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Posts posted by Piichai

  1. This extraordinary period in Thai history continues to set a new pace, as developments unfold quickly. Trying to sift through the news is the main challenge, and trying to verify such reporting in other publications is an added challenge. What we do know is that the Senate is functioning, and that is a key indicator and a very promising one at that. The courts similarly. It will likely take a number of days before things become clearer. The first aspect of the administration of this coup is clearly to secure control. Once that has been established, some path will likely emerge. But it is remarkable the change that has already taken place.There has been no violence or resistance. The PDRC remains jubilant.

    stunning synopsis of what everybody already knew, scamper, master of the bleeding obvious. In case you hadn't realised most people can read the news for themselves without you reiterating it for them coffee1.gif

    Dude, you're really looking pretty sad today. Relax.

    • Like 2
  2. The military is announcing 100 names of people that must report to the military.

    Am wondering if some of the recently found cache holders have begun to sing.

    Sure they are all singing like Mariah Carey now. I can tell you for a fact there have been significantly more arms found than have been made public.

    We all look forward to you providing those "facts". - I don't expect you'll supply any but what does that matter, your opinion is fact , right?

    Don't forget the military searched Thida's house last night. They could have found incriminating evidence outlining their organization, including the black shirts. Red Siam anyone?
  3. The best action for Prayuth would be to withdraw Thaksin's Thai passport, issue a warrant & seek international co-operation for his arrest.

    Despite his denials of ongoing involvement in Thai politics, recent statements attributed to him have shown his degree of de-stabling influence on Thai politics.

    Define "best". This seems to me to be the best way for Prayuth to look more like a stumbling fool than at present, in a world where he has no support and an immense amount of ill will and downright political opposition. No nation on Earth is going to arrest Thaksin. If that is the "best" Prayuth can do, he might as well pack and leave for Switzerland today instead of seeing this whole bloody tragedy out to the end.

    Even pulling Thaksin's passport, a perfectly reasonable thing to do *INSIDE THAILAND* without involving the rest of the world in it, will have no effect on anything, including the fugitive or his movements or his businesses, both shady and illegal. You could cause more bother to Thaksin by releasing a fly in the room he's in.

    To me, the best thing for Prayuth to do about Thaksin is to say over and over and over again, every time he is asked, "Who?"

    In Prayuth's world, around 75% supported martial law.

    One should think slightly less will support Prayuth assuming power; after all, Prayuth did take the soaps off air.

  4. Oh dear. Now what do you feel about the coup?

    Anyone inciting violence should be dealt with harshly.
    What if just to hand out criticism, should that be dealt with the same way?

    Perhaps the leaders of various groups have just learned that now is a time for working together to end the current situation.

    One won't get far negotiating with someone if they criticize them as well.

    • Like 1
  5. Ahhhh the truth of Democratic PTP

    . Me me me.

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    But at least kind of honest.

    The only time one can seriously use "Shinawartra" and "honest" in the same sentence is when "dis" comes between the two.

    It almost beggars belief that this man still pushes for amnesty. It shows his complete and utter contempt for Thailand and the Thai people. A truly self-centered sociopath. bah.gif

    Whilst on the other side of the coin, Suthep is being equally intransigent, digging his heels in and not making any compromise. With these two dunderheids, what hope is there of a positive outcome from the talks?

    I think there will be no more talks for a while. They have their hands full just trying to clean the mess up a little bit.

    Now that they have suspended the constitution they can put in an interim government with the power to borrow money. They will then be able to pay off the rice farmers. From what I have read the coup has not hurt Thailand's credit rating any. That was from Standard and Poor's also Moodies.(not sure of the spelling on either one of them)

    While it's true Prayuth is probably busy at the moment, it's not much of a leap to think he expects those sequestered together to continue talking together.

  6. Ups, I just logged into my local internet bank and transferred a highly confidential but very tiny amount from one account to another. How is that even possible? As far as I know I do not have any "fixed leased line" connected to my mobile phone. Do I??

    I didn't say it's not possible, I said that banks don't do it that way. You can do any foolish thing you like with your money. That doesn't mean banks are doing it the same way. As this is off topic, take it over to the tech forum if you want to get into the nuts & bolts of business class leased lines and packet data switching.
    A "business class leased line" or any other line, simply refers to you not having to share your connection capacity with anyone else, which ensures a certain speed. You are still connecting to the internet, and everything you do on that line runs through the internet.

    I see though that the fancy wording works on some people, if you and others actually believe a fancy line means you are on some form of private version of the internet :-D

    It is possible (in the US, UK, Germany, at least) to get a direct connection from one location to another, but it is very expensive.

  7. As far as US aid is concerned, it doesn't matter what Thailand says; it only matters what the US says.

    Nothing to debate really.

    Think about Obama's response to some recent coups.

    What "US aid" are you referring to? Thailand gets little or no US foreign assistance AFAIK.....

    I'll think you'll find they're talking military aid. For example a quick google found that the US gave $5,695,000 to Thailand in military aid in 2010 (mmm) Don't how many generals that equates to though................................

    It's not just the cash;it's also "education." Quite a bit goes on when the big boats come to town.

    I believe it also calls into question arms deals - spare parts, ammunition - I remember the RTA was buying Ukranian(?) APCs with german engines last time, when suddenly the german company wasn't allowed to supply the engines - couldn't get the export license from the german government.

    Anyone know what deals could be affected this time?

    With regard to spare parts, I believe the US has been transitioning Thailand to buy from local depots. Really caused a problem with Thai F16s.

  8. What's with the debate about the US denying it's a coup? The army has already said it's a coup.

    Some people really do think too much.

    As far as US aid is concerned, it doesn't matter what Thailand says; it only matters what the US says.

    Nothing to debate really.

    Think about Obama's response to some recent coups.

    What "US aid" are you referring to? Thailand gets little or no US foreign assistance AFAIK.....

    I'll think you'll find they're talking military aid. For example a quick google found that the US gave $5,695,000 to Thailand in military aid in 2010 (mmm) Don't how many generals that equates to though................................

    It's not just the cash;it's also "education." Quite a bit goes on when the big boats come to town.

  9. Weird... we have Happy Home Cable in Bangkok... 80 some channels.

    Of those, all the Thai channels and some of the international channels are gone... except for periodic Army announcements.

    But maybe 10 or so international channels are still coming thru -- Arirang, Animax, SyFy, Universal Channel, Fox News, BBC News and even Channel News Asia.

    You get Syfy?

    <deleted> True...

  10. Former head of the Center for the Administration of Peace and Order Chalerm Yoobamrung and his sons were arrested by soldiers and escorted to the First Infantry Regiment of the Royal Guards.


    -- Thai PBS 2014-05-22

    How long was this one in coming????

    Wonder what they found in his house.

    • Like 2
  11. What's with the debate about the US denying it's a coup? The army has already said it's a coup.

    Some people really do think too much.

    As far as US aid is concerned, it doesn't matter what Thailand says; it only matters what the US says.

    Nothing to debate really.

    Think about Obama's response to some recent coups.

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