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Everything posted by sandyf

  1. So you believe that if Thailand gave 90 days visa exempt for Americans they would be added to the US visa waiver programme. 55555 You fail to point out that only about half a dozen of the 40 countries are outside Europe and close friends of the US.
  2. You mean restart. In years gone bye there were various control mechanisms in place but foreign do-gooders brought them to an end. Obviously in the interests of publicity they picked on a particular aspect of the mechanisms that were in place. They embarrassed the government in the international press and view now is to avoid doing anything controversial. It is wrong to say they did nothing. Prior to the pandemic they had vehicles going round trying to vacccinate as many animals as possible, came to our house a few times, we have around 60 cats and 10 dogs, did them all for free. The program was suspended with the pandemic and as far as I am aware not been restarted. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/ricky-gervais-and-dame-judi-dench-back-campaign-to-stop-thailand-dog-meat-trade-9818198.html
  3. A foreigners perspective, the Asians see it differently, many Thais wore masks before the pandemic ever started. They don't have the same aversion to masks as people in the west. I did a border run down to PB on 5th Feb 2020. There was temperature checking, hand gel, and virtually everyone on the train wearing a mask, long before the west even talked about it. I fail to understand the western reluctance to caution, it is a case of Gung Ho and hope for the best.
  4. Would that have been when you changed the booking after the free cancellation period?
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