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Posts posted by Piichai

  1. Hopefully ,this will focus opposing groups that there has to be a long term reconciliation

    Lets face it, irrespective of the side of the political fence you sit on, if things were left to carry on the way they were going, one suspects there would have been bloodshed between opposing "forces" ...so one suspects the best thing that could have happened at this juncture is the Military to step in to serve as a buffer between "warring parties"

    Now to me the only question is, is one or both of the aggrieved parties daft enough to try and take on the Military to prove a point ?

    they promised an urban war like that in the south not a full blown riot ,that means car bombs by stealth in uptown areas

    And when the military takes out a half-dozen or so Red leaders, it'll stop.

  2. With all the misery that Tarit has been responsible for he can certainly handle a public admonishment at his expense. Too bad it wasn't video-taped. This is actually refreshing. We are seeing someone that is not Chalerm, who doesn't talk like Chalerm, and has a sense of humour ( unlike Chalerm ).

    I'm sorry, I've been living here for 32 years. I guess I will never understand Thai elite sense of humor. It's OK, I don't meet tham that often anyway.

    Too bad. They're a great bunch!

  3. It would seem from an earlier report that Chalerms house was one of those raided by the military today.

    This was probably a follow up to the weapons found in a PT MP"s car yesterday.

    No official reports of what was found but ...................well we wait and see.

    Let's hope the story stays active.

  4. "The army chief asked for Department of Special Investigation chief Tarit Pengdit and when the latter stood up to identify himself the army chief told him enough is enough, stop it, it is already messed up!

    Ok, at the risk of seeming to be too dumb to get the joke, but, erm, what?

    I'm with you. Mai Kow Jai.

    It seems to me he's pointing to the endless, nonsensical hunting down of anti-government protesters by the DSI, when nothing at all has been done to hunt down the red shirt militants who have been causing mayhem and death...!

    Actually it was not the red skirts that started this. It was the little faci Adolf Hitler Suthep who started the shit this year. The armed forces has to end the comedy, that`s fair enough. They just have to hand this little insurgent in to the court-system and they will give him a nice little condo for the next 30 years.

    No amnesty bill, no Suthep. Get it?

    And when Suthep did protest the shameful amnesty bill, in come the Reds throwing hand grenades and shooting M79s.

    • Like 2
  5. the expression on his face was nothing compared to the load he dropped in his underpants when he saw the army coming through the front gate armed to the teeth

    Perhaps you could give us all an update on sutheps whereabouts. He's got the cojones to face up to the army hasn't he?

    Miaow! A tad sensitive?

    Or perhaps you believe Dr. Pol. Capt Chalerm to be a politician and statesman of high ability, ethics and morals? Someone fit to be in a leading government position?

    Well, do you?

    Not at all. I just find it amusing that all the usual suspects who erroneously claim that Jatuporn was not on stage to the end in 2010 are curiously absent in their comments on the fact that suthep was off like a robbers dog at 11.30 am and hasn't been seen since I believe.

    Watch PBS.

    • Like 1
  6. The following comment was posted in Thailand news thread

    " Suthep, using Facebook webpage, urges Senate to propose name of interim PM; PDRC protesters stay at rally site, stage opens 24 hours /MCOT "

    As the General has confirmed the caretaker government should remain in place , the Senate would no longer be able to claim it has the power to propose an interim PM without the military prior approval? So this in theory should shut up Suthep and the group of senators? Is that correct?


    Yes. I think you shoulr go back to school and learn to read.

    That's all you got?

  7. What legal/constitutional authority does the Thai Army have to declare Martial Law?

    From a 100-year-old law passed when Thailand was an absolute monarchy actually

    Yes. The current Constitution (2007) specifically authorises martial law if necessary. If there is martial law, it is regulated under the Martial Law Act of 1914.

    A substantial number of experts says today's martial law is illegal because the notacoup-makers did not obtain the required Royal Proclamation in that 1914 act. I am certain this will keep Gen Prayuth awake in deep worry and shame.

    You may want to re-read Section 4.

  8. 'Proping up' the Senate is the same thing as the army installing itself, that's the appointed vs the elected option, so that will be considered a military regime by the world.

