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Posts posted by Piichai

  1. BANGKOK, 21 May 2014, (NNT) -The President of the Thai Agriculturists Association Vichien Puanglamjiak, advised the media after the army imposed Martial Law, that if a new government is installed, it must make paying off the remaining rice pledge debt to farmers, one of its top priorities.

    Agreed, the money was promised, the new government must pay.

    However Mr. Vichien said the price of rice should not fall below 11,000 baht per ton, citing the current production cost of 9,000 baht per ton. Mr. Vichien, claimed at the moment the price of rice is in the range of of 5,800 - 6,000 baht per ton.

    The farmers must learn that Thailand does not exist in a vacuum. Kittirat told the farmers at least one year before the government failed to meet its obligation, that they could not afford to pay the promised price. The farmers threatened to strike and the government continued to promise a price they could not pay. No matter what the farmers are promised, the world market sets the price. If the government decides to subsidize the farmers the electorate should know what that price will be, and the farmers have to know that they have not earned the money they are paid.

    So now it's the farmers' fault?

    • Like 1
  2. This being the guy who was stirring up the farmers on behalf of the PDRC and also the guy who turned down the governments proposed reduction in the rice pricing pledge from 15,000 baht to 12,000 baht because they could not make any profit at that price. So what were they doing before the rice subsidy upped the price?

    President of the Thai Agriculturists Association Vichien Puanglamjiak earlier made an announcement that farmers would not accept the Government's decision to reduce the pledging price for rice with 15% water content to 12,000 baht per ton, as they could not make any profit with that price.

    You might have missed it but when the rice scam started, prices of rents and fertilizer increased.

    On top of that, farmers' overhead has increased as they now need to pay back the loan sharks.

  3. Interesting. The farmers raise all kinds of a fuss about getting paid even drive their tractors to Bangkok for a one day protest get to Bangkok say nothing turn around and dive home. No more protests.

    Martial Law comes along and they know they do not have to worry about the red shirts as the Army will protect them and now they are speaking up again.

    Say's a lot about the red shirts lack of morals. Threatening poor farmers. Well they are now under the heal of the Army and well aware of what the Army can and will do so they are backing off on intimidation.

    It actually says more about your political bias and logic.

    Really? How so?

    I noticed with interest that after martial law was imposed, the red flags came down in the local Red village.

    And what happened to all the red flags and billboards at Ko Tee's radio station? Were they needed at Aska?

    I don't think so!

  4. How many members here who are demanding reforms before an election actually have a right to vote in the next elections.?

    I'd be genuinely interested as I have a sneaky suspicion that there actually isn't that many, and that many others are just posting to wind people up, if you have the right to vote, and you wish for reforms that's commendable, and your choice to make ,but if you don't have a right to vote, then what gives you the right to demand reforms that are down to the Thai electorate to decide what reforms they want, or don't want?

    And how many here who are demanding elections actually have a right to vote in the next elections?

    I'd be genuinely interested as I have a sneaky suspicion that there actually isn't that many, and that many others are just posting to wind people up.

    Do you really want to argue that transparency is bad for good governance? No, of course not. You know it's important just as I do. You also know requiring transparency will affect both sides. Thus it would be better to do your part to improve the situation.

    • Like 1
  5. We had an election which international observers said was broadly fair, and as we all know it was voided by the court. Make no mistake that election would have brought the PTP back to power. It does not matter how many spoilt their votes; under the democratic system they had the opportunity to cast legitimate votes and did not - because they knew what the outcome would be. Now we see prevarication, evasion, delay - anything to stop the Thai people having the opportunity to express their will, because they outcome will not be the one the ruling elite desires. The violet ribbons worn by the solders says it all. The usual suspects can dress this up any way they want, but their support for totalitarianism is all too obvious.

    Do all the soldiers wear the violet ribbons, or just some? And who are those that do?

    Elections should be held, but only after taking steps to ensure good governance.

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  6. We had an election which international observers said was broadly fair, and as we all know it was voided by the court. Make no mistake that election would have brought the PTP back to power. It does not matter how many spoilt their votes; under the democratic system they had the opportunity to cast legitimate votes and did not - because they knew what the outcome would be. Now we see prevarication, evasion, delay - anything to stop the Thai people having the opportunity to express their will, because they outcome will not be the one the ruling elite desires. The violet ribbons worn by the solders says it all. The usual suspects can dress this up any way they want, but their support for totalitarianism is all too obvious.

    People spoil their ballots because they were forced to vote and they didn't want to.

  7. In other words, we will only have elections when we can gand the system to assure that or side would win. Correct? To you, fair elections are ones where the preferred side wins. If the other side wins, than obviously the elections weren't fair.

    The issue isn't that one side or the other wins; the issue is nepotism, cronyism, rascalism, habitual abusers of the public's trust, and a lack of transparency.

    Election is a western concept, a selection by statistic, with no guarantee that the good people are elected.

    Election is not applicable to Thailand.

    In Thailand, appointment is preferred, so my can be 100% certain that Thai appointed the right people to rule the country.

