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Everything posted by alien365

  1. Parking is pretty easy with all the cameras in modern pick ups. The biggest problem if you ask me is finding a space wide enough that allows you to open the doors. The Tesco lotus in my city has very narrow parking spaces in the undercover parking, but a more suitable size outside. Makro has better sized spaces. Stupidly, Thai Watsadu has the narrowest spaces. Its a good job no one ever really shops there, so the carpark is mostly empty.
  2. From what I see there's quiet a lot of bickering on this forum, but I rarely see it getting what I consider heated. What you call arguments, maybe i call talking things out, which is healthy if you ask me, especially in person. I haven't blocked anybody and not a single member pops into my head that I'd consider doing so to.
  3. Yeah, it's ridiculous if you use your phone, not so bad if you use the computer. I seem to be a sucker for punishment as I continue to use my phone. The screen space taken by adverts and the keyboard leaves me peeping through a tiny gap. I'll now try to post this by having to scroll past another video advert that appears in front of half of the reply button.
  4. If I find a local place on Google maps with no further details, I copy and paste the Thai name into Facebook and usually they are there. Alternatively use street view and look if there's a telephone number in front of the place. I really struggle understanding Thai over the phone though so require help from a friend at that point.
  5. Well done to you for succeeding in life financially. Unfortunately your judging of others means you have failed to attain true happiness in life emotionally, in my opinion of course.
  6. 1. Safety walking the streets (having lived in London 10 years prior, I have never felt safer than now). 2. The good nature of most Thai people (even the tough looking guys tend to be nice once approached as long as you're not challenging them). 3. Affordability (a meal for the equivalent of a pound, a hotel room for 20, general accommodation prices and Fuel tax is also very low in comparison to my home country). 4. Lax enforcement of some laws (I feel the west overpolice things). 5. The nature (being a Yorkshire man this is important to me. I love the variety of landscapes, and the range of wildlife you see. And then there's the rain, I love sitting out, undercover of course, watching in awe of it's intensity.)
  7. Do you find it gets/feels worse with age? (I assume you have been here a while. I apologise if that's not the case) For me, I feel it's warm every day; I don't really notice the difference between 30, 35, or 40°C though.
  8. From what I see, those who answered the question honestly have generally mentioned issues that Thais would likely agree with too. But there's always those who feel the need to hijack the thread and make it about hating westerners. Nice way to make forum members feel welcome. You just can't stop attacking one another can you?
  9. 1. Those standing in the way of democracy. 2. The wealth disparity. 3. Excessive noise. 4. Lack of accountability. 5. Lack of skills and knowledge. (tradesmen/ shop assistants)
  10. Why would it? Move forward only just beat PT in the election, so I doubt it's the end of PT just yet.
  11. Erm, it said motorcycle noise. My post is relevant to motorbike noise. I also said I did not know the circumstance regarding her bike and the noise produced. In contrast you add nothing relevant to the thread whatsoever, so get off your high horse Moriarty.
  12. One of my biggest hates in this country is the awful noise made my modified exhausts . I just don't get how the riders see it as being a good noise. Everyone they drive past curses them, while they ride with pride thinking they are being cool. Now I don't know what bike she had, or how bad the noise was, but I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. Living next door to one of these cretins would force me to move. The Thai's who own their houses don't necessarily have that freedom to do so.
  13. I'm similar to my dad which I see as a good thing. Although he and my mum separated when I was a child, I still regularly saw him. We still have the same interests like Rugby, snooker, formula 1, going for long walks, bbqs and drinking. He was the only one in the family that encouraged me to move where I wanted to. He now comes to Thailand every two years to see me.
  14. Quite concerning for this Yorkshireman. I need milk to make my Yorkshire puddings, ee bah gum.
  15. I know what you mean, but I think the US and other governments would have known exactly what was going on, yet they chose to ignore it focusing on being diplomatic. It's a bit rich of the US to voice concern now in my mind. They should have done so when the military were changing the constitution.
  16. I think it's a valid issue he has raised, albeit it doesn't answer your question. I'd say it's the reflection that can be overpowering at times from dashcams and all you can see is the reflection of the dashboard. I think it's worth raising this with the people you will buy from/get to install. If its not a concern to you, fair enough.
  17. It seems like you have been awkward by not giving pretty standard visa related information and got rejected for it. I understand there should be a red asterisk and there isn't, but surely common sense tells you to add it anyway.
  18. Anyone simpleton could have seen this was going to happen when Prayut hand picked the senate several years ago. Nobody seemed to care back then and so we are seeing the consequences of it now.
  19. I know what you mean. I will usually buy meat from Betagro as I dislike meat left in the open with just a CD to keep the flies away. They also have better quality chicken available at a price. For the vegetables, I do worry about the chemicals and pesticides that are used, but hey ho. I've contemplated ordering medical grade vegetables from Distar fresh, but I know I wouldn't get through the weekly bags they send.
  20. I spend more, but it's mostly due to the car and eating out. I felt I had to change car due to the flooded roads and for my own safety in the event of a crash (I initially had an eco car). My pickup should now be good for another 20 years+. As my cats have aged, so has the spending on them. Changing their food to Royal Canin and occasional visits to the vets means I spend about 3k per month on my cats alone. Fortunately I don't have kids as I see they would the a lot more expensive to maintain than my cats. Regarding food, I have now started buying more food from the local market to reduce costs as I was spending more than 20k per month on food before that.
  21. We get it, you don't like British food. A quarter of this thread so far is you telling us this.
  22. I was referring to their businesses. I tried googling a few names on the list a few days ago, but came up with a blank relating to the information I seek.
  23. What I see is bad classroom management. I don't condone the girl's actions, but that's what happens when there is no discipline in the classroom.
  24. I'm still waiting to see a list. I assume once one is out there McGregor Marshall, from his western location will publish it.
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