDRC/Dems and Military are in one hand. They are one. Do you really think the Military wanted the PDRC to negotiate? NO. This has been a sham from day 1. The Military supports the PDRC. PDRC wanted a Coup. If you do not believe me, ask Mr. Suthep. He has made this clear many many times. So how in the world would there be a negotiation when the Minority is being supported by the Miltiary? Hence, this is the Thai Dilemna for the past 30+ years!!

    The system is rigged. They allow an election to be included amongst the so called "Democratic Nations" , but the Minority & Military have a deal to continue to bring down the Goverment. 12+ Coups over 90 years kinda explains it all!!

    Then why did Suthep compromise and align with the Senate?

  4. Honestly you guys actually supporting a military coup make me sick!

    You wouldn't cop it your own country but you support in Thailand.

    The thai majority do not want this they wanted yingluck and the PTP and said so at the ballot box in a landslide only to once again have it ripped away by another coup.

    Truly bloody sickening!

    A 47% or so majority voted for PTP. A recent Dusit poll said an over 75% majority support martial law.

    The message seems clear to me!

    A poll that was released by an Ammart organization under blanket news censorship.


    Are you saying there has never been a Dusit poll that seemed to favor PTP?

  5. The spirit behind the idea of democracy is surely 'fairness' so to make it work fairly, a vote should be the result of, at least the voter having the opportunity to make, an 'informed' choice not brought about by pressure or bribery. These are some of the fundamental issues IMHO that the planned 'reforms' should be dealing with.

    And before elections are held, canvassers should be allowed to operate without fear of harm or intimidation. How else can voters make an informed choice?

    While elections are one thing, reforms should also require transparency, an end to MP immunity, and a permanent ban for those convicted of abusing the public's trust.

    • Like 2
  6. I personally wouldn't wish any business to falter due to the current ongoing situation.

    Business is an ecology. The more capable consume the less capable. The inability (or unwillingness) to react to change often culls. The passing of one business is an opportunity for another to prosper.

    I suppose if anything saddens me about the current situation it is that it could have been avoided had PTP & UDD negotiated in good faith.

    On a positive note, reforms and elections are sure to come much quicker.

    • Like 2
  7. I can easily tell while reading all your opinions, that which ones of you married / have RED gf / wives from Issan or the north. These people will only breathe on their term of 'democracy'... that only election is an answer.

    In RED democracy, all you would hear is... military coup is bad, army is bad etc... They would call all these coup things illegal, unauthorised military... But still, once the authorised judgement from the authorised court came out, none of them accepted it.

    And not only don't accept; they came to the judges, knocking the door and threaten to harm them and their families for judging their side of politicians' corruption crimes.

    Have your RED gf/wives told you these???

    Since you guys are not native Thai, let me tell you what happen every time your democracy pet so-call 'elections' took place. There would be someone knocking my door, and every doors in the town/ village/ cities ... and offer how much money the household would get if we elect xxx ? Like an auction for the votes.

    Now, Thailand is facing the greatest corruption in our history based on democracy system.

    But all you guys saying is... Go get election !!!

    I don't think so...

    I suspect that you are one of those yellow shirt rich guys. All the morality of a hungry rat. Don't like democracy becuase it does not suit you when the person you want in office is not elected. Shame on you.

    What's the difference with a Conservative canvasser knocking my door in the UK and saying "Vote for us and we'll give you big tax cuts" (Or labour/Liberal - just to remove any bias). Isn't that a bribe in the same sense, particularly when the renege on the promise!.

    Do little research on raising the minimum wage in the UK, and then compare that to the recent minimum wage increase in Thailand.

  8. There are rumors that she will be detained until she can answer a few simple questions regarding here previous administration.................................which in fact will mean she sentenced to life in those army baracks.

    By the way, who's that lady behind her with the "all saying" smile from ear to ear .

    That smiling girl is 'Pancake' Thai actress/model/present....don't ya know ur celebraties, she's on channel 7.