    Maybe there's some truth to that.
  8. How can you say that people don't want to vote? They do. Just let them. And frankly seeing gie one sided the judiciary is, I have no faith in that institution. They exist to serve themselves and their political masters. they are a parasite on Thai society.

    I seem to recall a large number of no votes and voided ballots in the recently annulled election.

    And just a few days ago, a Dusit poll showed that about 60% don't want quick elections. Sounds like a majority to me, not a ridiculous 48% majority some keep bringing up.

    If this is so much the case.. why the refusal to have a referendum on the subject ??

    A referendum will come in due time.

    Framework - seems to be settled




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  9. 28 people dead in 6 months is the reason for martial law? Behave. More people die on the roads everyday, why dont they impose martial law to combat pants driving if they are worried about the safety of the people.

    Wait... What? What exactly is "pants driving?"

    Are pairs of trousers somehow jumping off the drying line and getting behind the wheel?


    When your getting old and behind the times.. Try using tools to catch up on the vernacular.

    Yeah, cause I'm worried about not being a hipster...

  10. If they decide to push ahead with elections that will fail again, make sure the PTP agree to pay for waste of taxpayer money first.

    These people are ridiculous.

    TVGerry, You seem to either not know or simply don't support the laws of the land.

    just to put you in the picture ok,

    Government was dissolved, so by LAW (not at the whim of the PTP) elections must be held within 60 days FACT weather you like it or not.

    The government followed the law by holding the elections much to the dislike and illegal protesting of the EC.

    YOUR hero Suthep called on his THUGS to prevent any voting by as many people as they could, Illegal FACT. so your mate should be the one who paid for the now nullified election due the law breaking intimidating bashing, beating, threatening, Suthep's attack dogs.

    If Suthep followed the law (which so many here cry about the government dose't do) then there would be a government now, All of this is fact and all your winging can't change it. you can't bitch about one side not following the law and hail the other side breaking the very same country's laws.

    YES there should be a new election asap and any who try to interfere should be thrown in goal.

    Now you up to speed popit?

    Your understanding of Thai Law is only surpassed by you keen grasp of the complex political machinations being played out.

    So where, in your summing up, do you mention all the laws the PTP administration broke?

    Oh, they came from election. Can do what they want. They clearly believed that - looks like you do to.

    OK where in my post about laws is wrong??? IT IS CORRECT!!! like I said all your pissing and bitching wont change that, the government held elections within the lawfully required 60 day limit, SO my understanding of this small part of Thai law is absolutely correct,

    but you seem to have a problem with the facts,

    Suthep and his attack dogs broke many laws by preventing people voting, FACT.

    I didn't say anywhere in my post PTP administration didn't break any laws, that judgment has been made by the courts. (BIAS)

    The problem is some here cry foul when one government is acting illegally and then cheer when the other side of the political fence breaks the law, I'm simply saying you cant have it both ways, either support laws or not, and don't complain when others don't follow the laws.

    you ok now big fella?

    It was not illegal for the EC to "protest" the elections. The CC ruled so at the time.

  11. If they decide to push ahead with elections that will fail again, make sure the PTP agree to pay for waste of taxpayer money first.

    These people are ridiculous.

    TVGerry, You seem to either not know or simply don't support the laws of the land.

    just to put you in the picture ok,

    Government was dissolved, so by LAW (not at the whim of the PTP) elections must be held within 60 days FACT weather you like it or not.

    The government followed the law by holding the elections much to the dislike and illegal protesting of the EC.

    YOUR hero Suthep called on his THUGS to prevent any voting by as many people as they could, Illegal FACT. so your mate should be the one who paid for the now nullified election due the law breaking intimidating bashing, beating, threatening, Suthep's attack dogs.

    If Suthep followed the law (which so many here cry about the government dose't do) then there would be a government now, All of this is fact and all your winging can't change it. you can't bitch about one side not following the law and hail the other side breaking the very same country's laws.

    YES there should be a new election asap and any who try to interfere should be thrown in goal.

    Now you up to speed popit?

    Your popit remark was condescending, and your premise is incorrect.

    The CC voted unanimously that the EC could delay elections. The EC's mistake is that they should have done so unilaterally, which at this point it's important to mention that it was not a unanimous decision from the CC that the EC should discuss delaying the election with the government.

  12. The Army should be supporting elections not trying to stop them from happening. You the Army gave their support and did something we would have elections. However, is that is real goal?

    Having any elections with out solving the real problems of having free elections is a wast of money and time

    election in name only

    better to wait till free elections can be held, than rush into another biased election

    In other words, we will only have elections when we can gand the system to assure that or side would win. Correct? To you, fair elections are ones where the preferred side wins. If the other side wins, than obviously the elections weren't fair.

    The issue isn't that one side or the other wins; the issue is nepotism, cronyism, rascalism, habitual abusers of the public's trust, and a lack of transparency.

  13. Come on see sense, the voters are in no state of mind to go and vote. Your expecting Thais to go and vote when the situation is like this. Again the government should NOT be included in a vote, they have violated enough during the 3 years in office --no second survival kit. get out.

