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luk AJ

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Posts posted by luk AJ

  1. The cartoon is horrible 
    Agreed. Something like Lady Liberty bent over, her gown flung up and Trump having his way with her from behind seems a tad more tasteful, and appropriate.
    But then he probably think's she's a "Six"? Her breasts aren't large enough. And she's "French".
    "Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Sad"
    "Screw those losers, unless they're models or one of my wives."

    Feeling better?

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  2. IMO a good idea to organize this contest and congratulations to NAAM. I am following TV for many years, even sometimes commented on some threads but I have the feeling this TV forum is ruled by a few who not always want to hear about "outsiders opinions". If you want more active members, the old club should open their doors for newbies and less active members. Not all of us are retired... When I was reading about this contest, I wanted to cast my vote but couldn't find any instructions where and how to vote. Maybe this is the reason for the low count?
    I don't post much but I continue reading because I do enjoy some of the writings skills and knowledge of some members. Others I like for their short and often funny remarks. So TV has to offer a lot but please have some open door activities for people who want to join but are afraid to be rediculed.
    Happy New Year!

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    It is nice to see these types of cars are coming to Thailand. I wish I could afford the Mercedes S500e but starting at 6.4M Baht is a little too steep for me plus I am not particularly fond of Mercedes cars. I assume the BMW would be up there in price too. I doubt fuel economy is a major consideration for people who buy these higher end cars. This type of auto technology is better suited at the affordable eco-car level.

    BMW and others moved from hybrid cars to plug in cars the question is why? These plug in cars can't be charged by their own combustion engine so you need access to a electricity source. Where will we find this in Bangkok?

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  4. I wonder if there's a lot of Tinnitus sufferer's in Thailand  because of the loud noises and music, loud night clubs .. 

    I am one of them, loud noise makes the constant beep tone even more problematic. When the music is really too loud I need to move away. Happens all the time, as many posters on this topic already replied, not much can be done. Sometimes I ask politely to turn down the volume but without much success...I am not going to plug out amplifiers or loudspeakers for that matter, what a terrible way to represent expats in Thailand! Loud noise is indeed a problem but for me not enough reason to move out.

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    Farangs don't understand that the average Thai wakes up at 6am and those announcements by the PYB is very important, specially to the elderly villagers.
    When I am staying at the Dusit Thani things is so quiet I sleep with my Mrs and baby boy until 10 in the morning but when in Isaan I am used to it already that the monks start opening the speakers at 4am in the morning, the PYB announces at 6am on the speaker who passed away at night, the crazy school taxi pickup truck announces by blaring music that they will soon pass by to pick up the kids (not my one) but the little brother of my Mrs.
    Then their are the loud firecrackers that got off at 3pm and we know someone bite the dusts. 
    Tesco Lotus shouts on the speaker with a volume for me unbearable that a kilo pig now is only 109 Baht a kilo and Mrs says she going over and buys 2kg. She says fuxk that market that wants to charge 139 Baht a kilo and things great that Tesco announces it on the speaker. I told her why not just read the brochure when entering the store and she says no, they read the pricelist on the microphone.
    Do I agree with it? Sometimes not but hey I am living here and after almost 29 years it's not really a problem for me and sometimes after a couple of drinks I am too taking the speakers out but I do keep the bass a bit down and at 9pm I stop.
    I had a very quiet time when I stayed for 3 years at Nichada Thani renting a house at the lake for 180,000 Baht per month. I miss sometimes Nichada but prefer to just save up the money to put it in the future education of my boy and happy to have the sound around if it allows to save some good money for my kid.
    If I don't like the sound of Thailand I can leave Thailand with my wife and baby boy, and possible ny a condo somewhere else such as Nichada Thani or at least rent a condo at Danicha Garden which goes for around 50000 Baht a month and a Villa Market at Nichada is included.
    Any farangs that complain about loud sound? Have a look at Nichada Thani, great place to stay and ISB is next door for your kids (450,000 - 1.2 Million Baht per year) with Villa Market inside Nichada and very near to CW Immigration for 90 days reporting at only 60,000 (excluding Villa Market shopping and schooling) - 290,000 Baht per month.
    I don't want to be sarcastic to the TV community but Thailand has great options for anyone that wants to feel like they are staying in the West.
    As for me I had that HiSo life and happy with the speakers around the Tescos, BigC's and villages. As I understand the PYB's announcement on the speakers on Thai, I am the one that wakes up the Mrs and tell her who just popped off the night before.

    Funny you mention Danicha, I too lived in that place for many years and I also moved out but for different reason. All these kids from ISB have to learn a musical instrument, can you imagine the unbearble noise of the first sounds produced by a trumpet? The walls of these condos are paper thin. I moved to a fantastic condo double glass on the 37th floor. It is my understanding that Thai people have no problem with noise, it's like they have build-in noise silensers. So this situation will not change soon, so better find a way to deal with it than changing the behavior of 60 plus million Thai.

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