    The following comment was posted in Thailand news thread

    " Suthep, using Facebook webpage, urges Senate to propose name of interim PM; PDRC protesters stay at rally site, stage opens 24 hours /MCOT "

    As the General has confirmed the caretaker government should remain in place , the Senate would no longer be able to claim it has the power to propose an interim PM without the military prior approval? So this in theory should shut up Suthep and the group of senators? Is that correct?


    I think it is right. and lining up against the Army already today were Time, NYT, Reuters, AlJazz, BBC, US State Dept. and next up EU who are convening emergency meeting on it.

    Won't happen as it can't last. Appointing anybody without elections will make it much worse.

    Army ain't seen nothing yet. Once they install themselves, they'll find themselves on the back foot for the entire period they manage to cling onto power for.

    Same as always, they don't have the nubmer

    The odds are low the military will install themselves. More likely they'll prop up the Senate, if PTP doesn't resign first.

    Re-read what the US State Department said. I don't think it's as damning as you would have us believe.

    Do you you post in this manner to screw up threads on purpose?

    Why not use a big silly font too?

  9. Not really.

    Prayuth is giving the Senate a chance to find a way out.

    'Proping up' the Senate is the same thing as the army installing itself, that's the appointed vs the elected option, so that will be considered a military regime by the world.

    The following comment was posted in Thailand news thread

    " Suthep, using Facebook webpage, urges Senate to propose name of interim PM; PDRC protesters stay at rally site, stage opens 24 hours /MCOT "

    As the General has confirmed the caretaker government should remain in place , the Senate would no longer be able to claim it has the power to propose an interim PM without the military prior approval? So this in theory should shut up Suthep and the group of senators? Is that correct?


    I think it is right. and lining up against the Army already today were Time, NYT, Reuters, AlJazz, BBC, US State Dept. and next up EU who are convening emergency meeting on it.

    Won't happen as it can't last. Appointing anybody without elections will make it much worse.

    Army ain't seen nothing yet. Once they install themselves, they'll find themselves on the back foot for the entire period they manage to cling onto power for.

    Same as always, they don't have the nubmer

    The odds are low the military will install themselves. More likely they'll prop up the Senate, if PTP doesn't resign first.

    Re-read what the US State Department said. I don't think it's as damning as you would have us believe.

  10. " ... entering the residences of a number of Cabinet members, including Labour Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung "

    ​This is will be a curious story to follow. In the meantime, one would have loved to have seen Chalerm's expression captured by Khaosod for posterity.

    " The army has also shut down a number of politicized TV stations, including Asia Update and Blue Sky TV. "

    Good old Khaosod. They fail to mention the highly politicized UDD networks that were also shut down. Likely an oversight. They tend to be so fastidious about these things.

    the expression on his face was nothing compared to the load he dropped in his underpants when he saw the army coming through the front gate armed to the teeth

    Perhaps you could give us all an update on sutheps whereabouts. He's got the cojones to face up to the army hasn't he?

    Suthep is holding a meeting at Government House. Should be making a statement shortly.

  11. The following comment was posted in Thailand news thread

    " Suthep, using Facebook webpage, urges Senate to propose name of interim PM; PDRC protesters stay at rally site, stage opens 24 hours /MCOT "

    As the General has confirmed the caretaker government should remain in place , the Senate would no longer be able to claim it has the power to propose an interim PM without the military prior approval? So this in theory should shut up Suthep and the group of senators? Is that correct?


    why ? The general has only talked about the caretaker government. He hasnt mentioned anything about the Senators having power over him ?

    If your premise is wrong, all that follows is wrong.

    The fact that Prayuth asserts this is martial law and not a coup, gives the Acting Caretaker PM no legitimacy. Don't forget, even the EC is concerned about Boomer's legitimacy, which is one of the reasons they're dragging their feet on the election draft.

    Without regard to what the Acting Caretaker PM wants, Prayuth has dissolved CAPO. That should speak volumes to you.

  12. I think investors are relieved and hopeful for a solution. Can't imagine that this situation scares them more than what we had the last 6 months.

    That will depend entirely on General Prayuth. If he plays with a straight bat and things function without fear of favour, investor sentiment could turn positive.

    It doesn't depend entirely on Prayuth. Jatuporn and Suthep are very important players here too. If they don't want to find a middle way, Prayuth has to find one. Then of course one group won't be happy and will start scaring away protestors.

