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Posts posted by Davidhere

  1. This afternoon, these same red shirts led by Chawarit Suriya proceded to literally lockdown the NACC building with chains locking all entrances. They are now protesting against the NACC investigating Yingluck for malfeasance regarding the rice scheme.

    Anyone wishing to go in or leave the building now needs to request permission to do so from the Red Shirt Guards.

    Further details and photo in the other paper.


  2. UDD's name indicates that they are against dictatorship, but their behave like a dictator. In fact, they support Thaksin, the dictator.

    Are they educated?

    UDD threats the farmers. What they are doing is to bully the farmers. I feel sorry for the poor farmers.

    They should change their name to United Front of Dictatorship against Democracy.

    Meanwhile, the PDRC (People's Democratic Reform Committee) is blocking elections and preventing citizens from exercising their right to vote, while suggesting that Thailand should no longer be ruled by a Prime Minister but by a "people's council" chosen by Suthep.

    How is that relevant to refusing the farmers to state their opinion?

    Diversionary derailment to try and salvage the Reds.


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  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Hang on a minute, 1 Million Russian Rubles are like 910,741.60 THB only, this man is a small fry,

    Does not sound right. International arrest warrent for a few bucks

    Perhaps once back in Russia more charges might be made. It's not like Russian authorities could interview him as part of any investigation with him out of the country. Further it might have been difficult to get any witness cooperation with him free.

    Additional information today reveals other charges:

    Thai Police Arrest Russian Suspected of Abduction, Extortion

    MOSCOW, February 24 (RIA Novosti) – Police in Thailand have arrested a Russian national living under a fake name, years after he was put on an international wanted list on suspicion of abduction and extortion.

    Dmitry Ishmukhametov, who entered Thailand from Malaysia in 2012 with a fake Czech passport showing his name as “Dmitry Lemba,” was arrested in a resort town just south of the city of Pattaya on charges of document fraud, media reports said Monday.

    Ishmukhametov is also accused of abducting a businessman in the far-eastern Russian city of Khabarovsk to extort a ransom of 1 million rubles (about $30,000) in 2009.


  4. Red democracy again!

    Side against my deity and we'll run you out! bah.gif

    . The precedent has been set by groups going on a witch hunt against anyone and anything accused of supporting the government. The alleged protestors were following the lead of the PDRC

    Actually, the precedent seems to have been set years earlier by the same red shirt leader Kanyapak that repeated it today.

    Rak Chiang Mai 51 Group block reservoir to protest against news talk show host


    Gay Pride march halted by red shirt militants


  5. The activist, Ms. Kanyapak Maneechak, said the Redshirts find it unacceptable that Mr. Pongsak has sided with the PCAD

    When did indicted red shirt leader Kanyapak return to Thailand? She was a criminal fugitive hiding out in Cambodia along with other fugitive red shirt leaders like Arisaman previously. Spending her time meeting up with fugitive red shirt bomb setters.

    Foreign Ministry revokes passports of fugitive reds leaders


    Suspect admits making bomb

    In regards to today's incident, some revealing quotes of hers in an earlier interview.




  6. Korat Redshirts Scare Off Rice Protesters

    Mr. Nakorn Srivipat, leader of the rice farmers protesters, later called off the rally, citing safety concerns for the demonstrators due to the black-clad UDD guards.

    "Our coordinators agreed that we don′t want any confrontation," Mr. Nakorn said, "It might lead to chaos and losses".

    He added that the farmers have been instructed to meet at another venue in Chokechai district, where they would discuss further measures to pressure the government.


    -- Khaosod English 2014-02-25

    Three cheers for Mr. Nakorn.

    First, he recognized the potential for problems. Second, he wisely called off the rally as it would have pitted farmers against experienced red shirt brigade members with his side losing. Thirdly, he didn't completely acquiesce to the red shirt militants; by simply changing the venue and continuing with the farmers' very valid protest, he succeeds.


    • Like 1
  7. Y,our first paragraph makes no sense. Your second paragraph needs proof. Your third paragraph requires that you add HOW will the incumbent Phua Thai government start to reform? Has Yingluck's reform council been setup?

    First paragraph - If you don't know this, please research. this is the case. Abhisit (Dem Leader) was put in charge as interim leader when military coup occurred. There was over 1 year of reform implemented prior to new elections. Also, Suthem was in charge of Security during the Military Rule. Abhisit ordered the use of weapons/ bullets to control the Red Shirts. Suthep then authorized lethal force to the Military. The Military/Police used lethal force and killed 65 civilians. All facts. Look it up.

    Second Paragraph - Research - The UN provided verification and certified the elections (They do this to many elections around the world) and through they acknowledged some issues with voting, the voting was certified by the UN.

