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Everything posted by sandyf

  1. Check the facts before making incorrect allegations. With all Airbnb lets, as well as any other rental agency, the owner has declared conformity with local regulations. If there is any breach of said regulations, responsibility lies with the owner, no one else.
  2. No, new passports are usually sent out by post. Also it is often a requirement by other countries to show all expired passports. My wife takes a bundle of passports when going for a UK visa.
  3. No, as I said I was only in malaysia for a few hours. Nobody queues for any length of time at the border in the railway station, immigration only opens about an hour before the train goes.
  4. There are 2 borders at PB, one in the railway station and one on the road. Only ever been through the railway station a few times. I would imagine the majority of border bouncers have used the road which may well be different.
  5. Last Non O I did at London was late 2017, just marriage certificate and ID card. The E- visa system at London started in June 2019 but there were problems initially and some had to visit in person to get their visas under the new system. Never heard before of the Thai embassy asking for income details for the Thai spouse of a UK applicant, must have been taking lessons from UK immigration.
  6. Bit of a narrow minded view, Airbnb do weekly and monthly discounts. They have places around Bang Na & Nonthaburi at about £300/month, city centre about £500 upwards.
  7. On the non O marriage there are 2 financial questions, one is regarding your income(nothing to do with your wife) and the other is money in the bank. You need only answer one, or both, up to you. If you have a pension over 40k baht/month you could use that for first question and there would be no need for the bank statement. I did both, a copy of pension letter and print out from my Thai account, well below 10K GDP. On the non o retirement the 2 questions have been merged which is bit less confusing. Yes the UK consulates never used to ask for financials on Non O marriage, I used Hull for many years. I also got a Non O marriage in HCMC 3 years ago without financials. There has always been a financial requirement for Non O retirement and when they introduced the E-visa a few years back it looks like they tried to bring the requirements more in line.
  8. I had a protracted discussion with immigration and this point arose. They said the only time you can use the reduced time allowance on income is if it is a genuine first extension, as opposed to first extension on another visa. Obviously a discretionary issue so interpretation will vary and generally speaking the 800K(or 400K for marriage) will prevail as the majority that have obtained another Non O will have in all likelihood interrupted funding their Thai account.
  9. I was agreeing with this statement from a previous post. "The reason for my guess is that when you change the reason for an extension of stay from retirement to marriage or vice versa you forfeit the remaining time on your extension so the same rule is being applied hear." Of course remaining in context is never been your strong point.
  10. sandyf

