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Everything posted by itsari

  1. Over muscled?, what is your next contribution ? A photo of your self perhaps to allow us to decide if you are a skinny runt or an over weight ball of fat
  2. Government? Private? Big difference in the price
  3. Some problems could occur with this cutting edge technology as after 90 days your face could look so much different. Bags under your eyes , unshaven and generally looking down and new tattoos on your face .
  4. It is possible that the van turning right had no lights , each way bet there .
  5. One well known case I remember was a man who was expert in forging checks . He was recruited by the FBI and helped them solve many cases
  6. In house recruitment, outsourced recruitment is all recruitment.
  7. If after a month of taking your well meant advise and receive no reply one could presume the man has died from dehydration or seeking a second opinion
  8. OK, but the new Mcdonalds cook will demand 5 baht extra for the tomatoe sauce for there overpriced hamburgers.
  9. A knee jerk reaction from the now redundant hotel manager and a knee jerk reaction from the hotel owners . Thai people seem to have a big problem with any criticism.
  10. I will not argue Jerzy, thank you for your reply.
  11. Not informers. Convicted hackers of date have been used often by the police
  12. An element of sarcasm Mr Croc concerning the hiring of the unfortunate 12. Have you never heard of police forces hiring criminals? That's not weird Sir it is a fact.
  13. Using words they do not understand is a malapropist. Poseur is someone that pretends to have the knowledge
  14. Far more irritating when you consider the word you suggest is people with abnormal mental state . Lets hope you are just being comicle.
  15. Right wing use of the word woke is to me annoying .
  16. Dear old Croc, hire a thief to catch a thief is my meaning by hiring the 12 illegal migrants workers to locate more if that is what immigration really wants To just locate 12 in two weeks of searching is far from impressive considering there are illegal migrants everywhere.
  17. After two weeks slog the immigration squad found just 12 illegal poor souls making an honest living ? Recruit the 12 illegals and then thousands of them will be discovered .
  18. Better the devil you know than the devil you dont
  19. Thank you, this situation is not quite how it appears.
  20. My humble apologies observant Keeps
  21. Commense is all that's needed that you lack miserably
  22. You are wrong , very wrong
  23. How south are you master Proton? Isle of Weight perhaps Don't be so condescending please
  24. I keep the matter that a large percentage of Thais have no wish to have anything to do with a European in my head all the time. Most of the time if they are receiving money from you there is a different attitude sad to say.
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