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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. ^ Definitely. Here are some of them:
    - Virgin
    - Can cook
    - Enjoys cleaning
    - Parents still married
    - Attended a good university
    - Good English (if you don't speak Thai)
    But before looking at green flags, you must ensure that she has none of the red flags, otherwise you'll be wasting your time.

    After 17 years, I still don't feel I wasted my time :)

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
    This is correct. It involved a lot of adjustment. For example, I would get pissed if a white girl brought her whole family of 15 to my place and they would sleep everywhere - but had to get used to it with a Thai girl. There are a lot of things that my wife gets away with that a white girl wouldn't get away with. That goes on both sides.
    I made it clear with her that I was more than happy to help her and pay for our expenses but her family (not the brightest in the world) would have to support themselves. No problem. You also have to ensure that if you want kids, the girl will be happy to. Don't push her - if she's not 100% happy and excited at this idea, forget it.
    And finally, avoid the obvious red signs. I'm a fan of "look at all factors before deciding", but any Thai girl showing any of the below should be avoided:
    - Has children
    - Ever worked in a bar
    - Has a drug addiction
    - Has family members addicted to gambling
    - Ever lived in the Western world for more than 2 years straight
    - Didn't finish high school
    Once you eliminate all red flags, it's all about agreeing on a common goal, drafting a prenup, and enjoying your time together.

    I think one should focus on the green signs.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  3. Long and happy relationships are IMO exceptional. Not many will survive 10 or 20 years. I would be surprised if uni girls are a better choice..
    I also read here on TV how proud some men are that they never gave any money to the girl or her family. I spoil mine as much as I can and I do this for the past 17 years. I do agree that the spending should be limited to what you can really afford to loose.
    Because of the fact that many (probably majority) of relatioships fail, your experience is no exception.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

  4. On the question of transgender people that present in an ambiguous way, they still need to find a good choice when out in public for their human toileting needs.
    Keep in mind there are many people, I assume more than transgender people, that are CISGENDER but still present in gender ambiguous ways. They also need toilets in public. Get a grip, folks, and show some basic compassion and tolerance. Let my people piss!

    I respect that
  5. I'm upgraded a lot. I don't know why!  I'm always very nice and sometimes ask. On emirates I'm not even silver but they have upgraded me several times. I know the last time was from Boston to Dubai when I got to  Business had maybe 12 people  but economy was packed was lucky.  I have no status on Cathay pacific and they have upgraded me at least 4 times. Last time I asked and was wearing shorts lol they  asked if I had long pants I said yes "in 9 minutes I'll have long pants on" and they upgraded me.  Even delta upgraded me but it's just ok.  A few other times by random even Thai air but to Phuket.  

    If this is true, the airline did a bad job, they should always give priority to gold and silver status.
  6. Why there has to be a LAW about bathroom use? For those who support
    this law, they should also accept a law has to be written with very clear rules and definitions. I guess you all know this is impossible and it becomes even more absurd trying to control and enforce this law. Not all things in society can be molded into laws and if somebody would attempt to enforce this law he probably would be branded as bigot.

  7. Car window tinting films are measured in visible light transmission (VLT) levels, which is measured as percentage. So when you see a window tint being referred to as a percentage, this is the VLT, e.g. our 20% dark smoke film has a VLT of 20%.

    So what does the percentage actually mean? In simple terms, the VLT is the percentage of light that the film allows to pass through. So a 5% VLT film is very dark as it only lets though 5% of visible light and a 70% film is very light as it lets through 70%.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

  8. I witnessed many boreholes in different parts of Thailand, my experience is the one of "trial and error" even at a distance of a few meter the situation can be different. Best way is to try to find an experienced guy and they will try at different debts what quality of water is coming up. Some will include in the price 2 or 3 different trial locations. Around 100k for a deepwell is standard. Good luck!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

  9. It is a sad reflection on many of the TV members that they are prepared to comment on a subject about which they know so little that they aren't even aware of their own ignorance of the topic.
    my guess is it is Dunning Kruger effect...
    because people went to school they think they know about education
    because they've been in hospital they think they know about healthcare and 
    \because they drive a vehicle they think they know about road safety.....
    sadly this couldn't be further from the truth - it is patently obvious that many here mistake personal experience and anecdote for the real assessment of the situation, when in actual fact all that is happening is confirmation bias and this video is a classic example of that.

    This is not scientific American nor Science News but TV

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
  10. Alan Deer do you sit at home all day with the curtains closed? Yours are the only uninformed comments here. Anybody that has driven on Thailand roads KNOWS how bad the drivers are. Have you SEEN the driving test? All completed in 5 minutes in a small compound with no other drivers and the 'examiner' sitting at a table watching about 50% of the time. Or are you just yanking everybody's chain? When I bought my first car here, my girlfriend, who has a licence asked me (referring to the pedals) "which one is go and which one is stop?".

    Two months ago I was just waiting in front of a red light when a car smashed into the rear. The impact was so severe that an unopened can of coke sitting in the middle between the two front seats exploded. Accident was caused by a female driver who mistakenly pushed the throttle pedal to the end iso the break. In case this was your girlfriend.....

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
  11. Cut valve out as suggested, heat up the left elbow and you can force out the piece of pipe stuck in the elbow. Put a screwdriver between the piece of pipe and the elbow. It a long work and the pipe will come out in bits and pieces but the job can be done

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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