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Posts posted by Davidhere

  1. I have lived in Udon now for the last 4.5 years and love the people and the area

    have done alot to the place to make it a place I love to live in

    But the wife is now talking that it is time to sell the house and businesses and move to Hua Hin

    She feels Taskin will never loose face and let his sister loose power

    she has been told to set up a power base and rebel government in Chaing Mai

    and the future for Thailand we see is fighting

    Bangkok and Issan will become battle grounds for those trying to show how tough they are

    I asked about Pattaya, she smiled and said no way husband ?????? ha ha

    This is her opinion, but I can only say, she has been right every time she has made a prediction for all that is happening

    Do as she says. She's Thai, she's the boss. Funny you never mentioned your wife before now.

    Well, she certainly knows all about Pattaya whistling.gifrolleyes.gif



    Do you know any Thais, or any nationality for that matter with even a passing interest in Thailand, that doesn't know about Pattaya?

    What sort of isolated and sheltered amphur are you in?


  2. I think you can't read, and again don't answer questions. Trying to twist words, has just made you look even more foolish. Run along Joey.

    Joey??? is that some sore of Australian insult? lol

    anyway you mean I did not answer the PTP 'principals on democracy'? sorry... it's clear - PTP participated in a free and fair election and won, just as they did yesterday in Chiang Mai. The Dems fear defeat and chickened out - what more is there to say? those are the FACTS

    "FACTS" :giggle:

    It wasn't an election in Chiang Mai yesterday, it was an announcement that the election in Chiang Mai held last year might end with Thaksin's sister being banned from politics for committing electoral fraud in that election....which would be the second occurence of electoral fraud for her and the fourth instance of banning from politics between her, her husband, and her daughter.

    Now, what was it you were saying about PTP democracy?


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  3. Could you point us in the direction that validates your "He founded NIDA" claim?

    He and Prem worked together with his Royal Majesty on developing this entity...


    Sorry, but in your link, it doesn't say anything about Anand "founded NIDA".

    Do you have any other source that does say that?

    When googling "NIDA founded", on the right side of the results screen it lists His Majesty the King as its founder.


    Yes I know his Majesty is listed as the founder...Anand and Prem worked together for years on this entity ...

    Anand...From 1982-1984, he was President of ASEAN Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and, from 1988-1989, he was President of ASEAN Task Force, in charge of ASEAN co-operation. From May 1986 to January 1991, he was President of ASEAN Committee in ASEAN-USA Council.

    mhide.gifmhide.gifmhide.gifHe also held important posts in many academic institutions, including, National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand Development Research Institute, Science and Technology Development Council, Sasin Business Administration Institute, Chulalongkorn University Council, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and ASEAN-USA Technology Exchange Institute. In October 1990, he was appointed Member of The World Management Council (CLOS) and, in January 1991, he was appointed Member of The Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD).

    Thanks for the clarification


    And thank you for clarifying that nowhere is it validated that Anand founded NIDA.


  4. Never taken a few days off on the sick then when you just wanted time off then?

    Never broken the speed limit?

    Never driven your moped under the influence of drink or drugs?

    Never done anything wrong in your life that put you in a situation that perhaps afterwords you thought "Thats was abit dumb" ?

    So what she went AWOL, she was more than likely dealt with by the Military on that one..big deal get over it!!

    This is about her credibility. Aside from the fact that she is 'close' to the boss of the ruling party would you trust a soldier that runs away?

    Sure I do, I've been AWOL a few times myself during my service, got pissed up, missed my flight back to Belfast = 2 days AWOL.

    Met a bird on leave was having a great time, said "<deleted> it" took 5 days extra = 5 Days AWOL

    Late for Scale A parades = AWOL

    Late coming in back off leave=AWOL

    Really, it's no big deal, oh and a couple of those times I was an NCO, got my wrist slapped, and a fine, and still kept my job, because I was good at it!!

    There's a HUGE difference between AWOL than desertion, AWOL isn't running away, it's being ABSENT WITHOUT OFFICIAL LEAVE..

    it's the exact same as taking a day off work when you're not supposed to, it's no big deal!!

    Outside of Ireland, it's a big deal in other countries, eg. USA:

    Art. 86. Absence without leave

    Any member of the armed forces who, without authority

    (1) fails to go to his appointed place of duty at the time prescribed;

    (2) goes from that place; or

    (3) absents himself or remains absent from his unit, organization, or place of duty at which he is required to be at the time prescribed;

    shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.