    Looks like Pancake has a thing for men in uniform.

  9. This is disgraceful. The shiniwatra's are not the originators of corruption in thailand. It always was and still is even down to the education system and government funcionaries. Those of you that are crowing over 'the demise of the shin clan' are misogynist to the core just like the establishment in Thailand. She may have made mistakes but that is not the point. She was no worse a premier than any others and she was democratically elected all other arguments are academic. Why are Suthep and other's charged like him not in custody? the answers clear. Corruption!

    How do you know Suthep is not being detained?

  10. a disgrace...

    You bet it is3 to 7 days!!!

    I was hoping for 3 to 7 years.

    I love the photo though. The caption could be the General saying "This will be were you will be detained for destroying Thailand"

    Ohhhh accountability. The PTP's nightmare.

    I bet she wished she didn't hold the majority in contempt when she pushed the amnesty bill through now against the will of the majority.

    A disgrace is an understatement. She should at least hold her until the NACC rice scheme case is heard then she can't run away when she is found guilty and can go straight to jail.

    Bare-faced hypocrisy from someone who goes on forever, endlessly about the principles of democracy and appropriate process ( but apparently only believes it when it's convenient)

    Considering that being a flight risk runs in her family, arrest without bail seems appropriate to me.

    • Like 1
  11. Sweeping reforms before an election are all well and good if they could only find neutral people qualified to do this.

    This is the crux of the challenge here, is the army neutral and can they find neutral people to make rational decisions for the benefit of the whole country.

    I shouldn't think neutral people are required; all that's needed is interested parties willing to negotiate.

  12. Well father in law and the guy who rents wifeys paddy have been waiting for their rice payments since October. Hopefully the Junta will be good for their word and pay the poor farmers within 20 days.

    Absolutely, they deserve to be paid. In fact, didn't Yingluck try to pay them but Suthep threatened every bank with mass demonstrations and funds withdrawals to prevent the farmers from getting paid?


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  13. How do you propose to get the Thai's from the North, and North East and other "red" regions, on side, when people here constantly make derogatory references to their educational and social status and use words like "scum", "terrorist supporters", "buffaloes" etc? it's not just the Thai's within these regions that need educating, it's also the bigoted people who make such crass and ignorant comments.

    The hatred and hate filled speech's has to stop from BOTH sides, and a unification process is every bit needed as a reformation process, people need to stop judging others based on their locations, or the the locations of their partners and families, there's no room in society for bigots either,and that's on BOTH sides of the political divide.

    If you see it, call it out and I will stand with you.

    But be fair and report both sides. I can't recall anti-government posters saying northerners were too dumb to vote, but lots of Red supporters trying to imply so. Truly shameful behavior that should be dealt with.

    • Like 1
  14. Try explaining that to all the Farangs and Thais who own bars and other hospitality establishments in the tourist areas all over Thailand, if the curfew goes on for an indefinate period, they will all lose their business's and their investments, instead of business's in Bangkok suffering through the protracted protests.

    I'm 100% sure if it was your business that was closed down, through the protests, you wouldn't be so thrilled about the PDRC then, the idea was a noble one, but NOBODY expected the Regime to have remained in place for so long, many business's in Bangkok suffered as a result of these protests

    Now many business's all over Thailand will be losing a LOT more due to the actions of the Coup, I can't quite see all these proprietors being "thrilled" about the coup, can you?

    I think you will find many, if not most foreigners with tourism related businesses, support the coup. Many were already suffering due to the chaos that existed, and with no end in sight. The coup will likely increase the suffering, but at the same time provides hope that the suffering will end soon. A good trade off.

    Sure, small businesses with no financial cushion may die, but I think the rest believe they will be better off in the long run.

    I must agree.

    One of my interests a 'hospitality establishment' and not only do I expect it to continue to prosper through the coup, we are looking to expand the business. With a little luck, the doom and gloomers will knock property prices down.

