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Posts posted by Piichai

  1. Did they arrest her?

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Arrest her for what ? Being the democratically elected Prime Minister of Thailand ?

    totster rolleyes.gif

    For running the rice scam, trying to whitewash a fugitive convicted criminal, trying the bankrupt the country by illegally passing a 2.2 trillion Baht loan......................You want a few other valid reasons ?

    Err? So you've seen this with your own eyes? Wow. Or do you believe everything you are told???


    Is that the best you've got?

  2. here's your urban legend ...

    Excellent. Thank you. Makes it much easier for those who think to research and find out about it. Appreciate it. If we can kill of these most ridiculous urban legends like this one and the "paid mobs" we'll make rational discussion a lot better. So you've dropped the stupid notion of the "registration at the entry gate" for paid mobs, so progress is achieved. Now.

    For the hard-core unthinking lemmings who would love to take urban myths to the grave, I guess these won't mean anything to you. To anyone more curious about what's true and/or factual, try Bangkok Pundit, a totally switched-on authority:


    And consider an anti-Thaksin scholar who notes the myth-spreaders can't speak Thai (obviously)


    And even after those, don't believe a word I say, and don't accept the sources I give, and go and find out for yourself other sources to discover what this video says and what it means, and why the urban-legend spreaders cut the video to 74 seconds so you couldn't know the context. Get your own translation, not mine (and certainly not the horrible one on the video).

    Everyone with brains, please use them.

    The rest, carry on with the ridiculous stories you spread. But be careful of accepting drinks from strangers because a lot of people lately have been drugged and woken up in a bathtub of ice with a kidney missing. Don't even try to doubt it.


    If that's the best argument you have, it's pretty weak.

    In other words, Thaksin was saying :

    I will work for you for free: I dont need to be paid even the 500 Bht (which Id be entitled to under Abhisit scheme).

    Could easily be:

    I will work for you for free: I dont need to be paid even the 500 Bht (which I have to pay you to show up).

    IMO, what's most telling is the look of absolute embarrassment on his face; he's realized he got caught screwing the pooch.

  3. Can someone tell me who is actually in custody right now from the opposition groups? Suthep I assume, but what about the fake monk?

    Noppadon on the list, could not have happened to a nicer guy.

    The Mad monk was nabbed yesterday, there is a list of the 114 people the General wants or has some place. Looks like he is sticking them in room till they make some sense between them. This could be a looong process

    There are multiple lists and the 114 is but one.

    Considering the number and size of the lists, one should think these are more than just party leaders.

  4. Military had shown a sign of change over the past 7 months. I truly thought the military would provide the security, force political parties to negotiate, find a happy medium set of reforms, and quickly implement an election. Unfortunately, the Army chose the path of old, outdated methods to deal with its people.

    I guess you missed it when Prayuth held meetings for two days, and Thaksin forbid the PTP & UDD to compromise.

    • Like 1
  5. Thaksins boy for rent is going to have to take one for the team

    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Ah he was the one that brought the box of money to bribe the judges.. I can't remember if he did any time for that ?

    Anyway its good to see all the PTP liars and cheats rounded up. He is a big liar.. so is Kittiratt and so is Surapong, bringing out false news all the time.

    But where's Chalerm? He's the one I want to see most rounded up...

    Chalerm got the cuff yesterday.

  6. If you don't want to incite violence make bloody well sure all sides are treated equally and the PDRC are dispersed also. Failure to do so will only enforce the thought that the army are just an arm of the PDRC.

    The Army is, in fact, the arm of the PDRC.

    Then why did the Army detain Suthep?

    Do you think they're having a party over there?

  7. Perhaps the leaders of various groups have just learned that now is a time for working together to end the current situation.

    One won't get far negotiating with someone if they criticize them as well.

    What a sad perspective on democracy. Do you know how many people that have managed to settle their disputes at gun point?

    This will not improve things, quite the opposite.