    Your 4 AWOL's would have had you thrown out, as well as the driving under the influence from your first post.

  5. Indeed, in the annals of sinister occurences in human history, her horrifying ordeal ranks somewhere between the gassing of millions of Jews and the thousands murdered in Bosnian ethnic cleansing.

    On a more stable basis, what hapened to her was wrong, but it doesn't need hyperbolic exaggeration.

    I would class your bringing the Holocaust etc. into this argument as 'hyperbolic exaggeration' in itself.

    I'm glad you could suss out that my references were exaggerated as they were intentional to highlight your own unintentional exaggeration when you made the ridiculous statement placing her comparatively trifling experience alongside of them with your hyperbolic ...

    "it is something that belongs in the most sinister and horrifying chapters of human history"

    sheesh, dial it down several notches


  6. who cares what YOU think?

    are you Thai? no - so shut up and let Thais decide

    And there was me thinking it's ok to voice your own opinion in these forums, silly me!

    agreed but to say 'He is My Man' (in bold) when not Thai warrants 'let the Thais decide' - if he is 'anyone's man' he certainly is not a farangs lol



    Is that a roundabout way of apologizing for telling other forum members to shut up?


  7. Out of curiosity:

    For those that support Thaksin, who do you think would be a good neutral PM?

    For those who support the upcountry Red Shirts, who do you think would be a good neutral PM?

    The answers may not, necessarily, be the same.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    An elected one.

    Number 1 on the party list of the Party winning the election becomes Prime Minister....What is so hard to understand about that.

    The electoral majority governs the country...Not an electoral minority in any form.

    There is no such thing as a "neutral PM".

    The electoral majority is very clear about this.

    Any hoisting into the PM position of someone without electoral legitimacy is kowtowing to anti-democratic forces. Akin to the coup-rooted AV when he was forced onto the electoral majority. They took care of that little matter the next election, didn't they.

    If anti-democracy is the first choice...OK...Then one can talk about neutral and appointed Prime Ministers.

    First decision - Electoral democracy or not...After that, selections for a Prime Minister are very easy.

    This is one of the clearest examples of these PAD-Dem rooted Polls such as NIDA seeking to add a 'Public Opinion" veneer to themselves.....Ask any UDD/PTP/RS individual and anyone from the electoral majority who a good neutral PM should be, and one is bound to get laughed or booted out of the room. So one can imagine who NIDA asked the questions of.

    Not complicated.

    Not complicated was old man river's post simply asking WHO, but maybe that is too complicated for some.


  8. Sounds very suspicious, given her profile , having a hairdo so close to an anti -gov protest.... She,s up to no good..

    That is probably not true! They made an error to say the least. It was a wrong move on the part of PDRC guards.

    I agree it was wrong and it's refreshing to read the action was condemned by the PDRC leadership. That's something not done by the UDD leadership whenever their members do something wrong.

    However, on the other hand, warnings have been given by third parties not to have children near protest sites.


  9. "Yaowapa was elated by the result, saying that she had little time for the election campaign. She attributed the victory to Pheu Thais national policies."

    Interesting remark from the candidate for this Constituency MP seat. Mind you, a 'safe seat' tends to make people somewhat careless towards their constituency, especially when members there keep on asking for democratic involvement in selecting their candidate.

    If guilty of electoral fraud, she might have attributed her victory to that, but, as said, the victory is really simply attributable to her surname in Chiang Mai, which, by itself, assured her win.

    Why the continued to compulsion to cheat is mystifying, particularly given they've already tasted the repercussions that come with their previous cheating.

    Oh well, I suppose it doesn't really matter to her. If she is banned again, she can have another of her domestic help sit in her MP seat like before.

  10. He founded NIDA ....he has worked for them forever...of course he's gonna be their dog in the race....do more research guys more than Wikipedia...

    Could you point us in the direction that validates your "He founded NIDA" claim?

    He and Prem worked together with his Royal Majesty on developing this entity...


    Sorry, but in your link, it doesn't say anything about Anand "founded NIDA".

    Do you have any other source that does say that?

    When googling "NIDA founded", on the right side of the results screen it lists His Majesty the King as its founder.


  11. Chiang Mai elections will always go to the Shinawatra clan.

    As one would expect. Which begs the question, why do they always seem to cheat in elections in which they are pretty much assured of winning without cheating?

    The other paper informs that the Election Commission has completed its investigation of alleged cheating by Yaowapa in this by-election to replace the previous MP, Kasem, who was coincidentally Yaowapa's chauffeur and only resigned from his MP seat once Yaowapa's five year banning from politics, for electoral fraud, had lapsed and she had become eligible again to run.