    Jatuporn is an extremist and has no authority to make any decisions. Suthep at the very least is playing the part of an extremist.

    I don't think Prayuth really wants to sort it out; Prayuth wants the politicians to sort it out.

    The middle way will be found in the Senate.

  13. another question is.. is it really legal for this general Ocha guy to decide on martial law and not inform the caretaker government or did he inform 'current' defense minister Yingluck (who is still awaiting The Council of State) advise on her status of caretaker DM and she couldn't get to them being on vacation as she is..

    If you check the archives, you'll find that Acting Caretaker PM replaced Yingluck on Day One.

  14. Ridiculous. If it's not a coup is the caretaker PM still in charge?

    There is a difference between a coup and martial law. The PM and the government have not been ousted.

    Create power vacuum by courts - take over security by army - appoint government by senate

    Game, set & match

    Reds can't do anything or army will shoot them.

    Of course in the long run it only deepens the hatred & division.

    PTP lost a lot of Red support with the amnesty bill shenanigans, and PTP's failure to pay the farmers.

    The political landscape has changed since a year ago. It looks like a good time for reforms.

  15. CAPO is suspended. Army set up alternative PKCC.

    It looks like the UDD rally get special attention as opposed to Sutheps rally.

    Articles of the constitution will be suspended.

    The army excersices heavy media censorship.

    It looks more like a military coup then anything else right now.

    Perhaps you're right. Perhaps Prayuth is allowing the cabinet to resign gracefully for the good of the country.

  16. Prayuth has in swift order obtained the kind of control most would not have thought possible. He did it by keeping it close to the vest. He did not inform Niwattumrong in advance, nor CAPO - whose services have been relieved - nor some other agencies more loyal to Pheu Thai. Jatuporn has likely been taken completely off-guard. His rally has been completely surrounded and contained. The PDRC has called off their walk in deference to the military. Prayuth's actions bring an immediate sense of control and has lowered the temperature considerably. But his actions also leave clues. The impediments that Pheu Thai was routinely erecting against the Senate, the Constitutional Court, the NACC, and the PDRC - have all vanished. Though the Pheu Thai administration is still there ( to say " in charge " would be pushing it ) it is also clear that this move came after talks with the Senate and Niwattumrong broke down yesterday after he refused to step down. As a consequence, all obstructions for the Senate's deliberation have now been removed. Quite likely they will do what they have been quietly preparing to do, and that is nominate a prime minister. Contrary to the believe of many, they will truly find someone who is acceptable to both Pheu Thai and the Democratic party. What moves the Senate first and foremost is the awareness that the country - and this would be true for any country - can't function indefinitely without a fully functioning prime minister and cabinet. Likely, they would have limited powers, and would provide the kind of climate where finally a real discussion among all parties can take place, and reform can slowly take shape through such a consensus. It is as hopeful a climate as we've seen in a long time, and it will require the interest and participation of all Thais.

    In a coup, you don't tip off the government.

    Failed coup is punish by death.

    The first rule of Coup Club is, you don't talk about Coup Club.

  17. I think there must be some deluded PDRC supporters around............. Martial Law is all about stopping the PDRC and fake monk from doing any more damage to the country, and they think its about a couple of rifles in someones car.........

    Then why did Prayuth dissolve CAPO? If Prayuth's goal was hinder PDRC, Prayuth would have helped CAPO, not dissolved them.

  18. There is still one thing missing here..... DSI

    Everything pro-gov has been neutered in one blow of the axe, but no mention of what is happening with the DSI, which was also a very aggressive department of the PTP / Thaksin lacky club.

    The last I read, Tarit was after senate speaker Surachai... wondering what will come of that now.

    If the situation with respect to that upgrades to the DSI being told to wind it's neck in also, then we can all safely assume there will be a newly appointed PM and cabinet and Suthep wins.

    I suspect if the government changes, so will DSI.

  19. I would like to know if all of this stuff has anything to do with the immigration, I am here on a retirement visa, but I was hoping to visit the US in Sept. Oct. this year. Does anybody know if this will be a problem with leaving or returning to Thailand.

    So far, just make sure you sort your re-entry permit, and all should be okay.

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