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Posts posted by Davidhere

  1. "I'll gladly repay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today".;)



    From another previous thread that payments were "coming soon" like this thread...

    Replying to

    Rice farmers to get payments next week, Yingluck assures

    A female version of Wimpy:


    I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a bag of rice from last August.


    Epilogue: the farmers didn't get paid despite Yingluck's assurances.


  2. Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra did not appear in public for the third consecutive day yesterday

    Wow! Another trifecta achieved for the PM!

    The second in 3 days.


    Replying to Yingluck slammed for disseminate "hate speech"

    Her speech distorted the facts, told lies, and slandered others

    Yingluck managed to hit a trifecta... of disgusting speech. :bah:


  3. A brilliant idea, hope it keeps working. I am sure the Singapore wealth fund that bought

    into AIS is regretting it now.....

    Have a look at the huge share price increase over the last few years. I am quite sure they do not regret anything :-)

    Shin Corp has gone up an agreeably astounding 50% since 2006, but Temasek has been trying for awhile to offload all of its shares. Talks late last year with a buyer have stalled due to the political turmoil.


  4. Boycott Thai style : Let's boycott AIS. Thaksin has not had any shares in the company for almost 10 years, and the boycott will therefore not affect him or his wealth at all, but we will boycott them anyway :-D

    Why not boycott DTAC and TOT as well, Thaksin does not have any shares there either, so they are obvious targets?

    There's zero certainty that he doesn't maintain stock in AIS, particularly when Shin Corp is the largest stockholder and no fewer than seven nominee groups listed as major shareholders.



    Yes, but that was all sold to Temasek from Singapore years ago for around 70 billion. Yes, I cannot guarantee that Thaksin does not have a few shares in AIS, but then you might as well boycott DTAC or BIGC or any other company where he might also have shares.

    With this info, there's no way to guarantee that Thaksin and his proxies and his nominees don't own massive numbers of shares in both Shin Corp and AIS.


    The likelihood that he owns stock in the companies that he founded and others that still bear his name versus owning stock in companies like competitor DTAC are astronomical.

    His legendary ego and overwhelming pride in the empire he created pretty much cinches it.


  5. Yes indeed, and of course, anywhere else in the world they wouldn't be needed, because they could rely upon the police to do their duty...!!

    It would be naive to expect the police to protect you if you do not hesitate to fight them to the point of death.

    But what you obviously appear to be suggesting is that they enjoyed the protection of the police in the first place, which they clearly didn't.

    And if there is still any confusion in your mind as to who started all the killing, then I'm afraid you are beyond help. Even the police themselves were reported as being "disillusioned" after being sent in to the fray last week by Mad Dog Chalerm.

    Nobody wants any of this to continue. All it takes is for the man in Dubai to realise that it's over, get all of his cronies to withdraw, and give Thailand a chance to get back on its feet.

    But you know as well as I do that he is not going to allow that to happen; he would rather see the country burnt to ashes that give up his desire for Presidency. I envisage an abrupt ending for the guy in the not-too-distant future...!!

    Oh come on George the protesters hate the police


    The protesters are not alone.

    In poll after poll, the majority of Thais don't trust the Thai police.

    It's clear protesters have not received protection from their attackers for literally years and long before the recent battle with them.

    And if one looks at attacks on police, one of the most severe was perpetrated by the red shirts in July 2007 when hundreds of Thai police were injured during the red shirt riot then.

  6. Boycott Thai style : Let's boycott AIS. Thaksin has not had any shares in the company for almost 10 years, and the boycott will therefore not affect him or his wealth at all, but we will boycott them anyway :-D

    Why not boycott DTAC and TOT as well, Thaksin does not have any shares there either, so they are obvious targets?

    There's zero certainty that he doesn't maintain stock in AIS, particularly when Shin Corp is the largest stockholder and no fewer than seven nominee groups listed as major shareholders.



  7. ........is this really happening....

    ...a Facebook Prime Minister.....

    ...this is a bad joke......

    ...anyone can type anything behind someone's account....but this is not an acceptable way to run a country....

    ...never mind that it is all rhetoric to cover up the serious wrongs that have taken place at the hands of this present 'government'...

    ...excuse after excuse after explanation after explanation after rationalization....