    Seems in this by-election, Yaowapa was charged with illegally transporting voters to polling stations.

    If found guilty, as a repeat offender of electoral fraud, Yaowapa faces a ten year banning from politics, as well as related criminal charges. The EC is to release its findings next week.

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  12. How are you going to keep children out of protests when Suthep himself is now using children as human shields?

    Here is a shot from Thai PBS News. It's causing huge discussions on Thai social media.

    By night he is complaining about children being killed and by day he uses them as human shields so that he won't get hurt.

    The look on his face says it all.

    Is there any possibility of you sharing some details and context of your post beyond your one unattributed, blurry photo?

    When was the photo taken?

    What are the ages of the people depicted?

    How far did these people walk with him?

    What are the thai social media saying about it?

  13. Shouldn't Anand have been done for lese majeste after the wikileaks incident? Just askin'.

    I will try to answer this without breaching any forum rules because I think it is a valid question and you are not the first person to ask it. There were suggestions along those lines from people of the red shirt persuasion but no one ever attempted to file charges against any privy councillors. It was pretty obvious that the leaks would have been dismissed by a court as hearsay evidence. The US government and the ambassador who was alleged to have filed the cables would certainly have denied everything and there would have been no way of verifying anything attributed to to the individual PCs in the leaks.

    Claiming what any court in this place could claim is hearsay is a bit tenuous. They are about to try to string up a Prime Minister for overseeing systematic corruption .in the rice system when there hasn't been a single conviction of serious corruption.

    Lets not believe that a court in Thailand can't put a cart before a horse.

    Conversely, has there ever been a conviction based upon wikileaks "evidence"?

    Not that i'm aware of.

    Dogmatix's points why wilikeaks would be inadmissabke to a court are quite valid.

  14. The defiance of the independent agencies and the courts is Pheu Thai/UDD/Thaksin in its purest form. It is the ultimate expression of their philosophy, and it will bring this crisis to a head. Indeed, without the independent agencies and the courts there is nothing that can ever evolve from that. That is the threat that this administration now poses. It has been nothing less than astonishing that - in the space of just four months - Yingluck has evolved from girl-guide-cookie statements - to open defiance of the judicial process. That's quite an evolution. And it shows the distressing influence her brother has had, to the detriment of the people.

    You are referring to a constitution, the umpteenth one, written by yet another coup d'état government which had been ruling in military mutiny against legitimate civilian authority. In the subsequent referendum on the constitution, the military rulers established in law a prohibition of voting no on the jigsawed document, while simultaneously including in the referendum a pardon / amnesty of themselves and of their coup d'état military mutiny.

    The same bogus agencies established by the illegitimate and reactionary military government's absolute constitution are at play here and also against the same people and their social movement.

    A coup consists of the infiltration of a small, but critical, segment of the state apparatus, which is then used to displace the government from its control of the remainder.


    Didn't we have the NACC for a somewhat longer time already? At least in 1998 both Constitution Court and NACC were present and operational.

    You've thrown him off with the factual reality that these checks and balances were in place with the 1997 constitution and there were no changes to them with the 2007 constitution.

  15. 0h really the BKK elites have denounced their fellow citizens as too dumb to vote and they havent a clue so shouldn't be allowed to vote ,thus enabling the wealthy to take control and fill their pockets and keep the proletariat poor forever .

    no wonder they hate them so much .

    Not really any different then when the CM elites denounced their fellow citizens as evidently too dumb to vote for them and how these voters shouldn't be allowed an equal representative portion of government expenditure programs, thus enabling these CM elites to siphon off billions to fill their own pockets and disenfranchising everyone that didn't vote for them.

    No wonder so many hate them so much.

  16. The red shirts just love their fires, don't they? Brought your one liter bottles too? bah.gif

    I thought the police were suppose to clamp down on starting fires?

    I see they have got a fire going again though, true to usual form.

    Even Khaosod was unable to capture anything other a highly menacing reminder of the red shirt's last " peaceful " protest - Ratchaprason in 2010 - where they expressed their love of democracy by burning down half the capital. Why do these people insist on burning things ?


    Pyromania is an impulse control disorder

    Someone suffering from this disorder deliberately and purposely sets fires on more than one occasion, and before the act of lighting the fire the person usually experiences tension and an emotional buildup.

    When around fires, a person suffering from pyromania gains intense interest or fascination and may also experience pleasure, gratification or relief.


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