    Located near one of Suthep's stages we may have lost some tourist business, but for the first time we had a steady stream of Thais coming in. The Thais might not have spent as much, but there was more of them. Hopefully they enjoyed their experience and will return.

    Well run, well managed businesses will be okay. Businesses that were just getting by before, might not.

    If Fat Haggis laments the loss of businesses due to the coup, he should lay the blame squarely at the feet of Thaksin; had Thaksin not forbid PTP & UDD to compromise, they might have negotiated in good faith, and today Thailand would be a very different place indeed.

  15. Wondering how much he stole.

    Children are still waiting for their tablets!

    Whoa -- you're mixing apples and oranges here.

    I wonder how much he stole, too, meaning the whole lot on both sides.

    The tablet deal was scrapped because the Chinese wanted to do the 'mission creep' approach to making more than the bid price, meaning undeclared export taxes, high delivery fees....and the whole tablet thing was a bad idea, not because of providing tablets, but because of letting the kids take them home....tablets in the classroom is a good idea (if you have the software).

    So what you're saying is that PTP was too inept to manage a project of that size, let alone the entire government?

    Scope creep doesn't just happen; it's a result of poor management.

    Really, this is just another one of PTP's boondoggles that perfectly illustrates why transparency is so important.

  16. Honestly you guys actually supporting a military coup make me sick!

    You wouldn't cop it your own country but you support in Thailand.

    The thai majority do not want this they wanted yingluck and the PTP and said so at the ballot box in a landslide only to once again have it ripped away by another coup.

    Truly bloody sickening!

    A 47% or so majority voted for PTP. A recent Dusit poll said an over 75% majority support martial law.

    The message seems clear to me!

    Polls are very easy to skew if you wish.

    If its so totally obvious to the vast majority theres no problem in a referendum then is there ??

    Or suddenly not so sure of your support..

    The referendum comes after the reforms are proposed.

  17. Prayuth has managed to take the wind out of the sails of many Pheu Thai and UDD supporters by placing the payment to the farmers as being the number one top priority.

    Not really.

    It just shows the money to pay the farmer has always been here.

    Who stopped the payment ?

    The farmers are not stupid.

    If you think things are so straight forward, why no free election ?


    I've been saying this for a long time, the fact that the money has been so easy to allocate proves beyond a sadow of a doubt that the payments never were an issue for the government, and that it was being withheld to punish the farmers for supporting PT. Unfortunately PCAD supporters of the Scamper variety don't have much in the way of critical thinking so this never occurred to them.

    The inconvenient truth is that Yingluck stopped paying the farmers before she dissolved parliament, and Yingluck made no provisions to pay the farmers when she dissolved parliament.

    If the government had the money, why didn't Yingluck pay the farmers before she dissolved parliament? And when dissolving parliament, why didn't Yingluck include provisions to pay the farmers?

  18. Prayuth has managed to take the wind out of the sails of many Pheu Thai and UDD supporters by placing the payment to the farmers as being the number one top priority.

    Not really.

    It just shows the money to pay the farmer has always been here.

    Who stopped the payment ?

    The farmers are not stupid.

    If you think things are so straight forward, why no free election ?

    Yingluck stopped paying the farmers before she dissolved parliament, and Yingluck made no provisions to pay the farmers when she dissolved parliament.

  19. Well father in law and the guy who rents wifeys paddy have been waiting for their rice payments since October. Hopefully the Junta will be good for their word and pay the poor farmers within 20 days.

    The problem I see is the country, does not have the money to pay them, if they "find" money then what else suffers.

    The country has the money to pay the farmers, but the former government had no means to access it due to their mismanagement of the situation.

    One can only hope the farmers will remember this.

    The country had the money to pay the farmers. But the former government, despite its goodwill, was prevented to access the money ...

    The farmers are not stupid and will remember that

    No. Yingluck did not provide for the farmers to be paid before she dissolved parliament.

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