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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. You used the only weapon that farangs have, and that is not to get married, so they know that the ATM can walk away at any time.
    My troubles only happened after we got married.
    If I could go back in time it'd be a village wedding, so legally meaningless. She'd keep her "face", but know not to pull any BS.

    I do think there could be another weapon sort of speak, married or not, I will always make sure I can walk away and leave all my possessions behind. Many farang want to fight for their share and this could literally cost them their life. If you can't do that you are trapped.

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  2. First, it is important to decide if a patent is the best solution. If the product/ formula can be kept secret inhouse, better not patent. A patent becomes public and thus available for easy copy.
    If you cannot hide the secret, you need patent. I work with a good professional patent bureau in Singapore.

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  3. Yesterday my children and grandchildren went to a birthday party at Bounce Emquartier. At the end of the party there was an artist who made little figures from balloons. We went home by BTS but at the entrance we were refused to take the balloons on the BTS. I telll you these balloon-figures were small maybe 30cm and filled with normal air. The boy became 7y old yesterday, I call their action brainless.



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       I was referring to when you go out to a bar WITH someone . not too when you go to a bar on your own and pay someone to have a drink with you
        I would be quite happy to take a lady out for a meal/drink , but I would feel uncomfortable if the lady was on the restaurant menu 
         I have no desire to make friends with any bargirls in CM , as I live among them and see and know what they are really like, when they are not working
       I have no desire to have any prostitutes as friends
    Its embarrassing to have prostitutes as so called friends
    You lower yourself to the "desperate" category

    Really? So... in which category do you belong?

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  5. Many, many nights I left 7-10k in a bar, it was a lot of fun but since I stopped drinking alcohol, the fun is also gone for me. Luckily I spend so much money, otherwise I would not saving so much now! Wink..

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  6. Yes, good, but I always have the feeling I could have done much more...too much lost time. Now I am 60, started my own business, this brings new challenges and new hope. If it fails, at least I tried.
    I just don't want to fade away, I want to stay active with a cause/ purpose until the day I die.

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  7. I came into the office and we had an aquarium at the reception. Nobody took care, water was green filter clogged, fish not happy...
    So before going to lunch I told our staff to clean the aquarium very well. when I came back they were just removing the last stones from the bottom, glass was clean and fish flushed through the toilet..one of my first "ooh soooo sorry sir" misunderstandings.

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  8. If you have money to burn, why not give it to the GF or family. However, If you have no money better follow the advice from members above.
    In the 17 years together I gave a lot of financial support, and if tomorrow all is finished, so be it, no regrets.

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  9. Did you ever see Thai people eating cockroaches? They do eat a lot of bugs, one looks very similar to a cockroach but it is actually a water beatle. As such probably cockroaces are edible but they do live in a filty contaminated environment plus there is also a chance they just ate some poison before being cought for consumption.

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    I can drop mine with rolled oats or (better yet) psyllium husks.  But nobody in my family has ever succeeded in getting within the recommended guidelines on diet alone.  I've gone completely low carb vegetarian (heavy on the juicing) for several months at a time -in the summer, meaning lots of exercise- and still didn't get within the recommended guidelines.  Seemed like a lot to give up for such a small benefit.  A lot of it is hereditary.
    BTW, after bypass surgery, I'm on statins that get me down to crazy low levels recommended by my cardiac guy.  But I feel like crap all the time.  My siblings have all tried the statins and most of them would rather feel better and risk the heart problems.  So they quit taking them.  I'm still on the fence, but understand their decision completely.

    Same for me tripple bypass and on Lipitor. I have to keep bad cholesterol under 70.
    As one poster mentioned that in fact eggs are no problem at all, is really dangerous advice for people at eisk for cardivascular disease (CAD).
    Some people can have high cholestorol without ever being at risk to develop CAD. Indeed "Impulse", a lot is hereditary but in my case I am a stand-alone in the family, probably very bad habits from young age onwards.. smoking, drinking and eating like a pig. I was in shock after I found out my heart calcium score was 1300! After surgery I adapted to a new life style with indeed a lot of sport ( cross training) is one of them.
    I have absolutely no negative effects from lipitor although I take the high dose of 40mg every day.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  11. To reduce cholesterol focus on avoiding intake so no shrimp, squid, meat, eggs (highest cholesterol) fish and chicken are ok. Vegetables eat truck loads, fruit nor vegetables contain any cholesterol. You will be surprised how fast your cholesterol will go down

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