    ...on the eve of the first Thai bank collapse .........this time around....

    She uses Facebook because her government website is subject to hacking:

    The official website of Prime Ministers Office was hacked today, and the words, quote: Yingluck is a slutty moron was posted.


    Although, for that matter, her personal websites are also subject to hacking:

    The Twitter account of Thailand's prime minister was hacked on Sunday by someone posting criticism of her policies, a government official said. The unknown hacker ended a series of at least eight postings on the account of Yingluck Shinawatra with a taunt: "If she can't even protect her own Twitter account, how can she protect the country? Think about it."


    Perhaps this latest silliness about Thailand being an investment haven is actually just someone's else idea of a cruel joke on her.


  8. got to laugh at these idiots, they simply want what ever thaksin tells them to want. They care nothing for the peoples rights, it is all to do with them and they dare claim to be represeting the everyday thai but will tell them what it is they really want, in other words, you do what we say or your toast, thidas communistic preferences are coming to the fore.

    I don't know or follow Thai politics,

    But I know this, I have being going to Isaan and more particularly KKC where we own property, and where my wifes, and now my family is, An I have seen an incredible improvement in the area since Thaksin, and now his sister came to power. Roads, Hospitals, shopping centers, Major home improvement, store, real estate prices ,a noticeable increase in living standards.life expectancy do to affordable health care. etc etc.

    Before that, the area was left to rot by your democrat friends.

    Don't think this goes unnoticed by the locals. I know these people well, and I can tell you this with certainty.

    They are not the idiots, that idiots like you think they are.

    It's amazing what a booming global economy can do isn't it?

    I'd be interested in knowing what has improved over the last 3 years under Yingluck though?

    Sent from my phone ...

    Two new 7-11's.


  9. Some of them still are. You can frequently see it in their references to the success of various communist revolutions, particularly in interview pieces. Combine it with one of the worst aspects of unchecked capitalism Thailand has to offer and you have a very ugly alliance indeed.

    Whatever she was in the past she is now rates fairly high on the scary nutter scale.

    In late 2009, months before the red shirts descended on Bangkok, the offical monthly redshirt magazine ran a four page article on Lenin with big full-page photo of the man himself, which had all the communist blurb held up on a pillar as if it were sacred. I remember seeing it back then and getting that "sinking feeling."

    I don't think they are all communists at all, I don't think half of them understand what happens to everyone except the very highest members in communism. But some of the red-shirt leadership definitely have real communist leanings.

    The premiere Red Shirt magazine, Voice of Taksin, with its pro-communist, anti-royal push


    An excellent website for exposing this and other Red Shirt publications with translations in English is available at 2Bangkok :




    • Like 2
  10. @GentlemanJim //I think I have given enough explanation on what I believe 'bad' is in context to Wiriporns post, it's pretty clear and concise.

    Oooh did I say 'disorderly communist boozehounds', I like that but can't lay claim to it I'm afraid. What do you want me to do in 'pointing them out' ? supply names, telephone numbers and addresses at a public rally? I have little time to do requests ;)//

    - Well I added since you forgot some. Seriously, some people here must have minority complex similar to some taxi drivers here if they need to go on a name calling rampage against people who happen to disagree with them. And the former poster is right, you are not on topic, you are dwindling off the path.

    Now for a serious question, should the monk keep his robe and if yes, please give your opinion to why.

    For a serious answer, personally, I do not consider he is suited to monastic life as I understand it, but what he does is his affair. I wholeheartedly disagree that his actions so far represent 'everything that is bad about Thailand embodied in one person', that is drama Queen claptrap. Many monks in Tibet and Myanmar have taken to being prolific campaigners for the rights of the oppressed, and some have even taken to arms. If we apply our interpretation of a 2000 year old code of conduct to modern day monks then the temples would be much less populated than they currently are. Smokers, drinkers, fornicators, materialistic laptop, mobile owning clergy. The fact is that as Buddhism is a personal journey of enlightenment then it has very little to do with anybody else. The action of every true monk is not to help other people, it is governed by doing what they believe is necessary to reach enlightenment. We are still demanding monks follow a 2000 year old code that says they 'cannot carry raw wool for more than 48 km', yet it doesn't say a monk should not have a smart phone. Perhaps if reincarnation is a given and will continue ad infinitum we need an update of the rules and regs rather than using those from 100 lifetimes ago.

