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Posts posted by Piichai

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Clever but obvious move to pay the farmers first. The coup ousted government were blocked at every turn when trying to pay them.

    The military have no such restriction.

    Suthep,sadly, has won hands down as the military are now implementing everything no sane person wanted to see. Unelected government and officials. Where is Suthep by the way?

    I think these guys are in it for a long ride, don't think you will see the illiterate great unwashed having an opportunity to express their democratic rights for some time to come.

    Thailand is in a very sorry state.

    The failed government blocked themselves when they didn't provide for the farmers before dissolving parliament.

    With regard to Suthep: Check the Live Feed.

    'Live Feed'? Please share.


    Each day's page has been updated frequently with the arrivals at Army Club.

  2. Honestly you guys actually supporting a military coup make me sick!

    You wouldn't cop it your own country but you support in Thailand.

    The thai majority do not want this they wanted yingluck and the PTP and said so at the ballot box in a landslide only to once again have it ripped away by another coup.

    Truly bloody sickening!

    A 47% or so majority voted for PTP. A recent Dusit poll said an over 75% majority support martial law.

    The message seems clear to me!

    • Like 1
  3. Clever but obvious move to pay the farmers first. The coup ousted government were blocked at every turn when trying to pay them.

    The military have no such restriction.

    Suthep,sadly, has won hands down as the military are now implementing everything no sane person wanted to see. Unelected government and officials. Where is Suthep by the way?

    I think these guys are in it for a long ride, don't think you will see the illiterate great unwashed having an opportunity to express their democratic rights for some time to come.

    Thailand is in a very sorry state.

    The failed government blocked themselves when they didn't provide for the farmers before dissolving parliament.

    With regard to Suthep: Check the Live Feed.

  4. Well father in law and the guy who rents wifeys paddy have been waiting for their rice payments since October. Hopefully the Junta will be good for their word and pay the poor farmers within 20 days.

    The problem I see is the country, does not have the money to pay them, if they "find" money then what else suffers.

    The country has the money to pay the farmers, but the former government had no means to access it due to their mismanagement of the situation.

    One can only hope the farmers will remember this.

    • Like 1
  5. Fascinating account of what went on at the army club with all the factions up to and including the moment when Prayuth declared a coup:


    I think the best we can hope for now is some kind of coalition comprising the main players who were detained, with Prayuth as CEO. This way perhaps the followers of each faction would be appeased for a while.

    From the AP report:

    And then, Prayuth stood up and addressed the room. "Sorry. I'm taking power" from this moment on, he said calmly, according to Sirichoke.

    Another lawmaker who recounted the same narrative of Thursday's meeting, and also spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity, said it was not immediately clear if Prayuth was joking.

    What is it with people who repeatedly seem to think Prayuth is joking?

    The other day, when the generally apparently verbally slapped down the DSI's Tarit, the original news reports portrayed his comments as "joking." But then I noted, in the subsequent reports on the same exchange done a day or two later, suddenly the references to joking had vanished.

    Now, we have a lawmaker saying he thought Prayuth was joking when he said he was going to take control of the government.

    I don't know the good general. But I'm beginning to get the feeling that when he's talking on matters of national import, we ought to take him at his word, and not think he's trying to be a comedian.

    Perhaps it's his Thai way of saying it with a smile.

    • Like 1
  6. Actually, Sombat represents a different line of thought and action from the rest of the red-shirt movement. His ideas and contributions to the national debate have been discussed on thaivisa before, with even those who usually oppose the larger red movement acknowledging the difference. For one thing, he is not a Thaksinite. For another, he is committed to nonviolence. And he has a long, well-respected history of service to society through the many organizations he founded, which work on problems like helping hilltribe children attain Thai citizenship, locating missing persons, countering begging gangs, and providing IT education in rural areas.

    I've known him personally for about 14 years. In 2006, not too long after the coup, we had a long conversation about politics and reforming Thai society. He wants to overturn the entrenched feudalistic attitudes that block the nation's progress. He made it clear that he could care less about Thaksin, but that this was the first time in history that poor rural Thais were finding their political voice.

    And here's my disclaimer: I'm neither red nor yellow. Over my 20 years here, I have known Thais from every walk of life, from dirt poor rural farmers to ethnic minorities to Bangkok middle class to aristocrats etc etc. Thailand is in a complex and tricky situation right now, and it behooves anyone who cares about the place to keep a reasonable mind, see past the colors, and try to understand who's who and what's actually being said.

    While you may have a good point, it is Sombat who chose to get in bed with Thaksin. And when Thaksin no longer needs the Reds, Sombat will realize that he has been taken advantage of by Thaksin just as so many others have.

    • Like 2
  7. The shin clan will never be sidelined and that's a fact!

    For all the yellows on here they kept saying she will flee the country time after time we'll she is still here and actually fronted up to the army .

    She's has handled the last 6 months with dignity and grace under extreme pressure and was removed by a bogus decision of the courts.

    Don't be surprised if you see her standing at the next elections as she was voted in by the second biggest margin in thai history only one better was her brother.

