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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. I use Uber, I won't give these mafia men any of my money.  They are rude, dishonest, pushy, play dumb when you ask them to do anything out of their way # they are lazy.  Some are violent because they know that they won't be prosecuted in Thailand.  There are exceptions but the majority are not someone that I choose to do business with.  I don't need them to survive, they need us.  Motorcycle taxis are better if I were to use a taxi and those boys can drive!

    Is Uber legal in Thailand?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  2. I Iive in Bangkok for over 20y and I take several taxis per week often to Don Mueang. I can tell you that most of the taxi drivers are driving very dangerously with cars that are very poorly maintained. I really fear for my life. On the rare occasions I get a friendly responsible driver, I am so happy I give him at least 100thb tip. Grab taxi is no solution, first of all after reservation they always call you for confirmation why?? They sometimes find the way where to pick you up but seldom use gps to get to the destination. Thai drivers in general can’t read maps. So I do follow the OP’s concerns but as so many others already mentioned, the 50thb extra is normal and is mentioned on the ticket.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

  3. Or buy ethereum,  just as easy to buy as bitcoin,  a bit less volatile at the moment , and save a bundle in fees, and you'll receive it in seconds, not an hour.

    Less volatile? You mean in the last 24h you may be right but it has been a roller coaster for the last month or so. I lost 50% in no time, I don't think this is a risk the poster wants to take..

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  4. I miss all the pop culture references, like when you quote a line from a movie, book, TV show etc and Thai GF has no idea what I am talking about. 
    I used the phrase "Elvis has left the building" recently, then spent the next 20 mins explaining it. 
    One of the things that attracted me to the GF was her dry sense of humour, however things like Monty Python, Seinfeld etc, are not understood.

    I recognize this.. I told her very simply "so far so good"

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  5. My plan is to wait until I get an early pension at 55, and then potentially move from my crappy old two bed ex-council house in the UK south to a 4 bed up north near my daughter and grandson. The difference in value is enough to fund the visa savings requirements for wife and child - and the second one after 2 year if we live reasonably and use weekly pension.
     NO way in hell will I let our daughter grow up here.
    I think this poll is misleading as it does not reveal if you are 'having' to stay, or have nothing to go back to - stupidly selling all your assets in your home country to move to a place you could one day be kicked out of or have to leave as requirements upgraded.
    Take a poll - who has sold all their assets in home country to live here - and who cannot return because of this and what you would do if you cannot go home or live here !.  

    I did. In my home country, if you have (keep) assets, you are taxable. I sold everything 20y ago no regrets. But if I would like to return, I always could, I don't see why having assets or not in your home country makes a difference.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  6. Since both signs are placed left of the main road, they are addressed to drivers of the main road otherwise traffic signs should be placed on the left side of the slip road for drivers coming from the slip road . So in my opinion both signs are intended for drivers coming drom the main road. If they want to take the left lane direction Nakhon R. The first yellow sign tells them that they need to give priority to cars coming from the slip road. If drivers coming from the main road and proceed direction Bangkok the second yellow sign tells the they have priority. What is missing (or maybe out of picture) is a traffic sign for drivers coming from the slip road...

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

  7. I did 't go through all the posts but easy solution is bathing in potassium permanganate concentration 1/1000
    Have to be repeated a few times. Skin will color darker because of the oxydized permanganate. Color becomes normal again after a few days. If you want to speed this up, use lemon juice to disolve the darker color.

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  8. Actually, I don't know whether animals feel love. Do they?
    Anyway. Same-sex couples are not unique to humans. So it is natural. That was my point. That nature also has an ugly side is true.
    Killing and raping are activities that hurt (to say the least) other members of the same species. Homosexuality does not. That's where your argument does not hold.
    To be honest, who is hurt if two guys love each other? 

    I think it hurts.....

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  9. Wow, that's a stretch. Yes, humans also kill and rape each other.  
    I brought the comparison with animals because homophobes like to say that it's against mother nature. But the difference between loving and killing each other is something you will have to work out by yourself.

    So you are saying gay behavior in the animal kingdom is because of love? You started with the comparison and now you try to wiggle out.
    Just don't compare animal behavior with human behavior.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  10. As you know, homosexuality is natural, it has been observed in about 70 species, humans being one of them.
    Intolerance like yours has only been observed in (some)  humans and is therefore against nature. I wonder why you weren't thrown out of the nest.

    Mods, excuse me, but I want to make a point.
    I think the comparison with animals works against your cause. Animals also eat their own kind, mostly young offspring, they rape and also mate with their own children so I don't see how your comparison regarding gays is beneficial for the gay community..

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  11. 40s must be the new 30s then  :laugh:  but my comments were not so much about 'peaks' but more about 'attractiveness' but... some guys like guys, katoeys or whatever so if you are 'happy' who cares?  have fun!  the more who don't like gorgeous 20s and 30s girls the more for the likes of me  :sleepy:

    If you just look at "the meat" you are probably right, but IMO a woman is much more than that. I have the impression you didn't find the third dimension yet.
    One day when you re-read your threads you will feel ashamed..

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  12. Hopefully much sooner .
    And let's hope interplanetary & interstellar space radiation is the barrier humans can never ever breach.

    Humans can not travel too far, radiation, life support etc.. but we humans will create AI combined with advanced robotics. And this will be the final offspring of mankind able to span trillions of lightyears.

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