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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. Dear OP, I was reading all the responses and advice but I can’t figure out what is wrong with the situation.

    You pay well above average, you provide housing, motorcycle etc...

    Maybe to remote? I have 40 Thai workers, and I also take good care of them. As one of the posters suggested, I also work with yearly bonus but I don’t pay all at the same time at the end of the year. I pay every year on the date they started, this to spread the risk they all leave at the same time. All my workers bought a car meanwhile (although they have housing at the site) because they have to pay back the loan they stay..

    Increasing the salary won’t work but maybe provide TV and wifi which was very well appreciated by our workers.

    You have to give them something that they can appreciate every day so if they leave they will be in a worse situation.



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  2. The sad part is that once we reach the arse wiping situation we might not comprehend and just be a burden to others

    Yes, this must be a difficult situation, but I think most of us cling to life and try to postpone the inevitable..it’s like when I was 20, I told myself never to become an old man of 60. Now that I passed this age It looks different from where I stand now. When you need help like arse whiping, one can decide there is still enought to live for and so we continue to postpone until the moment we are not capable anymore of making decisions or until the last breath.
    I am afraid I also belong to this category, I have a lot of respect for people who can plan their end.

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  3. I think you did nothing wrong, a lot of small construction and repair works are done the same way as you described.

    People who blame you for not having a contract probably dont live here..

    Try to call them using different phone nr.

    If you dont know where they live and they dont respond, I would take the loss because all other options probably cost more.



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  4. She was probably spotted checking in decked out in all this gold and marked out already.
    Seems an inordinate amount of currency to be carrying too.
    Such a quandary, wear it and have the daughter go on the scrounge seeing such wealth... or have it ripped off your neck by a passing motorcycle punk, carry it in  a handbag and risk the same snatch by punk.. or book a hotel with a safe and have a relaxing evening without worries!
    My Mrs sold off most of the gold I gave her over the years, with my agreement, as she fears wearing it, so what is the point.

    I always wondered why they sold all the gold I gave them...

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  5. Some Check-in staff can be very unforgiving for the slightest discrepancy same as banks etc.
    A Philippines Airlines check-in refused me boarding many years back because my debit card number was slightly different as the original expired before departure. I destroyed my expired card as we are all advised to do, It was obvious it was me who purchased but reasoning was futile! I had to buy another ticket.

    I heard this before, but how does this work when the ticket is paid by company?

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  6. I have a company in Thailand with 70 Thai employees and I recognize most of the stories above. My advice would be to stop ASAP with a difficult employee and pay whatever necessary to get him/her out. Always pay at least the legal requirements. Don’t discuss one month more pay-out because the damage they can do is always much higher. I have a lot of good people but some rotten apples as well and if they leave full of frustration they will try to hit back. Very different from European behavior.
    I even had a very well paid employee with management position who left because he was frustrated and although he left himself he became a nightmare. He contacted my customers and told really bad things about me and he created multiple other problems. They are also very well protected by Thai labour law. Mostly workers and mid level admin staff are ok, it is everything above that is potentially risky. Don’t let them “own” part of the company and always include a back-up plan and regular checks and controls. You know such problems will come so be prepared.

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  7. Alcohol doesn't change people, it only brings out the real person........ In vino veritas..... In this case another Thai kracker......

    I disagree, I drunk a lot while going out and had a couple of near misses.. stopped drinking 6 y ago and I can tell you I wouldn’t do many of the things I did back then. I don’t think/feel I locked “the real me” away during the past 6y.
    Maybe the French guys also consumed some alcohol? 2am..I cannot imagine somebody sober would start argueing with a drunk pissing guy (whatever the nationality)

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  8. My wife had more or less similar accident. We paid for the hospital bill and something more because the guy on the motorbike could not work. He came from the wrong direction, drunk, no helmet, no insurance. We were also grilled and because we are “farang” and I have my business here, I paid to settle this case. Even our lawyer from our insurance pushed me to pay.

    It’s not correct, but we are visitors in a very corrupt country.




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  9. If you can use all the advantages of aging, it can be a blessing. Once the children are settled, more time is available and professionaly more risks can be taken.
    If this can be combined with good health, life can be very interesting even until very old age. I started my company when I was 55, doing business keeps you connected and alert. I am content and this 3rd chapter of my life is so far the most interesting. Instead of a reward at the end of our life, we are confronted with death and that’s not fair!

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  10. The LT is probably glued and should be removable. Take one of the plastic discount cards from your wife’s purs and push the card behind the letters. You will have to move and twist but it should work. To remove the temaining glue, use some moisturising cream also from your wife. You can find this in the left upper mirror door if the bathroom. :)

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  11. I want to remove these three things from the door because I prefer a cleaner look generally.
    Can someone tell me how they're attached? Will the paint be damaged underneath? Will it just leave a residue or will I have to get the whole door resprayed?

    I think you can’t remove completely but for sure there are aftermarket parts with different colors and style. To remove, mostly you have to pull the lever to open the door and you will probably find a screw in the exposed gap.

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  12. Congrats! Not just a car, a real Pu_sy magnet. Leather seats? 
    I've bought my pick up for only a bit more what you've invested in it. It's been seven years that I drove my brother's BMW, but the little brother.
    I didn't even know how to start it/./:omfg:

    Yes leather seats with cooled air...
    I dont agree it is a ...magnet, basically it is the same chassis as any other BMW 5 series.

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