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Posts posted by Davidhere

  1. If this people are "dumb" and "can not vote". educate them instead of barring them of a basic constitutional right.

    Tell Yingluck's Education ministry which has squandered Billions of Baht from their budget on worthless tablets. There's no easier sign to observe that the CM Elite are not interested in educating the populace.

    Wasn't Thaksin the Education minister for 5 years? What progress was made during that time?

    Much shorter time; perhaps 6 months. He thought so little of education that he thought he could be Education Minister as a moonlighting, part-time, second job while he was Prime Minister.

    Yingluck has followed in that tradition of having extremely little regard for education as evidenced by her unprecedented SIX different Education Minister during her time in office and throwing away a huge portion of the education budget on cheap tablets, millions of which have been undelivered.

    It's clearly evident that the CM Elite understand the need to not raise the education level of those that need it the most, the poor rural base that is the foundation of their support.

    The irony of their supporters here clamoring that other non-Thaksin administrations have kept these people down ignores the many years of Thaksin, Samak, Somchai, and Yingluck doing diddly squat to improve the education of Thailand. The four of them collectively have ruled Thailand for the vast majority of the last 15 years.


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  2. .

    On the other hand the Lanna state would be unburdened by things like military and Bangkok oriented government spending, which is the lyons share of this countries budget.

    Do you really consider 1.5% to be the lyons [sic] share?

    I think most rational people wouldn't agree that it is.

    Military expenditure (% of GDP) by country

    Thailand 1.5


  3. Funny how he accuses Bangkok for wanting a dictatorship. Yet it is actually Thaksin that shows the most characteristics of a dictator. Lets see

    1) Abuse of power for personal gain

    2) Fleeing from justice

    3) Trying to whitewash his crimes by implementing a new law

    4) Tries to get an elected senate so that he can just buy his way in and replace all the members of the senate with friends/family

    5) Having all political positions occupied by family members or friends.

    A dictatorship is where you don't get to vote for the big boss.

    Thaksin and Yingluck were both elected by the people, so not a dictatorship.

    Ferdinand Marcos won election after election and was a classic example of a dictator.

    Simply being elected doesn't exclude dictatorship.


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  4. That was reading quite feasibly until the "one of the richest men in the world".

    He doesn't even figure in the top of thailand. He's very rich, but he isn't one of the richest in the world.

    Regarding his wealth in comparison to his countrymen, there's lots of evidence to the contrary to your inaccurate statement. Not that anyone can truly know what his real worth is due to dubious holdings in shady African diamond, gold, and platinum mines as well as other investments in other people's names, such as his children's billionaire status on the SET (as if they are the true owners of the stock cheesy.gif ). Even on a conservative estimate, we have...

    Thaksin remains one of that nations richest. Forbes conservatively estimated his familys holdings at $600 million this summer


    Compare him with cp man or red bull etc.

    He is not top table in South East Asia and Hong Kong. And as for the biggest wealth holder in Thailand. Well.

    You overlook the complete off the radar status of his money. His hidden wealth, his multiple proxies, , etc. account for undeclared billions that CP and Red Bull don't have the luxury to keep away from prying eyes with legitimate businesses. Lord only knows how much he's raped the Thai Treasury since Yingluck has been PM, however the billions and billions missing from rice scheme can give an indication.

    Not sure why you change the scope to SE Asia or Hong Kong, but he could very easily be the richest person in Thailand. To say he's not even near the top tier of the wealthy in Thailand is extremely naive and inaccurate.


  5. That was reading quite feasibly until the "one of the richest men in the world".

    He doesn't even figure in the top of thailand. He's very rich, but he isn't one of the richest in the world.

    Regarding his wealth in comparison to his countrymen, there's lots of evidence to the contrary to your inaccurate statement. Not that anyone can truly know what his real worth is due to dubious holdings in shady African diamond, gold, and platinum mines as well as other investments in other people's names, such as his children's billionaire status on the SET (as if they are the true owners of the stock cheesy.gif ). Even on a conservative estimate, we have...

    Thaksin remains one of that nations richest. Forbes conservatively estimated his familys holdings at $600 million this summer


  6. It doesn't matter whether we think its a good idea. It matters how many thai people might think its a good idea, and whether the thai army think that this is quite enough of this nonsense.

    Not sure the numbers, but I don't think for one moment that The Army will believe it to be a good idea. Second day running that these secession ideas have been banded around, and absolutely no denouncement from Yingluck.

    And still nothing from the Red Shirt boss, who just 2 days ago was declaring...

    ^ Not one of the PTP top brass have (AFAIK) condemned the separatists. Chalerm might yet fulfill his promise. Albeit a tad late.

    Certainly nothing from the Red Shirt Boss, who just yesterday was declaring:

    Red shirt leader rules out separating Thailand


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  7. I think the key words in this very poor attemp to stir the pot are the words no injuries & no damage . So really it could of been fireworks if anything at all

    Nope. These are the key words.

