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Everything posted by itsari

  1. Emergency only Like all rules of the road in Thailand just ignored
  2. Thai law prohibits using emergency lights in a non emergency.
  3. I can tell you that following an ambulance in an emergency where i am from is illegal. Many drivers take the opportunity to follow for passing other cars . The family following at speed could cause more grief.
  4. It is not difficult to see that an ambulace going at normal speed with its lights flashing . That lessens the integrity of the meaning of the warning light . I see that all the time on the roads
  5. It indicates that the ambulace was not on an emergency call where speed was not required when the family can follow in there car.
  6. Do not assume that what is being said by the ambulance driver is true.
  7. Your understanding of the article is wrong . The family of the patiant was following the ambulance . What does that indicate to you Sir? It would indicate that the ambulance could not have been in any hurry to reach where ever it was going
  8. You have been raised to respect an ambulance as all westerners have . Thais do not think the same. The converted vans they put a light on top and call it an ambulance should send a signal of the competence of the personel involved.
  9. You can not ne inside every ambulance either Sir
  10. I would never impede an ambulance full stop. But Thai drivers will and i am trying to show you how to look at the ambulance service in Thailand.
  11. What was the patiants family doing following the ambulance , that sounds dubious
  12. Its fact , i have been watching the ambulance driver behaviour for a long time . Many Thai drivers are aware too
  13. Many ambulance drivers are driving with sirens blaring and lights flashing with a non urgent patiant or no patiant at all . Hard to take them seriously
  14. I am looking very carefully and the photo you sent originally is a chrome Finished tap.
  15. You managed to creep in somehow.
  16. The tap will go rusty in a short time. Looks more made for a bathroom than a kitchen. You need to be sure you buy 304 quality stainless steel sinks or they will as you have shown go rusty .
  17. The scottish travel on a British Passport but seem to in most cases considered Scottish. The English are using a British Passport as well yet in most cases referred to as British.
  18. An unfortuate predicament for the woman to find herself in. Definitely not on her own since weed has been sold more freely and available on every street corner in Thailand. It always amuses me that this British woman has been indentified as Scottish. If the woman was English then I am quite sure the woman would be described as British.
  19. A Tuc Tuc is best to avoid in Thailand. But handy for the Mrs to make some extra cash
  20. I am happy for DD that it was ony saliva left on her cheek.
  21. Advanced answern from Dimsdale
  22. Now you have a different perspective on experience needed to advise a builder on how your house will be built. Room size and window placement are important but not critical. Best you or I or anyone does there homework on who you intend to employ to build your house. Running around with a tape measure will not accomplish success
  23. That can be supervised by a person that has little idea about construction I agree. But that is not what is important to keep your investment standing up.
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