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Everything posted by sandyf

  1. But not the majority of visitors to immigration. Those that use an office that has a low turnover need to spare a thought for those that have to use an office in an area with a high immigrant workforce. A bit self centred to think that the online service is aimed at satisfying the needs of this forum.
  2. Of course they will, nothing new there. When I went to immigration the other day there were about a hundred people milling about outside, never saw another caucasian. The majority were Burmese with some other asian nationalities thrown in. Any move to reduce the congestion has to be welcomed.
  3. VFS have had offices in Bangkok for about 15 years. You would be wrong to suggest they are a weak link, that would imply some sort of joined up arrangement.
  4. Exactly, there is no pleasing some people. If this system keeps visa agents, with their bundles of passports, out of the immigration offices I am all for it.
  5. Spot on. It is an unfortunate fact of life here that immigration can be very inconsisent between the different offices, particularly with the TM30. A lot depends on which office you use but it is a requirement for a Non O visa. A friend of mine did one a week ago and was picked up on that, they let him off with the fine as being marriage he was able to do it there and then. You would be within your rights to cancel the airbnb and claim a refund. The host has a legal obligation to report the presence of a foreigner in the property and also has a legal responsibility to airbnb to comply with local regulations and would be in breach of that responsibility. Ignore what was posted elsewhere, giving someone a login and password is not the same as them doing it on their own, the host is effectively getting the tenant to do it on behalf of the host. Not all hosts will be registered and have a login and password. If your host can provide a login and password then that is probably your simplest solution and safer than going to immigration without it. Historical precedence never rules out things going pear shaped, always minimise the risk.
  6. We usually use AXA and when we both go I usually get it for myself as well, don't bother when I go alone. A couple of years ago we had a problem with the baggage on a BA flight, delayed about 46 hours. The cover was 1000 baht for every 8 hours, just missed out on the 6th segment, also over 3000 baht in luggage damage. No problem with the claim which was just shy of 14,000 baht.
  7. I use 5 government hospitals and been in a few others, never seen any of the cr_p you are talking. The one time I went to a private hospital, even though I had insurance they would not discharge me until I had paid the bill in cash. After about 3 hours sitting a wheelchair in reception a doctor intervened and got me an ambulance to the hotel. Money grabbing parasites, but then the elitist perception held by many foreigners transcends reality.
  8. A more detailed explanation can be seen at this link. If you read through you will see that USB 3.0 allows a higher bandwidth giving a higher video quality. If you have a USB-C port even better still, supposed to be better than HDMI. Good luck. https://www.etechnophiles.com/usb-port-for-video-monitor/
  9. The use of English and "foreigners" is not related. Just another attempt to discourage people from using government hospitals. One can only assume you have a vested interest in promoting private hospitals and their doctors.
  10. Yes. You would need to know what input ports the monitor has and then get an adapter cable. Probably USB to HDMI and with the age of the computer check it is USB 2.0 compatible. If you only have one USB port may have to use a USB hub to maintain an available USB port. I use a small TV rather than a monitor, good bit cheaper, and as my laptop does not have HDMI output I have Displayport to DVI adaptor cable.
  11. Nothing wrong with your logic but possibly the timing. You haven't said what you plan to do at the end of current extension. If you renew it you will probably have a problem getting married. The Amphur will be looking for the affirmation to be from the same embassy as your passport with the extension. I would suggest that in May you go to Laos or Vietnam on your Irish passport and come back on a tourist visa and get married. You can then extend the tourist visa which should take you near September. You could then leave Thailand and come back on a Non O or visa exempt.
  12. I have not heard of anywhere in Thailand that doesn't get rain.
  13. Are you trying to say that English is not being taught in state schools.
  14. When I started getting my medication from the hospital pharmacy I saved about 30% on the Fascino prices, even with their discount card.
  15. Not true and nothing to do with foreigners. I have lived in Chonburi city for 14 years and the number of foreigners I have seen in the area you can count on one hand. I use several of the government hospitals in the area and all the doctors I have come across could speak English, yes not quite the same with the staff, they tend to be a bit older than the doctors. My niece is a junior doctor at Kabinburi hospital and speaks fluent English, she went through the state education system and could speak English when she left school. It would be very unusual to come across a doctor in her age group that didn't speak English.
  16. I am fairly sure it is something to do with Facebook. I have problems with them that I don't have with any other site. Some days I can see previous comments and others I can't. They say refresh the page or clear the cache, sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't. Not that bothered so I live with it.
  17. Siamburi sell lamb and lamb products in their Pattaya shop and also on their online outlet. https://expatfoodsthailand.com/?s=Lamb
  18. And why does anyone wonder why that would come about. I moved up to Sheffield in 1983, initially lived within a stones throw of "The Lane", moved to Burncross for a couple of years and then out to Deepcar early 1989. Both Burncross and Deepcar are fairly close to the main road coming into Sheffield from the Manchester side of Sheffield. In those days it was common practice for visiting fans to park up at a pub in that area and then make a mad dash into town for the kick off. On that particular day I heard of many not leaving the pub till gone 14.30, not a hope in hell of getting there on time. Following the disaster many of the landlords in the area were visited by Liverpool fans and intimidated with most moving away for fear of getting caught up in the enquiry. The police were not entirely blameless but with only half the story coming out at the enquiry they were hung out to dry.
  19. The referendum was a fiasco and yes brexit happened, but I do not need to get over it. Business that has been throttled by red tape, passengers waiting to have passports checked, the people of Northern Ireland, etc etc, are the ones that have to live with it. They will never get over it. Only the naive would think the hidden cost of brexit has not contributed to the current state of the country. Four years of squabbling in parliament and no one with their eye on the ball. Is it any wonder the French threw their hands in the air and allowed the migrant problem to escalate.
  20. I don't remember the British voters voting the referendum bill through parliament, must have missed that bit.
  21. Only the delusional would think luck can stretch that far. I came back from China one time and was out of the airport and on the expressway within 30 minutes of the wheels touching the runway. But why should the better experiences get in the way of a good whinge.
  22. It was quite obvious you were trying to say that an increase less than it should be is not a cutback in your view. People should be grateful for any increase, why should inflation come into it.
  23. Doesn't matter what his views were, he was responsible for putting the Referendum Bill before parliament without a white paper, making brexit another tory fiasco.
  24. So what are you trying to say, that was more than enough, pre pandemic everything was hunky dory, no waiting lists and social care running smoothly.
  25. Tories came in 2010, the brexit vote was in 2016 Are you really trying to disagree with my original point that brexit came about under tory rule. "None of the Tories ever wanted to leave" That statement reinforces my point, when a party votes for something they do not want, they shouldn't be in government.
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