    "Unidentified gunmen opened fire at Khao Yai residence of mother of a rally leader who blew whistles at Thaksin Shinawatras ex-wife "

    Brave lot, aren't they, these red shirts? First kill children and then threaten old ladies.

    Yeah, really brave ....

    Their "bravery" is coupled by their wit, like when one of their bombers blew himself, and three other innocent people, up in an explosion that ripped the side off an apartnent building


    Another incident, like this latest gangster drive-by shooting, that went un-condemned by the red shirt leadership.

  8. said the invitation was the initiative of caretaker Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Affairs Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul,

    So what it gonna be, eggs or chicken ?

    BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Interior Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan said Thursday that he disagreed with a suggestion that UN secretary-general be invited to mediate the ongoing political conflict.

    Full story: http://www.thaivisa....reign-mediator/

    It's hard to gauge which one has more sway.

    Charupong is Pheu Thai Party Leader and a long-time crony of Thaksin, but Surapong is Deputy Prime Minister and a cousin of Thaksin.

    In the end, as is Thaksin's nature, blood won out over water and the request for the UN to come was made.



  9. Suthep has been dividing the nation with his speeches every night for the past 4 months.

    This is the result. I hope he likes it.

    It's his only achievement in 4 months.

    If the people of Issan want to become a republic then let them.

    I just hope they have to get apply for a work permit, get a visa, do 90 day reporting and are denied the right to buy land or get a personal loan from the banks, just like any other foreigner. If they decide to move or work in The Kingdom of Thailand.

    Sorry to be so cynical but this is just a power grab, an opportunity by some of the more extreme elements of the red shirt movement to make a play for carving out their slice of the pie. To convince the people of Issan they are better off without the rest of Thailand, with the reds as their leaders and a select few of the reds in charge of the purse strings.

    I would hazard the guess that the majority of thai GDP is generated in the area that constitutes Isaan and northern Thailand - although the majority of investment and expenditure I'm sure goes to the Bangkok region. Moreover, though the Suthep acolytes belittle the fact, the majority of thais, and thai voters, also inhabit the former regions.

    Wrong! Here is the GDP per region:


    Approx 18% of the GDP comes from the northern + northeastern regions.

    It could well result in a similar Per Capita GDP for the inhabitants of the People's Democratic Republic of Lanna as is enjoyed by the other neighboring People's Democratic Republic, Laos, at US$1,417 (2012 figure).

    However, the resulting exchange rate for Thaki's would be comparable to Kip's @ 8,018 per US$1 (today's figure), so at least people living there might feel they are rich.


  10. Suthep has been dividing the nation with his speeches every night for the past 4 months.

    This is the result. I hope he likes it.

    It's his only achievement in 4 months.

    If the people of Issan want to become a republic then let them.

    I just hope they have to get apply for a work permit, get a visa, do 90 day reporting and are denied the right to buy land or get a personal loan from the banks, just like any other foreigner. If they decide to move or work in The Kingdom of Thailand.

    Sorry to be so cynical but this is just a power grab, an opportunity by some of the more extreme elements of the red shirt movement to make a play for carving out their slice of the pie. To convince the people of Issan they are better off without the rest of Thailand, with the reds as their leaders and a select few of the reds in charge of the purse strings.

    I would hazard the guess that the majority of thai GDP is generated in the area that constitutes Isaan and northern Thailand - although the majority of investment and expenditure I'm sure goes to the Bangkok region. Moreover, though the Suthep acolytes belittle the fact, the majority of thais, and thai voters, also inhabit the former regions.


    Say it with flowers - buy Tida a triffid.

    Cars - Ayutthaya, Rayong

    Rice - but not any more

    Shrimps - but not in the north


    Tourism - mainly Bangkok and south

    I'm struggling to see how Lanna could support itself. Especially with Thaksin and his whacky schemes

    It would certainly spell the end to Thaksin's Thailand Riviera scheme.


    There's not much of a coastline in the People's Democratic Republic of Lanna.


  11. Maybe the loony fringe on this site will now understand just exactly what it is they have been supporting in their frenzied, grovelling, fawning adulation of Suthep

    Given the topic, it would seem a slight change is more accurate

    Maybe the loony fringe on this site will now understand just exactly what it is they have been supporting in their frenzied, grovelling, fawning adulation of Red Shirts

  12. BTW, I am of proud LANNA linkage and I am not afraid to mention that now.

    Someone who is also proud of the Lanna heritage, albeit before the recent preference switch by Red Shirts from a Lanna monarchy to a Lanna Republic, is Pheu Thai Party MP and Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop.


    Pictures of Thai Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi in full costume reportedly as the 13th century Lanna King Mangrai. Plodprasob will be taking part in a play in the run-up to the 2nd Asia-Pacific Water Summit in Chiang Mai on May 18-19, 2013.



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