    Do your research - PT won 17M votes, Dems won 12M votes. It is what it is.

    Third Paragraph - The Gov't has brought together a group of 30+ National groups to discuss and to create a list of proposed reforms. Suthep / Dems were invited to both meetings. Dems would not attend. It is the Gov't position that no reform can be legally voted on / adopted until there new House/Senate are back in place. Why? This is the law. Only the Congress can vote on reform.

    First paragraph - If you don't know this, please research. this is the case. Abhisit (Dem Leader) was put in charge as interim leader when military coup occurred. There was over 1 year of reform implemented prior to new elections. Also, Suthem was in charge of Security during the Military Rule. Abhisit ordered the use of weapons/ bullets to control the Red Shirts. Suthep then authorized lethal force to the Military. The Military/Police used lethal force and killed 65 civilians. All facts. Look it up.

    No no, why don't you cite those "facts"? yourself, go on.

    "Fact" #1. "Abhisit (Dem Leader) was put in charge as interim leader when military coup occurred."

    "Fact" #2 "Suthem (sic) was in charge of Security during the Military Rule."

    "Fact" #3 "Abhisit ordered the use of weapons/ bullets to control the Red Shirts."

    I would be very interested to hear were you learned those "facts" from.

    Just for your information, this forum has rules, that by signing in you accepted to follow.

    Rule 15 is against posting false information.


    Just to get the ball rolling on this calvacade of posted false information, I'll highlight just the first one (with appropriate citation). The truth is so widely known, coupled that the false information is so wide of the mark that the posting appears intentional.

    Surayud Chulanont was "put in charge as interim leader when military coup occurred"


    Who wants to expose the next posted false information?


  8. this fake monk is the biggest bullying scumbag , he things because he wears some fake robes he and his followers can do whatever he wants. what a disgrace to buddhism.

    This fake news station is the biggest bag of wind with their bullying scumbag lies about farmers. They think that just because they have some fake news reporter and sycophant Thaksin viewers that they can say whatever they want. What a disgrace to journalism.

  9. You know, our neighbour has just returned from the farmers protests, she had to return because she got a bit sick.

    She was paid 300 bht per day and the funny thing is, there is no (or very little) rice grown in our area of Kanchanaburi! we all grow suger cane, baby corn or casadera. So fake farmers it is! many many of these "rice farmers" are not rice farmers at all, just some villagers cashing in on "Buddha" Issara's offer of 300 bht a day clap2.gif

    So the Shinawatra news station lied then when they admiited to telling a lie.


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  10. That's true

    What next? anyone who has worked for the Shiniwatras or continues to work be publically flogged

    That's quite a Grand Canyon leap you make from acknowledging it's a peaceful protest to wondering if public floggings are next.


    If you're going to quote me, then use the whole quote as it was a question, not a statement, hence the questions marks !!

    See that word "wondering" in my sentence?

    That acknowledges you were asking a question.

    I thought it a terrific leap that that question would even come to mind two sentences after agreeing it was a peaceful protest.

  11. Condemed the attacks... on Face-f***ing-book??? A Prime Minister? You're not even qualified to be prime poo! You know what... why don't you just get the hell out of wherever you are? Join your brother in the Middle East, whatever. One kid has died, another one is brain-dead. And all you could do is go on FB. Apart from some snide or sarcastic remarks, I have refrained from outrightly condemning you all this while, but it seems with the latest rounds of actions from you, particularly this one, you've done so yourself. Brilliantly. You're nickname shouldn't be 'crab'. It should end instead with a 'P'.

    I know YL has no time to read this forum, so if any of her supporters here can pass the message along, that would be swell.

    Beg to differ she has all the time in the world to read it. She is not doing much else. The occasional prewriten speech by some one other than her self which she has not even taken the time to look over.

    I highly doubt she even knows how to use Facebook probably has a committee to do it for her.

    I believe "Team" is the correct vernacular and not "committee".

  12. Cult following... yeah maybe that would also describe the Shin family followers...

    Has she really come out and condemned them though? Considering all I have seen or heard about is a file photo attached to a written statement posted on Facebook. That 'condemnation' could have come from any of the staff with access to that account while she ran and hid in another province.

    Considering she has a Facebook Team that administers her Facebook page, the message could be from anyone of them.

    Of course, if it doesn't come across well, she could always fire the team.... again.

    Thailand's prime minister Yingluck fires her entire Facebook team

    Errr, the internet media is nothing new to politics for Thai's or other western politicians

    Did you fined anything she said that you disagree with? or you support her comments?

    Depends, I suppose, if she wrote it or her Team did.

    That's what is missing from providing her condemnation on a live, nation-wide television appearance. Certainty.


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