    If a mayor of a local town in UK cheats and violates the law he is thrown out, NOT put up for elections again.

    Your bad police record is in the books for a long time---A dog is vicious it has to be put down or curtailed.

    R Biggs the great train robber, when caught was not allowed to rob again.

    Any politician that has a record of corruption/bad governing etc, should NEVER be allowed to stand again.


    Sent from my SM-N900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    If you think this is hogwash----tell me why or you just do not want the truth---come on speak your on forum.

    How can you say that people don't want to vote? They do. Just let them. And frankly seeing gie one sided the judiciary is, I have no faith in that institution. They exist to serve themselves and their political masters. they are a parasite on Thai society.

    I seem to recall a large number of no votes and voided ballots in the recently annulled election.

    And just a few days ago, a Dusit poll showed that about 60% don't want quick elections. Sounds like a majority to me, not a ridiculous 48% majority some keep bringing up.

  14. This is all very predictable- PDRC wont go home, army conveniently cannot hold elections because of this and will stay on in the current situation until the thing happens that this fight is really about.

    Then the good army can make sure good people succeed. Voila job done.

    The red shirts haven't gone home either, have they? It's the actions of the red shirts that caused the martial law.

    Wrong, had the rebels not prevented Thais from voting in the Feb 2nd elections, we would have av governmentright now

    But for how long? Just to enable PTP to begin raping the country again? PDRC would still be in the streets and there are a few cases working their way through the system that could pose a serious problem for PTP.

    Without reforms it is senseless to have another election.

  15. This is all very predictable- PDRC wont go home, army conveniently cannot hold elections because of this and will stay on in the current situation until the thing happens that this fight is really about.

    Then the good army can make sure good people succeed. Voila job done.

    The red shirts haven't gone home either, have they? It's the actions of the red shirts that caused the martial law.

    28 people dead in 6 months is the reason for martial law? Behave. More people die on the roads everyday, why dont they impose martial law to combat pants driving if they are worried about the safety of the people.

    Wait... What? What exactly is "pants driving?"

    Are pairs of trousers somehow jumping off the drying line and getting behind the wheel?

  16. Do I detect a whine ? a grumble ? a bleat ?

    They can order Suthep not to obstruct election points, they can blockades checkpoints to the polls np all that they have they can use, including the help of the police and or other forces.

    A logical commentary is all that I have provided and with zero whining, as a matter of fact I typed it with a feeling of positivity and celebration that we were now moving in a positive direction.... That comment of yours is just an attempt to flame a response and create bad feeling between members and also to undermine my right as a thaivisa member to have an opinion.

    You deserve a suspension...

    They can order Suthep not to obstruct election points

    But they can't stop the people from obstructing them off their own backs or via underground movements to disrupt... The people can still turn up and block the approaches and like I said... they will shoot these people? Even if the elections went through with a massive amount of no shows and no votes, the result will be rejected, and protests will continue and we will be no further forward.

    Ask yourself this.... how many polling stations?.... how many soldiers?


    Have to agree with Civil War on both counts.

    Prayuth knows he can't hold elections the people if they wish to get involved; just as Calerm's elite paratroopers couldn't arrest the Indian when simple people rushed from the comfort of their homes and into the streets to fight against injustice.

    With regards to the flaming matter: It's time the mods seriously address this with extreme prejudice. There is no need for all the name-calling and insults. Such behavior undermines a very good forum.

  17. With the army taking responsibility for public safety things improve. Less shootings and bombings than when police/CAPO were in charge.

    That always is good for business.

    Still I wonder where Captain Courageous Chalerm is. Not heard from him for a while. In a way I miss him. Twas fun reading his new plans at times.

    Just like we missed Bagdad Bob.

  18. Has anyone noticed problems with incoming emails from abroad today? Like most people, I get the usual load of personal and junk mail and news summaries, throughout a normal day.

    Today nowt, zero, nada, rien, ...since the TV morning mail that started off this thread.

    And yet, by testing a "send" to my wife INSIDE the country, she got my email no problem. But her reply to me has not arrived in three hours. (Yet, my email to her would first have to go to my home country and be bounced back from there.)

    Any techies willing to explain to this numpty?

    I have multiple accounts at multiple domains and no problems.

  19. Yes. The current Constitution (2007) specifically authorises martial law if necessary. If there is martial law, it is regulated under the Martial Law Act of 1914.

    A substantial number of experts says today's martial law is illegal because the notacoup-makers did not obtain the required Royal Proclamation in that 1914 act. I am certain this will keep Gen Prayuth awake in deep worry and shame.

    You may want to re-read Section 4.

    Section 4 applies in the case of a civil war or a riot. Declaring martial law under this section does not require royal proclamation.

    Section 2 applies in a more general case but requires a Royal Proclamation.

    I don't believe that there has been a civil war or a riot. So the army may have acted illegally. But that hardly matters now.

    Insurrection means violent uprising.

    Some would think we have that with the Reds. Others might think we have that with PDRC. Either way, the military has their excuse.

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