    Baht bus prices

    Quite, and much the same in other Thai cities. Pattay is probably the cheapest city in Thailand to travel about, but still the complaints.
  11. Quite, when I changed from marriage to retirement the new premission to stay was taken from the date of application, 10 days sooner than it would have been had I remained on a marriage extension.
  12. The answer to your last point depends on the individual, some find online processing a bit difficult and others have an aversion to change. The e-visa system is a bit more involved, it has to be borne in mind it has been written to cover various scenarios and you need to read between the lines. It is certainly quicker and more convient than before. An hour at the computer and job done, no farting about filling in forms and going to the post office or the embassy. You need to note that the guidance will say all documents should be in English but that does not apply to the marriage certificate, they need to see the Thai version. I have attached a copy of the question page from the application. Good luck. Official Website of Thailand Electronic Visa_4.pdf
  13. I still have the old dull coloured book from over 20 years ago, address in it is Room 235 Apex Hotel. I opened it there because it was the nearest bank to Palmers Bar. I have not made a cash deposit for over 15 years so never seen one of these machines, just remember in the old days you couldn't go to the counter without your passport.
  14. Ridiculous post and completely irrelevant. Only a foreigner would think that earnings are related to class.
  15. Not if you have consolidated entries. Since I started doing extensions in 2014 immigration have never asked to see my passbook, only ever interested in the bank statement. On my statements deposits show up as "Transfer in via EXIM".
  16. It is all done online now and fairly quick, mine took 3 days a couple of months ago. The embassy guidance says to allow 5-15 days but most people are reporting less than a week. https://london.thaiembassy.org/en/publicservice/how-to-apply-for-thailand-s-e-visa-stickerless?page=5d6636cd15e39c3bd00072dd&menu=5d6636cd15e39c3bd00072de You need to create an account on the e-visa platform before you can make an application. You can do that now, I had my account for nearly 3 years before I actually made an application. It is a bit more involved now than before and I would suggest you make a trial application to see what is involved. If you do not submit it, it will be automatically deleted from the system after 14 days. If you run into problems there are other options that can be explored, better to have fuel in the tank before setting off.
  17. Spin it any way you want but facts are facts. Over the last year the dollar index has moved steadily from 94 to 110 and during the same period the USD/THB has effectively followed the same path from 32 to 38. Hanging on to someones coat tails was never seen as a "fixed" arrangement.
  18. Of course there is a relationship. Following the financial crisis in the 90s it became policy for Thailand to hold much of its foreign reserves in USD so a strong $ is good for the baht. But only to a certain extent, too much strength in the baht will start to impact on trade, hence the speculation on intervention. The downside is that intervention is ok in the west but in other countries it becomes currency manipulation.
  19. Previous economic crisis combined with political problems has led to a change of government. How Maggie Thatcher and Tony Blair came to power, almost inevitable the same will happen again.
  20. If planning to stay Udon Thani, you could go there first, take train to Nong Khai and tuk tuk to the border, about 10 minutes, come back to Udon the same way. Unlike many Thai stations Udon Thani is right in the middle and not far from the airport.
  21. History will always lay claim to everything. One of the biggest, most dominant corporations in history operated long before the emergence of tech giants like Apple or Google or Amazon. The English East India Company was incorporated by royal charter on December 31, 1600 and went on to act as a part-trade organization, part-nation-state and reap vast profits from overseas trade with India, China, Persia and Indonesia for more than two centuries. Its business flooded England with affordable tea, cotton textiles and spices, and richly rewarded its London investors with returns as high as 30 percent. https://www.history.com/news/east-india-company-england-trade
  22. The massaman curry originated on board the old British trading vessels. By the time the vessels had travelled from Britain to India the meat had gone off so when in India they took on board various spices and from India to the far east the meat and potatoes were mixed with the spices to take away the rancid taste from the meat. History may say it had Persian influence, but brought to the Far East on board ships of the East India Trading Company.
  23. I have just had a look and yes up to 85. I am going to Vietnam in Feb and have normally used AXA Smart Traveller, age limit on that is 75 and as I am now 75 not sure if they would still cover. Good to find an alternative. Vietnam still has an insurance requirement to enter so not an option.
  24. The frail holidaymaker - clearly walking with a bad back - is seen emptying his pockets into red trays on rollers at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, Thailand, on Tuesday evening. Seconds after walking through the x-ray, security guard Thanat Rattana, 25, is captured on CCTV casually flipping through the American man's wallet. Wearing white gloves, he carefully removes the notes, lays them in the tray, then while the pensioner is being patted down just feet away he slips 6,000 baht (£137) into his pocket. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/airport-security-guard-caught-stealing-160000837.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFTGuuy3YBpvGwq-WCzIVlav7wTshgY6lZzDrcMbhdnqJjmYQXmvZMzXD8Jge3snBlDLgNnFRpiCVxrM4ldu8KUoXSdhHRX7tHGJuPbumn_n9gAQ4G7h04WTw9U1VOM8nKB4TPuDh0H_ogYG972nPHpxQ7mbAR8JosdhpI4Neuf-
  25. Yes banks can a bit hit and miss. I was referring to the rate from the DWP which was very competitive as they buy in bulk on the foreign exchange. I now transfer GBP from HSBC and get the rate at the time the transfer arrives at the BOT, not quite as good as the DWP but not bad. As HSBC only charge £5 for the transfer the overall cost is very similar to Wise. The time frame is a bit more variable, anything from a couple of hours to a few days depending on the time of the week but not paricularly concerned about the transfer time. Some years ago I had a problem with the bank over residency and the fact that my pension was paid in and active in their system helped secure the account. Each has to look to their own needs.
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