    I am just amazed there are not more monks involved. Everyone seems to be forgetting the large number of monks in the North that were involved in supporting the red protests in 2010, an inconvenient truth when you are on a rant don't you think.

    This is after all nothing new and there is much more to get riled about when leaping on the outrage bus.

    Move on there's nothing new here.

    Excellent post.

    Apart from monks taking a very political stance in Myanmar, India & with the red shirts in 2010, there is even a political party of monks in Sri Lanka. Very pro-Buddhist and anti-Hindu.

    They supported the government's appalling elimination of the Tamil Tigers together with hundreds of Tamil (i.e.Hindu) citizens.

    I applaud the monk here in getting a modest Shin contribution to the PDRC cause.

    BTW wasn't this the five star hotel that the red shirt leaders were ensconced in with Arisman pretending to abseil while the others walked out the front door?

    Indeed, the SC (Shin Corp) Park Hotel is the same hotel where the svelte and fit Red Shirt Arisaman made his infamous Tom Cruise-like escape from.




  11. I have heard from directors of foreign owned companies that I know that the Customs Bureau has been on the rampage for the past several months (year) .... like the others I am aware of, Toyota probably paid in full the taxes that were levied at the time .... the business community is well aware of this ... and it's making Thailand a very expensive place to operate. I'm surprised they're going after Toyota ... someone must be very greedy and perhaps also very stupid.

    I am sure Toyota will be vindicated if they are innocent of the allegation, otherwise they will have to pay up. However, your comment "I'm surprised they're going after Toyota ... someone must be very greedy and perhaps also very stupid." needs an explanation. Please provide it so that I and others will know what you are getting at. Surely, you are not suggesting Toyota are above the law?

    I took stupid to mean that it is potentially very costly for Thailand if Toyota decided it doesn't need Customs bs nor Chalerm's witchhunt (see previous link) anymore and takes its tens of thousands of jobs elsewhere (actually I couldn't find just how many they employ here, but I would venture my estimate isn't exaggerated, but would welcome any accurate links).

    By its stature as the premiere auto industry presence here, it could be in jeopardy just because of some greedy customs chumps or a drunken excuse for the CMPO boss.


  12. TPC president Apisit Chuenchompoo said there was no doubt the Elite Card's image had been marred by the country's political problems, especially after the government declared a state of emergency in Bangkok. This was undermining their confidence because the card is directly issued by the government.

    This is the funny stuff. As if the last 3 months is reponsible for the abysmal sales figure of the card for the past 11 years and that previously the Elite Card had a great image full of strong foreign confidence.


  13. Ouch!!!! That's going to hurt big time, attacking the heart of amazing Thailand where it starts with the people rice farmers... Technically a great idea from their point of view.... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Well done Yingluck, you better flee to Hawaii or Ibiza now, before the rice farmers catch you,... cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    why Hawaii?

    don't hurt our feelings, we don't need her here.

    Fleeing to Hawaii would just be another similarity the Shinawatra Clan share with the Marcos Clan.


  14. As to who owns what , any check on share a registry, will tell where the Shinawatra's plant their money , that's if they are not hidden behind bogus company names or fake names , that no one knows about.coffee1.gif

    Hiding is an issue with even the mother company, Shin Corp


  15. The cards are named "Thailand Elite" by Thaksin and we have his Reds condemning the elites in Thailand...cheesy.gif

    A true genius in business and marketing if ever there has been one...

    Somewhere on the red-poster crib-sheet, it must surely read, "Shin-Elite Good, Old-Elite Bad !" ? whistling.gif

    May I propose a new slogan, "Thai Elite Card, the Scam which Keeps On Scamming !" ? rolleyes.gif

    But I still believe that, had it been devised in the form of an automatic on-arrival 5-year no-90-day-reporting Visa-card, there might well have been hundreds of thousands of potential foreign-residents, who might have been happy to shell-out B100k for one ? I myself certainly would have been willing to stump-up the cash.

    If they had kept their original offer to own land in Thailand, they very well may have sold the 1,000,000 cards that was Thaksin's goal, instead of the 1,300 they did sell.


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