    So the shin will be on the political map for a long time to come!

    Considering the possibility of incarceration and a ban from politics in her future, it's probably not a good idea to rely on Yingluck too much.

    • Like 2
  8. Will someone please tell the General, that by ordering The Navy to overtake control of Pattaya Police Force, and detaining The Pattaya Police Chief and the Chief's wife, because she has, or had affiliations with the Red Shirts, he(The General) is showing a distinct bias toward the democrats!

    The General's actions would seem to be of suspicion, rather than fact, and has needlessly placed a Curfew on Pattaya, seriously harming Thailand's Economy, and disappointing thousands of holidaying tourists!

    Now that The General has showed his 'muscle', he might now be prepared to show some common sense!

    The coup is country-wide.

    Do you have any idea how many buildings have been seized or searched? Do you really think Prayuth is micromanaging this on a building to building basis? And in every jangwat in the country?

    Hard to believe.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Richard Barrow simply re-tweeted a tweet and photograph put out on Twitter by this Thai organisation http://www.prbangkok.com/ I have no idea who they are or what they do I have not translated their website. The number 5,000 was not invented by anyone posting here. This link will show you the tweet https://twitter.com/pr_bangkok and the photo that was originally put out.

    Now I understand why people listening to their GPSs, drive off bridges. It's okay to use your common sense, people!

    If there were 5,000 people cleaning Rajadamnerm, it would have been almost as crowded as one of Suthep's rallies.

    I dont get it I try to be helpful by giving the links posters here asked for and you give a facetious reply.

    If youre saying you cant believe the numbers then dont have a go at me, take it up with the military Junta and the Bangkok Metropolitan Council theyre the ones who issued or authorised the information.

    Oh, I'm sure you faithfully reported the information you found. But I've lived here long enough to have learned not to believe everything I hear without thinking about it first.

    How did 5,000 people get there? By bus? Over one hundred bus loads? And enough people to fill up a Suthep rally site! Simply incredible. Did each person have only a square meter or three to clean? And what about cleaning supplies for 5,000 people? How many truckloads would that be?

    Although I didn't have a go at you in my post, the truth is that you to are allowed to think about things before you post them. And if they smell off, let it go. What good does it do to spread dubious information...

  10. Posted 39 minutes ago

    RT@pakhead: Looks like Yingluck and her circle hv now been separated and taken to different military camps around the country.


    What does this mean ? This sounds like Yingluck is arrested ?

    I think they prefer to say, detained.

    Sounds like someone wants some answers.

    But there are reports on this forum that she arrived at the army HQ around noon and left after 25 minutes.

    When her car left, it was erroneously reported she was in it, but quickly corrected.

  11. 5000 BMA cleaners have been clearing up Rachadamnoen today after the whistlers had left.

    Links please, evidence.

    Oh shit, I'm writing like you now! whistling.gif

    The difference is I provide them. Try Richard Barrow Twitter - there's a picture but it doesn't show all 5000 cleaners so you'll probably say that it didn't happen.

    Richard Barrow simply re-tweeted a tweet and photograph put out on Twitter by this Thai organisation http://www.prbangkok.com/ I have no idea who they are or what they do I have not translated their website. The number 5,000 was not invented by anyone posting here. This link will show you the tweet https://twitter.com/pr_bangkok and the photo that was originally put out.

    Now I understand why people listening to their GPSs, drive off bridges. It's okay to use your common sense, people!

    If there were 5,000 people cleaning Rajadamnerm, it would have been almost as crowded as one of Suthep's rallies.

    • Like 1
  12. If that's the best argument you have, it's pretty weak.

    Heh. Right. If shooting the messenger is your best argument, then you don't have one. How come?

    My argument is that a well-known authority and a scholar studied the video and think the Thai Visa majority is crazy. Whereas the authority you cite is.....??

    I don't do messenger-shooting. I'll presume for now that your authority is "unknown" and presume you will make or give some actual argument in the next post you make.


    You've got anonymous Internet guy that didn't use anything to back up his opinion, and another guy who fabricates a sentence that Thaksin didn't even say.

    Watch the video. Why would Thaksin be so embarrassed about saying, "I dont need to be paid even the 500 Bht (which Id be entitled to under Abhisit scheme)." So absolutely embarrassed that Thaksin is starched for what? 15, 20 seconds?

    On the other hand, if his statement is interpreted as, "I will work for you for free: I dont need to be paid even the 500 Bht (which I have to pay you to show up)." It's quite easy to see why Thaksin is flustered and uncomfortable.

    If you do have real evidence (as opposed to some guy's opinion and a fabricated sentence (that doesn't even make sense given Thaksin's behavior in the video)), please do post it as I'm happy to consider it.

    Really you should be asking, "Where is the rest of the video?" Certainly PTP & UDD would have preserved the speech in its entirety if Thaksin did such a masterful job putting the screws to Abhisit.

    Please explain Thaksin's behavior at the end of the video. Because it just doesn't make sense given what you're arguing.

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