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Posts posted by Davidhere

  1. Mrs Yaowares Shinawatra as a recipient to this year’s award for outstanding performance in promoting equal rights of men and women, and women’s right protection.

    WHAT? has this parasite done amd where???

    this is one of the main problems in Thailand too much elite cr"p like this...there are MANY good average Thais who have done so much to help the Poor and Women in distress this is an insult to their devoted work

    Now, now, don't be too harsh on her. When her driver fell ill and could no longer function as MP, she reluctantly left her safe home and agreed to stand as candidate. Now that showed courage, dedication. Mind you, her many tasks seemed to have kept her from campaigning in the district and meet the electorate which wanted some more say in who represented them as MP, but that's just the normal disturbance created by those who do not understand democracy.

    Similar to the confusion on the first page of the thread between Potjaman and Yaowaret, you are confusing Thaksin's other sister Yaowapa, with the sister of this thread, Yaowaret. Yaowapa is the sister that is an MP.

    Perhaps photos can help forum members to differentiate between the three ladies.






    Yaowaret (sometimes transliterated as Yaowares)

  2. just give her an honorary doctor title and call it a day...

    looking at the picture, did she eat the missing rice?

    Now that was a low blow.tongue.png

    Does any one know any thing about what she has done.

    I figured she would be in the politics up to her neck but there was no word about her actions.

    On various search engines, a wealth of information is available on Yaowaret's dubious activities going back years,



    PM's sister accused of kickbacks

    "Mrs Yaowaret and a politician demanded 300 million baht in 'commission' to secure a 25-year parking service contract for the new Suvarnabhumi airport."

    "They promised future assistance for the company to win a furniture contract worth more than one billion baht."


    Thaksin's sister insists on chairing a university council without a degree

    Yaowaret Shinawatra, younger sister of the deposed prime minister, is holding on to her post as Chairman of Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University Council, even though her bachelor's degree from Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University has been revoked, because of an allegedly forged vocational certificate.

  3. How quickly the military react to "sedition" finger pointed at the Red Shirts, but sit quietly by when the fascist break every sedition laws possible and claim it is a peaceful protest!

    This in spite of the great miss understanding that has been associated by the initials the Army states, stands for a separate Lanna state is actually those used by a pro government group of academic supporters (Assembly for the Defense of Democratic Lanna) initialed as PDR Lanna in Thai!

    The Army conveniently disregarded the Red Shirt leaders in Chaing Mai public announcement that they favored decentralization of power in Thailand not secession, much like the federation of states in the US, the states have there own local government with in the country of Thailand!


    Oh rubbish. These guys are just back pedalling to try and avoid a trip to the clink. You were cheering for the "People's Democratic Republic of Lanna", remember? Cutting off the water supply to Bangkok and similar crazy ideas?


    I remember that.

    Perhaps he's forgotten all those posts he made as it was such a long time ago.



  4. "When one group can cause disruption in Bangkok and further divide society, which would prompt the other group to run out of patience. This is a human nature." He did not elaborate.

    Right from Surapongs lips, all the legal defence that Suthep and Abhisit would ever need for the "murder" charges from 2010. There really should be a minimal intelligence test for PTP cabinet ministers. Perhaps i'm being to harsh, possible that it may not be stupidity, maybe just a bad memory. When one is making up excuses every day it's hard to remember them all.


    It's what happens when the major deciding factor for qualification of positions such as deputy prime minister, foreign minister, and chief advisor for the misnamed CMPO is having a bloodline to Thaksin like Surapong's.

    Of course, this also extends to the DNA-sharing cloned prime minister.


  5. Looks like the PDRC and the Army are spouting off with no reason.

    The Sor Por Por Lanna "group" denied denied allegations that it wants to split Thailand and form a people's democratic republic in the North at 10.30pm on Sunday on, where else, Facebook.

    Apparently, Sor Por Por Lanna stands for Samatcha Pokpong Prachatipatai Lanna, or the Lanna Assembly for the Defence of Democracy. For those who can read thai the link is here http://prachatai.com/journal/2013/12/50754

    thats b.s. they are cleaning up what they said. To stay away from trouble.

    Even a dim bulb can light up if given time.


  6. For Pete's sake! It was a throwaway remark made by an obscure <deleted> who's only claim to relevancy is belonging to a tiny activist group that virtually nobody had even heard of before now.

    If there were even the remotest chance that saying these sort of things might actually lead to problems, I would support reigning this fellow in using one law or another - although "treason" still seems a bit over the top. But there isn't. Frankly I'd be quite surprised to find that the guy who actually said it, let alone anybody else, takes the idea seriously.

    The suggestion that you could muster any level of support for secession from the Kingdom in Chiang Mai is risible. Folks who say otherwise are not discussing the real world, they are playing childish games.

    If it was just a throwaway remark, why were there signs and head bands?

    Additonally, CM 51 group is widely known by many people due to their extreme actions and words in the past.

    Also, their leader Petchawarat, while admittedly is a "<deleted>", nevertheless, is not obscure as a long-time extremist as well as an Adviser to a Cabinet Minister in Yingluck's administration.

    Jeez, talk about trying to minimalize the Red Shirt Separatists.



  7. By royal decree an election signed, FACT,,, publicly defied by Suthep and his mates, But no order to charge them with anything,,,

    So tell us all here just where is this so-called double standard?blink.png

    You don't read much news, do you?



    Not when the news is deterimental to his point of view.