    Thailand didn't have a democracy before the coup. And there's no hope of having a democracy unless Thailand establishes a democratic landscape.

    Hopefully they can accomplish that with reforms.

    That's what they have been telling us for nearly a year. And we don't even know what the reforms are. Nobody in a high position here likes a democracy. And you belive a good way to start any kind of reform is to forbid people to criticize it

    Reforms are to be negotiated by all interested parties, not dictated by one. First the framework must be established.

    While Abhisit proposed a reasonable framework to begin the process, it was stonewalled by PTP & UDD.

    The Senate gave them another chance, but PTP & UDD stonewalled again.

    Now Prayuth is having a go. But still PTP & UDD couldn't do something for the good of the country.

    There most certainly will be changes, but one wonders if PTP will be part of them.

  8. Perhaps the leaders of various groups have just learned that now is a time for working together to end the current situation.

    One won't get far negotiating with someone if they criticize them as well.

    What a sad perspective on democracy. Do you know how many people that have managed to settle their disputes at gun point?

    This will not improve things, quite the opposite.

    Thailand didn't have a democracy before the coup. And there's no hope of having a democracy unless Thailand establishes a democratic landscape.

    Hopefully they can accomplish that with reforms.

  9. In Prayuth's world, around 75% supported martial law.

    One should think slightly less will support Prayuth assuming power; after all, Prayuth did take the soaps off air.

    5555 Mixed results on the lakorn, I think.

    But yes, Prayuth starts out like all junta brass with a certain good will. But only inside Thailand. This time around, it is going to be a total shutout from abroad. No one is going to support him, and even inside Asean he is going to get criticism and pushback.

    We'll have to wait and see, but I'd be willing to bet it won't be that bad.

    Foreign intelligence agencies have an understanding of what's going on. They know what the Reds have been doing. And without regard to Kerry shooting from the hip and using the C word, I suspect the State Department will do a little research before making any decisions.

  10. Oh man. And they were doing so well. Guess they couldn't resist the cookie jar once they got so close. This shows that no progress has been made or is planning on being made in politics and the military can basically take over whenever they want to regardless of laws or government.

    Way to prove all the critics right! I was hoping for so much better.

    What are you talking about? This is progress Thai style. The naughty children have been throwing tantrums for the last year. Finally the adults sit them down and asked them to behave. When the children refused they were sent to bed without their desert.

    I aplaud the general for the balsy move a few weeks before his retirement. This is the example of duty to the country and its people. Thailand would have been a better place if more of its leaders showed the same.

    When you put it that way it sounds much better. And I think that from that angle you are completely right.

    The martial law thing was fine and a good idea, which I also applauded. But the problem that I just can't get over with the coup is the fact that they completely tore up the constitution again. I am afraid that they will again take sides and setup an unelected government in favor of the elites' agenda and make "reforms" that will dissolve their political opponents and let them remain in power despite the will of the people.

    The reform process was going to change the constitution anyway; Prayuth's actions just make it easier.

  11. This extraordinary period in Thai history continues to set a new pace, as developments unfold quickly. Trying to sift through the news is the main challenge, and trying to verify such reporting in other publications is an added challenge. What we do know is that the Senate is functioning, and that is a key indicator and a very promising one at that. The courts similarly. It will likely take a number of days before things become clearer. The first aspect of the administration of this coup is clearly to secure control. Once that has been established, some path will likely emerge. But it is remarkable the change that has already taken place.There has been no violence or resistance. The PDRC remains jubilant.

    stunning synopsis of what everybody already knew, scamper, master of the bleeding obvious. In case you hadn't realised most people can read the news for themselves without you reiterating it for them coffee1.gif

    Rather rude and uncalled for but not unexpected thumbsup.gif

    on another note - maybe I missed it but I haven't seen the ex finance minister Kitirat mentioned on any of the lists

    Kitirat is on the list of 100.

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