  8. The polling took place in districts where the Democrat party is strong.

    Considering the past violence associated with the election and the recent drive by shootings, many people were not willing to run the risk of being injured. Keep in mind that the same group that attempted to block the last election is still present and voters have still experienced intimidation and threats that if they went to vote, they would suffer the consequences. When local agitators are sitting outside polling places making a record of who is voting, it is to be expected that people will put their life and safety ahead of casting a ballot.

    What intimidation and threats have the voters experienced that stopped them from voting?

    What drive by shootings have occurred related to elections in these locations?

    Drive by whistling at one polling station in Rayong..

  9. All the PDRC leaders who broke the law!

    It is about time the police did their jobs and arrest these traitors!


    What about the red shirt leaders who broke the law in 2010? Some who are in government now? Shouldn't they also be in jail?

    The current government better be careful as a precedent is being set and they can be charged for the deaths in the current protests. Fair is fair.

    Time for the DSI to get out of politics.

    Several of the redshirt legislators were also arrested for breaking the law in 2007 and 2009, as well as the aforementioned 2010.

    We await adjudication in all of those cases.


  10. I am getting so sick of all the posters who say Thaksin's corruption conviction was a travesty of justice. It was a blatant violation of the 97 constitution and Thaksin was warned of this by many people. He elected to ignore them and his wife bought the land anyway with his approval. He felt that hr was above the law, and ad long as hr was PM he was, no one would challenge him. The only travesty of justice was that his wife wasn't convicted also.

    I seem to remember Yingluck when she became PM said they would look at his conviction to make see if there were any problems with it.

    Not heard anything since.

    Until the amnesty bill was modified at the last minute to include his conviction.

    They couldn't overturn it on appeal after he fled, then the pardon avenue to exoneration proved to be a complete bust, so then let's just rewrite the parliamentary bill to do away with his conviction.

    Sleazy and shameless.


  11. Starting to feel the new PDRC laws.

    You cant go shopping at Emporium or Paragon anymore if you dont support the views of the PDRC because they are now "yellow zones" only.

    Apartheid is coming to Thailand soon.

    Actually one would get the wrong impression from the comments on this thread of the reality.Many upper class Thais in Bangkok while disliking Thaksin intensely have no particular problem with Khunying Potjaman.Indeed she is friends with many of them.I am reliably informed that Khunying Sasima Sirvikorn telephoned to apologise for her daughter (Thaya) and son in law's poor behaviour.Thaya's brother also called to apologise.A storm in a teacup no doubt but it's always worth remembering on Thai Visa few foreigners appreciate the interconnected upper class Thai world - mainly because they have no connection with it or knowlefdge how it works.However the current crisis plays out the monied upper class whether leaning towards red or yellow (obviously the bigger majority) will not be casting any member into outer darkness (Thaksin excepted of course).

    The whisle blowers brother also condemned them on live TV matichon. The families do indeed appear to be good friends and the daughter is really in the dog house for this.

    Maybe they will blame the son in law, who knows, but it was a nasty incident, very vulgar and not worthy of people who put themselves forward as the saviours of thailand from the unedcutated reds.

    Many need to grow up and offer some substance or policies. Whistles are mostly hidden nowadays away from the sites, so luckily we are hearing less of them

    The whistle blowing was frightfully vulgar, sordid affair indeed. The assault rifle response at Khunying Sasima's country seat was, in contrast, a refined, high class affair worthy of the wife of former PM and sis-in-law of a serving one.

    As well, the bomb thrown at the other house was merely a courteous invitation to play an elite game of retribution.

    Afterall, bombs and assault weapon attacks are viewed as a justifiable response to the horrifying ordeal of hearing a whistle.


  12. Now this will really get things going - People's Democratic Republic of Lanna.

    Definition of republic - noun: republic; plural noun: republics

    • 1.

      a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.


      Petchawat Wattanapongsirikul said the PDRL would just be a separate political system for the North, split from Bangkok, and not an independent state.

      lets see how that works - Chiang Mai capitol and land of casinos??????

    Chiang Mai Casinos... something near and dear for Thaksin


    Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra orders a plan to allow '1 casino - 1 region' in Thailand, a total of four casinos to boost tourism and compete with Singapore.

    Local press reports that 3 foreign casino operators have visited Chiang Mai on research, talked to the government and expressed serious interest.


    Thaksin orders a revival of the plan.


  13. Thais would not be looking to split the country in two, if there vote was to count!

    Relegating the poor to a substandard education.

    The yellow shirts have never wanted a population of citizens capable of critical thinking.

    They don't want educated well informed voters.

    They want workers.

    Until you change the education system here, its going to be ground hog day for a very long time to come.

    Meanwhile the yellow shirts have got what they wished for.

    An uneducated people to control.

    They just didn't bank on it being a red shirt controlling them.

    How have the Thaksin proxy parties improved education in the 10 or so years they've been in power since 2001?

    By giving cheap tablets to primary school children.

    And they couldn't even do that by delivering only a miniscule number compared to the 11 million promised.


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  14. Thais would not be looking to split the country in two, if there vote was to count!

    Relegating the poor to a substandard education.

    The yellow shirts have never wanted a population of citizens capable of critical thinking.

    They don't want educated well informed voters.

    They want workers.

    Until you change the education system here, its going to be ground hog day for a very long time to come.

    Meanwhile the yellow shirts have got what they wished for.

    An uneducated people to control.

    They just didn't bank on it being a red shirt controlling them.

    Refer to Post:


    All of your comments apply much more so to the Shinawatra administrations.

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